jo-ha Active 5 years ago

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  • jo-ha

    @djlarryt : I’m assuming you use iOs, since you talk about the apple ID – could you please tell me the app that you use to track the data stream from apps? Been wondering what I could use for that for some time now.
    Thank you.


    Everybody may have experienced, that you have video options on everything since the latest updates. I can pick all five cards from a free chest nowadays by watching 4 videos for one chest. I did this because I thought it would count towards the feat “watch a video xxxx times” – NO, it doesn’t. I have checked the count before and after watching all four videos for a chest and it didn’t count. That’s why I consider it a waste of time now.


    So, today was a first – DCC with a room setup of 4-5-6. I tried once, but the rooms on stage 3 were everything but easy. I think I gave up, when I entered room 4 with three birds left.


    …and what exactly is the purpose of this thread now? You wanna talk about it or not?


    @rawdatasystems: okay, impossible is too absolute. But it is highly unlikely – at least from my experience.


    What I saw today was new: the points given by any bird are now shown as a multiplier and not just the points. You now see the basics points and your bird with its multiplier. You can not continue picking cards from free chests. First it offered me a video option to take another card, which is fine, but then it offered me another pick for 50 gems, which is obviously ridiculous. Other than that, I haven’t noticed anything different. I hope they fixed the bug in the ToF rewarding you the same spell over and over again, but I quit the tower on level 5 today and left with only one spell.


    @angryone: I didn’t say you cheated and I hope it didn’t sound like I was impliying anyone cheated, that was not my intention.

    What I wanted to say was this: I don’t think, that the game is coded to “make you win”. If you (general you) have a lot of patience, you can get something from AB2 with pure luck. But tbh I have NEVER gotten to the 60. floor without paying at least one 3.200 gems pig. At least not by legit means and without exploiting bugs. Sometimes I think your luck in this game is anti proportional to the gem count – you have a lot of gems, find a pig on level 2, 3, 4 of the tower.
    But that’s just me ranting about a game that has disappointed me in so many different ways in the past 6 months.


    @cognitive I think this is highly individual – I like to have all hats, I don’t care about 50.000 feathers… I really just don’t. Leveling up once more is basically useless, so is the hat set once you completed one full x11 set. But I’m a collector – in every game I play, and that’s A LOT.


    Yeah, same here @doulgas, I saw the first stage and its four room, thought about trying it for a second but quit immediately.
    It really is a shame, because DC and KPP was actually the only thing that kept me from leaving AB2. But now… I don’t think I get to spend my leftover gems because I am simply to annoyed by that waste of time.


    You could get that pig with red as well, but that would require you to destroy the middle strcuture almost completely so you could hit the structure in the right angle. I agree, that this is alomst impossible with those three birds.


    Today was the same kind of weird again – only one room for the first two stages of DC. ….and those damage numbers, ough…!

    I wonder what that new concept is: do we have to reach a certain amount of points before progressing to the next stage? If that’s the case, low FP players will have a terrible time playing the DC.


    Today, again, was a walk in the park.
    But I had something funny in the DC: I had no rooms actually, I only had a score goal – at least it looked like it. Only the Boss stage had two rooms that were indicated by those “balls”.

    …and for the first time, today I saw those “damage numbers” for every bird. Highly irritating and completely useless.


    @rawdatasystems: don’t be – my pearl count is evidence for addictive behaviour with AB2. I once spent a lot of money and way to much time in this game. I regret it today, but back then it was fun. Now I feel a little responsible for Rovio’s cash grabbing attitude, because I once bought all that sh*t.


    @rawdatasystems: yeah, I remember having around 350.000 by the time the last 25K-Pearls hat set became available. I bought all hats at once. Now I am almost back to that number…

    Yeah, that’s what I thought… especially those timers, why not make it equal for all players? Why bother with implementing different timers?


    Just don’t waste your time with complaining about that. If they even answer you, they will come up with some lame excuse like “we are experimenting with different solutions for different players to enhance your experience” and wish you a lot of fun with their great game. Rovio doesn’t want you to get the video, you won’t get the video. Period.


    Oh really, 24 hours? My countdown for the pearls chest is 12 hours.
    I suspected something else behind it: Rovio should have realizes, that players are able to “starve” their hatchling and feed only every third day (instead of every second, most likely how they intended). I thought they are trying to force me to come back in the evening and seeing my hatchling leave… but come on, you gotta give me more than 10 pearls. Got 310.000 of’em.


    Another question: do you think, the pearls were reduced in those chest since introduction? I feel like the rewards have been similar to the pearl rewards in rare chest, when those pearl chests were introduced. But now I think there are much less pearls in there.


    @aggieguy: Mathilda? You mean Stella?
    I tried it yesterday: I was able to switch between the two of them, as long as the timer was still counting.


    Unfortunately I cannot link a post here, so I’m going to quote @yue-zhang at this point. I asked the same question in the arena topic and this was the answer:

    Star counting of arena match has been revealed for a long time.
    When you outscored your opponent by 7% you got 6 stars
    15%, 7 stars
    25%, 8 stars
    45%, 9 stars
    80%, 10 stars
    In short, it’s not on how many score you were ahead of your opponent.
    For example, if your opponent got 30M in the match, you needed to score 54M at least, to got 10 stars.

    These numbers are based on a table yue-zhang posted as well. If you want to take a look at it, go to page 126 of the arena thread and scroll about half way down. You’ll see yue-zhang’s table.


    @ritaashton: I guess the answer is yes. How they save the gem count is a riddle to me as well. I agree with @dezsike.

    I don’t think you can “win” in AB2 without cheating or paying a lot of money. Considering, that ToF runs up to level 60 may very well take more than 10.000 gems, the rewards are the aquivalent of 100 $ or €, or whatever currency applies.


    Up until one of the last 2-3 updates (it’s been a few weeks since then) the ToF saved the progress when the game glitched. This way it was possible to exploit the ToF: you chose a card, if you were quick enough, hard restart your phone, restart AB2, go to the ToF, restart at the same floor, pick another card and with some luck, no pig. This way it was possible to climb to level 60 with only a few pigs that you weren’t fast enough for. They fixed this a few weeks ago and the progress is no longer saved.

    Nevertheless, I know how you feel. I had a similar scenario once and I too didn’t get all my gems back (or my time and those other rewards…).


    @dezsike: oh really? Guess it’s been a looong time since I played a trail level. Thank you for the information.


    @yue-zhang: that’s not entirely correct. You only get a spell card when filling up the destructometer in case you already or still have all 7 (resp. 8) birds. So, even in that case the answer is “additional”. If you have only 5 birds left and fill the destructometer, you will never get a bird. At least I have never ever seen a spell when my birds are not “full”.


    Today’s DC and KPP was a walk in the park compared to yesterday. Though I paid 60 gems on the last stage of KPP, but this was kinda my own fault – screwed up one bird and that was it.

    : I used Terrence as well, but when I shot him up there, the boss even got stuck on his little plattform – he didn’t even fall down. He just stuck to the rock on his left.


    @angrybirdspoop: oh wow, thank you for the information. This is the only reason I stopped playing the trail at some point. I can’t believe this kind of lazy and bold recycling of Boss levels… I should just stop to wonder.

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