Achievements in Angry Birds, Bad Piggies, and Rovio Stars Games

Below is a listing of the achievements available in Game Center for Angry Birds, Bad Piggies, and those from Rovio Stars (such as Tiny Thief). Just click or tap on the app you would like to view achievements for to see what can be earned, including their description and their respective point value in Game Center.

Angry Birds Achievements

Select to view all achievements found in Game Center

Angry Birds Seasons Achievements

Select to view all achievements found in Game Center

Angry Birds Star Wars Achievements

Select to view all achievements found in Game Center

Angry Birds Space Achievements

Select to view all achievements found in Game Center

Angry Birds Star Wars II Achievements

Select to view all achievements found in Game Center

Angry Birds Rio Achievements

Select to view all achievements found in Game Center

Angry Birds 2 Achievements

Select to view all achievements found in Game Center

Angry Birds Transformers Achievements

Select to view all achievements found in Game Center

Angry Birds Stella Achievements

Select to view all achievements found in Game Center

Angry Birds Epic Achievements

Select to view all achievements found in Game Center

Bad Piggies Achievements

Select to view all achievements found in Game Center

Angry Birds GO Achievements

Select to view all achievements found in Game Center

Plunder Pirates from Rovio Stars

Select to view all achievements found in Game Center

Angry Birds Free Achievements

Select to view all achievements found in Game Center

Angry Birds Seasons Free Achievements

Select to view all achievements found in Game Center

Angry Birds Rio Free Achievements

Select to view all achievements found in Game Center

Comments (12)

Rank: Deputized with 175 points
By The Mad Hatter (@the-mad-hatter)

Probabaly a very stupid comment, but as I use a pc,for AB, is there any way to get achievments and get points for my account. Sorry to ask but I’m new.

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

Hi @the-mad-hatter Unfortunately, no.
Those achievements are only available on ios Devices, via GameCenter.

btw, there is no such thing as a stupid question ;)

Welcome to ABN!

Rank: Deputized with 175 points
By The Mad Hatter (@the-mad-hatter)

Thank you very much sal9,I appreciate it!

Rank: Hardened with 665 points
By JazziJones (@jazzijones)

Anyone tracking “Battle Bay” or “Angry Birds Action!” ??????

Both games for iOS, are available on App Store under Canada, but not avail. In the US store.. Just FYI


By Tracy

I am getting achievements in about friends, but no information is given and there appears to be no way to use them…?

Rank: Flinger with 30 points
By Rodrigo Angelino (@rodrigo-angelino)

Hello guys, I’ve been playing ab fight for quite a long time… And I have just realized that my achievements haven’t been counted so far… Since the very first one (unlock chuck)… I mean… I have all the 6 birds and I didn’t get this achievement and any other either… :(

Rank: Pig Leader with 11580 points
By Kingpiggy Pool Toy (@kingpiggy087)

Um, do these achievement pages…really have any sort of use anymore? Apparently Apple removed Game Center from the App Store recently, so there isn’t really any way to get them anymore.

…Unless there’s a way to earn these on Android, but I’m an iOS player, so I don’t know.

By Dennis

Nice! I love playing Angry birds. This is a great list of the achievements. Thanks for providing the resources. I even have a unique usb with Angry Birds on it.

Rank: Flinger with 40 points
By kellybobelly (@kellybobelly)

Go Angry Birds Friends!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)

@Bernersenn @ixan58 Someone help.,. I’m stuck over here whenever here is I’m try to get to the BP to say Happy New Year¡!@HunnyBúnny do you remember ,*poofing,*? poof me please?

Rank: Sling God with 46670 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)

For me there is no issue when trying to open the BP:

Happy new year to you as well

Rank: Sling God with 35805 points
By ixan57 (@ixan57)

can anyone throw more light regarding the operating of this feature. game center? etc

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