Nemesis Hot Rod

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  • A new event has started! The top prize is Nemesis Hot Rod.

    This event uses one TF and an energonicon.

    Special feature(s) – plus (light grey, probably +5 points) and minus (black, probably -1 point) blocks

    (Part of) The event banner for Nemesis Hot Rod

    The bonus squad is Enslavers (26), consisting of Nemesis Hot Rod (36), Barricade (78), Motormaster (83) and Scorponok (143).

    All these TFs are in the token exchange with accessories.

    Have fun and good luck!

    PS. The numbers (in parentheses) after the squad and TF names are their (respective) Spark Run rankings.

    Previous event in which Enslavers was the bonus squad.

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  • Galaxes

    Dog event bro. None of these TFs are worth spending gems. It s gonna be painful while trying to grind gems with only %210 promotion.


    Yeah I’m using Classic Bee again and sometimes his score is only 170. Can’t see me getting the 10k, tokens but not too bothered. I’ll grab the crates instead.


    Day 1- Wood blocks
    Day 2- Balloon Piggies
    Day 3- Flying Piggies
    Day 4- Cyberformed scenery
    Day 5- Flying Piggies (again)
    Day 6- Gold blocks


    Is anybody going to bother grabbing Motormaster or Scorponok? Doesn’t seem like they’re worth using tokens on (per Grimlock’s list) when you can also upgrade Nemesis Hot Rod or grab a gold crate.


    The negative points, on top of the single TF, makes it hard to accumulate any points. One of my games nobody even got to 250. Makes you consider taking the week off and catching up on other hobbies lol


    Does the names TF get any bonuses/buffs/reward  over and above the standard X4 squad bonus?


    *named TF, so in this case Nemesis Hotrod


    @voltronpig Scorponok Pig plays just like Galvatron Pig, except with only damage-increasing accessories (no cooldowns).

    He’s pretty useless by himself, but he’s probably your best Plus One when an Enslavers event lets you use two characters. You know, if you ever encounter the Boss Pig or when missiles are the challenge of the day.


    @drypen64 you posted in a 2-year-old thread on a previous event. Here’s the current one.

    As per post #1, light grey blocks give you +1 point and dark grey blocks are -1 point. If you use Nemesis Hot Rod, it looks like you’re losing points at the end of the run because he sends the dark blocks flying so far that they don’t hit ground again for several seconds.


    Man. What an absolutely useless week. Pointless to play with these negative points


    Thank you for the link and the info. I didn’t know there were negative blocks!


    Stupid ahh event. No characters worth unlocking and the targets were awful in general.


    I’m still doing ok, and without that much playing. My Nemesis Hot Rod is +200% promoted now. I finished day 5 at 9100 tokens, so I’ll easily get the 10k I need to overpower NHR again.

    If still rather use NHR than Scorponok. (Also, I don’t have Scorponok LoL) If a group of blocks is almost all dark, I don’t shoot it. If it’s half dark or less, I shoot it. Sometimes the dark blocks just end up on the ground unexploded anyway because they’re harder.


    @galaxes Nemesis Hot Rod is worth having and kind of fun.
    Barricade is just mediocre but at least his weapon has a natural EMP effect.


    @noahlot nah I would rather get a diff character with crates.


    There’s no one right way to play. You do you!

    With that said, you don’t always unlock a new TF from 10 gold crates. It will happen less and less.
    Every event repeats. Your end goal should be to have at least one (if not two) TFs unlocked and promoted for each squad. Two gives you great promotions for a 2 bot event.

    For a squad like this, you’ll use your top two promoted with an SR killer like Dirge leading in your Spark Run for the week.


    Thanks for the reference @tahtorak. I hate Galvatron (any TFs that have the long shot-delay). I’ll avoid getting either of them and just deal with the Boss pig and missile days.

    I’m using the same strategy, but NHR has such a big shot I just pray the black blocks don’t all break up when they fly everywhere. That’s what makes this TF/event combo so frustrating.

    Question: Are the formats the same for every Type event? Like for this Enslavers event, there is only 1 TF. Are all Enslaver events only 1 TF, or do they mix it up and maybe allow 2 next time? (same with the negative blocks feature)


    @voltronpig Just follow the “Previous event” links I put into the opening posts. But general answer to your question is “no”.

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