Ultra Magnus and acid storm

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Ultra Magnus and acid storm

  • Been testing Ultra Magnus  out ahead of the Cybertronian and Wrecker event and finding that they both kinda suck, even at 15 with full gear.

    Do they need overpowering to be effective for a weekly event? No other options but might just cut my loses and not even use sparks on them.


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  • VoltronPig

    Ultra Magnus is so lame. I’m only on 12 and I gave up on him a long time ago. Is he due up soon in an upcoming event?? He’s in the Target: 2006 group?


    @VoltronPig I think Ultra Magnus is due up soon in The Wreckers event. (He is in 2 squads.)


    I have Ultra Magnus promoted but only because he is the second best character in the Target 2006 squad. He’s the worst in the Wreckers squad.


    @skywarp378 ah I was wondering why he seems to be in so many of these events.

    Isn’t Wheeljack the best of the Wreckers? I got him promoted to 16 but will just keep Ultra Magnus at 12. He’s so weak I can’t imagine using him if there are others available.


    Yes, Wheeljack is the best of the Wreckers.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Ultra Magnus and acid storm

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