Angry Birds Challenge
Welcome to the Angry Birds Challenge! Every day there will be a new level selected for you to play (get involved and let us know what levels you want to see as challenges here). Play for fun or use it as an excuse to improve your current score. A great goal is to try and beat the "Average" score below. Already done that? Then pork up and try to fling your way into the "Top 50"! Done that too?! Then take on the ultimate task and shoot for the "Highscore"! There is also a layer of competition here, as this page is connected to the leaderboard, so if you can improve your score you may also improve your rank. That said, don't enter lower scores here.
Unsure about the "Underdog" badge mentioned in the comments? Check out the "Challenge" section of our F.A.Q. for the answers!
Squawk! Please, DO NOT enter scores using Power-Ups.
Update for Angry Birds: As of 1-Apr-2023, top scores from either version of Angry Birds – Original or Rovio Classics (recently renamed to Red’s First Flight) – are eligible for an Underdog badge. Therefore, it doesn't matter which version you play, as long as it beats the Highscore posted on the Challenge page. Score proof rules apply to both versions.
Top 50 - View
Rank |
Nickname |
Score |
1 |
tfhuskerRank: Master Slinger with 5140 points Platform: iPhone
117,830 |
2 |
gumbyRank: Sling God with 27820 points Platform: Android
117,340 |
3 |
HabaneroRank: Pig Leader with 11110 points Platform: iPhone
116,920 |
4 |
TriggerfishRank: Master Slinger with 6345 points Platform: iPhone
116,760 |
5 |
ABeggerTooRank: Sling God with 31840 points Platform: iPad
114,510 |
6 |
Klara van EmdenRank: Boss Hog with 14425 points Platform: iPad
114,490 |
7 |
angryGRXRank: Explosive with 2210 points Platform: iPhone
114,170 |
8 |
Mr StrattsRank: Flinger with 15 points Platform: None Entered
113,990 |
9 |
StrattbRank: Well Traveled with 1810 points Platform: iPad
113,990 |
10 |
bernersennRank: Sling God with 47060 points Platform: iPad
113,610 |
11 |
trishoharaRank: Avian Overlord with 18130 points Platform: iPad Mini
113,130 |
12 |
asherRank: Sling God with 33430 points Platform: Android
112,940 |
13 |
kadaganRank: Well Traveled with 1980 points Platform: Android
112,590 |
14 |
LadybirdRank: Avian Overlord with 15905 points Platform: iPad
112,180 |
15 |
RatRank: Avian Overlord with 16885 points Platform: iPad
111,960 |
16 |
Brian NRank: Avian Overlord with 16055 points Platform: Android
111,800 |
17 |
comex666Rank: Sling God with 46060 points Platform: Mac
111,660 |
18 |
foley200Rank: Pig Leader with 10040 points Platform: iPhone
111,350 |
19 |
RuetlessRank: Pig Leader with 11995 points Platform: Android
111,050 |
20 |
CoffeekingRank: Pig Leader with 10390 points Platform: iPhone
110,850 |
21 |
elcapitanRank: Gold Flinger with 9195 points Platform: iPhone
110,680 |
22 |
HallieGinSBRank: Sling God with 37310 points Platform: Android Tablet
110,180 |
23 |
- ANDY -Rank: Pig Leader with 10885 points Platform: iPad
110,130 |
24 |
howie-kRank: Sling God with 41980 points Platform: Android
110,090 |
25 |
fatboyslickRank: Well Traveled with 1860 points Platform: iPhone
109,870 |
26 |
gordo402Rank: Boss Hog with 13570 points Platform: iPhone
109,810 |
27 |
f91jswRank: Gold Flinger with 9325 points Platform: iPhone
109,570 |
28 |
ssi131Rank: Fling King with 4540 points Platform: iPhone
109,290 |
29 |
PellystarRank: Avian Overlord with 17200 points Platform: iPad
109,220 |
30 |
ScienceMomRank: Pig Leader with 10815 points Platform: iPhone
109,170 |
31 |
TiffinRank: Sling God with 27155 points Platform: iPad
109,050 |
32 |
SigridRank: Sling God with 32665 points Platform: iPad
108,910 |
33 |
AngrychickenRank: Sling God with 20685 points Platform: iPad
108,790 |
34 |
Fatcat3684Rank: Boss Hog with 12705 points Platform: Android Tablet
108,580 |
35 |
MicroMaxRank: Sling God with 20005 points Platform: Android Tablet
108,530 |
36 |
karen68Rank: Sling God with 46160 points Platform: iPad
108,250 |
37 |
waimeaRank: Avian Overlord with 18700 points Platform: Android
108,060 |
38 |
meanguyRank: Sling God with 39390 points Platform: Android Tablet
108,050 |
39 |
pharmRank: Shooter with 980 points Platform: iPad Mini
108,040 |
40 |
anton249Rank: Sling God with 29120 points Platform: Android Tablet
107,990 |
41 |
wakarimasenRank: Pig Leader with 12315 points Platform: Android
107,910 |
42 |
curiteRank: Gold Flinger with 9550 points Platform: Android
107,890 |
43 |
smithda44Rank: Sling God with 36300 points Platform: iPad
107,850 |
44 |
PauliboyRank: Sling God with 22565 points Platform: iPad
107,810 |
45 |
ixan57Rank: Sling God with 36280 points Platform: Android Tablet
107,760 |
46 |
PeeJayDee27Rank: Sling God with 36520 points Platform: iPad
107,710 |
47 |
BogartRank: Pig Leader with 10280 points Platform: iPad
107,570 |
48 |
realfishRank: Sling God with 24465 points Platform: Android Tablet
107,560 |
49 |
skowseRank: Sling God with 34645 points Platform: iPad
107,530 |
50 |
sparty83Rank: Sling God with 33800 points Platform: Android
107,520 |
- Can you improve your current score and get into the Top 50?
glad to see someone on the scoreboard Dr. O (@steviep147) I thought we were going to go at least 2 days with no improvements from anyone ;-)
Happy Holidays to everyone!!!
Does anybody actually play Star Wars? Just asking
Yes, there are a number of flingers that do.
Tried to improve my score to get into the top 50 and no such luck today. Could not obtain a one bird solution, not even close!
@admins When using the hyperlink to the Walkthrough Page I’m getting the following –
“There has been a critical error on this website.
Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.”
The walkthrough is there but no comments etc.
And it’s fixed!
When I click on the link for the Space Cosmic Crystals Challenge today, it takes me to Rio Jungle Escape Walkthrough Level 19. Anyone else experienced this?
@admins @sweetp
@peejaydee27 Same here
@admins @sweetp
And the leaderboard for the challenge today appears to be from Rio Jungle Escape level 19.
What! Another Star Wars Challenge 🤨
And again!
What’s wrong with it?
It appeared as it normally should, in the rotation of all the games that are played in the Challenge. (Not necessarily in this exact order) Star Wars, Space, Space Mirror, Rio, Seasons, and Original. So could you please stop complaining about it? Thanks.
10-4 sorry!
@admins I notice that the 6th placed scorer on here has a blank for a name. I also noticed the same on a previous challenge a few days ago. Is this a glitch?
I don’t see any blank names.
Hi. This is what I see on Space Red Planet 5-3.
Sorry forgot the @sweetp
Hi @sweetp any progress on this?
Not going to worry about this. It will take me hours wasting my time to go through the leaderboards of all the AB games.
I see that today’s challenge was actually blacklisted by @sweetp in 2019, as high scores are zero birders, so unsuitable for a challenge. Guess the birds must have escaped the cage!
Oh my goodness! It definitely was blacklisted and it’s my mistake for scheduling it. Ugh.
@desperate-dan @hallieginsb @discobeaks May I enquire what platform you have Red’s First Flight on? Thank you all.