Rovio glitch reimbursement policy BAD NEWS

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  • Yesterday i had a RARE moment when i got all the way to the 59th floor of TOF, before i hit a 3200 gem pig. I was down to 2200 gems, but made the choice to buy more. I mean how often do we get to the 59th floor with nary a pig? When i tried to buy more gems the game glitched and froze. I immediately wrote Rovio explaining i had lost 6400 gems just to get to the 59th floor, BUT ALL THOSE REWARDS! those apples, feathers, spells, BPs, i collected on each floor. all gone!

    Rovio finally wrote back today and sent me a 1200 gem compensation. When i wrote back and said, Do the math, that’s hardly fair!, they responded with a new policy decree: due to some unpleasant incident last month, Rovio’s policy for reimbursement have changed. and that’s that.

    so be warned if you spend money on gems, if you dare to go to the top of TOF, Rovio will not protect you if their game glitches out. which we all knows happens quite a bit.

    UPDATE: after many follow up messages to CS, they wrote back and said to take it up with apple!!!! it wasn’t apples in-app-purchase that caused the problem, it was Rovio’s faulty game that glitched. and if they’ve had to change their policy then it’s clear it’s happening often.

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  • jo-ha

    Up until one of the last 2-3 updates (it’s been a few weeks since then) the ToF saved the progress when the game glitched. This way it was possible to exploit the ToF: you chose a card, if you were quick enough, hard restart your phone, restart AB2, go to the ToF, restart at the same floor, pick another card and with some luck, no pig. This way it was possible to climb to level 60 with only a few pigs that you weren’t fast enough for. They fixed this a few weeks ago and the progress is no longer saved.

    Nevertheless, I know how you feel. I had a similar scenario once and I too didn’t get all my gems back (or my time and those other rewards…).


    great so for every legitimate player that has the game glitch on them, they’re out of all the gems they invested and all the rewards. I knew it was too good to be true. I almost NEVER make it to the 5th floor before hitting a piggie.


    That’s ok to not save progress but don’t save the gem and time counters aswell!

    You Gotta be Joshing me

    Sometimes I wonder how Rovio could stoop that low…


    They can go as low as a snakes belly for a quick buck


    @ritaashton: I guess the answer is yes. How they save the gem count is a riddle to me as well. I agree with @dezsike.

    I don’t think you can “win” in AB2 without cheating or paying a lot of money. Considering, that ToF runs up to level 60 may very well take more than 10.000 gems, the rewards are the aquivalent of 100 $ or €, or whatever currency applies.


    I’m sorry to read about that and surprised they are giving you such a hard time, so not fair and it’s really sad and incoming that Rovio is treating you like that. The past 3 months I to purchased more gems at 59 floor, fortunately though did not get kicked out before making it to the top. They gave me a hard time in a different way because 3 of the 3 times in the past 3 months I paid and made it to the 60th floor. Each of those times I didn’t get any of the egg rewards so I had to email support each and every time also there was a feather bonus going on. I would get some of the rewards a little at a time and would have to again notify them them your missing the hat, they tell me I already have it, I tell them yes I won prior, so had to ask for BP replacement, then reminded them after they gave me feathers, no it should be double, blab blab blab, went back and forth 3 or 4 times to finally get fully compensated. They entire time I felt like I was an annoying pest and that shouldn’t be, I don’t play free I rountinely pay real money to play and shouldn’t fight and feel like a leach just to receive my earned rewards nor should you.


    I wouldn’t pay $100 it does cost gems yes but I never paid that. I’ve had a few times when your on a roll and, suprise, though very rare pigs are actually few and far between especially during hat events and that’s when aI try, but that’s just been my experience anyway.


    Wow… and I thought I had it bad, when game crashed as I reached L21 without any pigs and I lost all rewards, including Mythical Hat.

    The way Rovio acts is not unlike insurance companies do. They also promise moon and sun for the clients and try to sell you new options… until disaster strikes and they should fullfill the contract. Suddenly nothing is covered and they give you runaround, trying to tire you.


    Swine flu

    Yep rovio does not care about any players even in the slightest. As long as people keep paying money the glitches that steal it will continue. I lost a legendary hat 2 updates ago. Still fighting with them as of now to get it back. But due to their strict policy ( well only strict if your not a hacking cheater) they say they can not give me my hat back.

    They get no money from me.  Ill play what i can but minus clan events i dont spend gems


    If you didn’t already, go to wherever you downloaded their app and give them a bad review. Maybe if we all start spreading their thievery around the internet, they will be forced to operate with integrity.  And don’t give them another cent until they do.

    Ang Ryone

    @jo-ha I dont cheat, I don’t buy gems and I have at most had 3500 gems, but mostly around 1000, and can tell you that you do need some insane luck to get to level 60 without spending way more gems than you earn. I’ve made it to 60 twice and both times spent 1570 gems and pretty much broke even on gems. I’ve played ToF ~200 times and I’m pretty conservative with my strategy: don’t lose a lot of gems on every run because I will need gems the one time I get lucky. I do take the occasional shot that isn’t motivated by gems when I’m close to 30 because I want legendary hats. So if a piggie turns up on floor 26 and I have to pay 200 gems, then I’ll go for it. 400 gems though is really stretching it if you don’t have a lot of gems left after that.


    What really took some burden of me was when I realized that it doesn’t matter which card you press. It’s not coded in the way that a pig is behind a certain card. For any card you pick there is a probability distribution of loot so you might as well just pick one card and click that every round.


    Best of luck.


    @angryone: I didn’t say you cheated and I hope it didn’t sound like I was impliying anyone cheated, that was not my intention.

    What I wanted to say was this: I don’t think, that the game is coded to “make you win”. If you (general you) have a lot of patience, you can get something from AB2 with pure luck. But tbh I have NEVER gotten to the 60. floor without paying at least one 3.200 gems pig. At least not by legit means and without exploiting bugs. Sometimes I think your luck in this game is anti proportional to the gem count – you have a lot of gems, find a pig on level 2, 3, 4 of the tower.
    But that’s just me ranting about a game that has disappointed me in so many different ways in the past 6 months.


    @jo-ha, I would not say it’s impossible that even ToF is “fixed”. After all, we’re guinea pigs of Rovio and their “experiments”. For example, we already know the video option is not available for everyone or that BP chest can have at least two different timetables (12/24h) for opening… so more “experiments” is certainly not out of the question.



    @rawdatasystems: okay, impossible is too absolute. But it is highly unlikely – at least from my experience.


    I seem to have unluckiest streak going on. So unlucky that it seems to defy the odds.

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