hogbeater Active 2 years, 6 months ago

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  • hogbeater

    There is a youtube video of someone who had 26 000 gems and they got to level 89 (it was when it used to have 90 levels).  The most gems you have to pay is 3200 and it stays at that level.


    I find it very helpful to watch videos beforehand. Try Johnsonfunky, Lakimen, Angry z and anonymous AB2 user. Search for them on youtube


    I take back what I said, I actually like this. It’s good you only use 5 birds. You can leave out crap birds and use the good ones and get strikes on most rooms. On my main account I got 110 million and the FP of my birds is between 154 and 164. I used Terrence, bubbles, stella, bomb and red, and I also used the same birds (substituting red for leonard) on a different account (where I have lower fp but got a similar ratio). Obviously though, this set up favours those players who have 3 or 4 birds powered up much more than the others. Mine are all similar-ish


    I remember when they allowed you to choose your flock for MEBC. It was a complete disaster, I have no reason to believe it will be different for CvC


    However….at least it is possible to do so. With several of the normal extra hats they have recently brought out, if you manage to collect all of them during the event (spending a great deal of gems), you are then able to upgrade them another two times (spending even more gems to get the special hat tokens). Once the event is over, it is no longer possible to get these two extra upgrades (which result in an extra +16 FP). This is great news for the hackers and for those who have more money than sense, but for the rest of us it just increases the gap between us and the top  players


    I agree with you APN, but actually there are currently 3 hat sets already available (samurai, roman and ninja) so if you had bought all of them and upgraded the Sumurai you would have increased your FP by 32 from the slingshot and 14 from the extra +2 from the Saumurai hats (compared to the +10 from legendary hats). It is very difficult indeed to save up 5 000 coins for a mighty hat after the discount, as I discovered last season when I wanted to get the Terence Ninja hat which I was missing.


    Yesterday, I said I was pleasantly surprised. However, that was when I was playing with my high FP account. I have tried it with my lower FP account and it totally sucks. I had to restart a match 3 times in order to win, and then I got completely slaughtered in the following match, meaning I can no longer get a winning streak.

    I hate the way they have removed the spells. And made the destructometer fill much more slowly. But what is totally unforgivable is that they have also changed MEBC, which again gives you much less extra birds from the d meter, and never gives you any spells anymore. I don’t need this game any longer

    Yet again, Rovio, you never fail to disappoint me.


    I have just realised that you can restart the room or shuffle the birds. Don’t know how I missed that earlier.

    I have also realised that (at least in my league) I need to get 600 points in order to go up a level!  That is of course possible, but very difficult.

    I decided to continue playing during my early lunch break, and I am now in the clear lead in my leaderboard (but still nowhere near 600 points)


    I had low expectations of this, but I am happily surprised…so far.

    I have played about 7 matches, and won all of them easily getting 10 stars each time. However, I am not happy that once you win the streak, you cannot start another streak straight away. I have to wait till it resets (I guess that will be the usual 5am GMT).

    I don’t like the way you cannot use spells. I don’t know about having to re-start the game if you lose, as so far I haven’t come across that.

    They could improve it by either:
    1. allowing you to buy extra birds at the end, like the old arena; or
    2. allowing you to re-start the room and shuffle birds, like MEBC. Useful when playing well but you mess a room up.

    Also, they should re-start the streak once you finish. I am now 2nd place in my leaderboard with +123, but the first place player is +210, but there is little incentive for me to continue playing this today as I have to wait till tomorrow now for the new streak to start.


    Rovio love trying to break things that work. Maybe they should remember: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

    They did the same thing with the MEBC…fortunately they changed that back to the way it was (and introduced the local leaderboards, which believe it or not, were a good idea). They also tried doing the same with the new hat sets, introducing stupid event coins but fortunately they have gone back to the way it used to be. Now they are doing the same with the Arena. Going on previous experiences, it will be a disaster.



    I see what you are saying, but I never advised snow7501 to avoid getting the next hat set from the ToF. I advised to wait till the next season starts, and then get them. But I disagree with what you say. The discounted hats from MEBC are 1500 coins each. And if you were to place first for 45 days in MEBC you would get 2250 bonus coins, plus the coins you actually get from doing it (I average 35-42 per run) plus the bonus at the end of the season (usually 2000). Remember, the MEBC hats can only be obtained from doing MEBC, they are X11 hats and once you get a set you upgrade your slingshot.
    As I have obtained all the hats I can obtain from the normal hat store, and currently have over 200 000 pearls, I guess I’m not that bothered if I save pearls or not. I just wish there was a way you could convert your pearls into either feathers or gems.



    What you are saying is right. Do not get any more hats. And let your hatchling fly away.

    When the new season starts, try getting all the hats (plus duplicates) and start off with your hatchling again. You will then have a higher FP than those in your leaderboard who already collected the hats. And if you get up to a 3rd level hatchling, that will increase your FP by another 24.

    The other thing you can do is make your lowest FP extra bird the active one.



    I have just requested to join your FB group, it will show a different name though



    Sick to death of losing clan battles, it seems likely we are going to lose the latest battle, which is about the 10th consecutive clan battle we have lost. Usually due to non-players. I want to join a new clan. I am SR 109, FP 970ish, and currently emerald I in MEBC.  I am first place in the local MEBC leaderboard  and I consistently get very good scores in clan battles, latest clan battle I have over 130 million points. Anyone point me to a good clan where everyone plays?


    @birdpower, your SR is 36, not 8! There is a large difference. In a clan I used to be in, there was a player who was SR 20 and had FP in the 600s. I believe he was genuine because I used to screenshot his profile each week. His SR remained at 20 (so obviously didn’t play in the arena) and his FP only slowly creeped up, so if he was hacking feathers he was doing it at a very slow rate. But to have a FP in the 500s with SR 8 is most likely due to hacking. And bear in mind that the original post was over 2 years ago, when the max FP was 700


    Your game data is stored on your phone, it is just backed up on FB so you can move it to a different device, or play it on both your phone and tablet etc. So disconnecting from Facebook will only stop it syncing to a different device. Not a problem if you only use one device to play it on


    I am not sure to the answer of your first question, but once you have reached the max level, you still collect feathers. Every so often, Rovio increase the highest card level, and if you have enough feathers your bird will then automatically level up. I guess some of the top players have millions of extra feathers.

    It’s a bit like Pokemon Go, once you reach level 40 you  still collect XP, but it isn’t used (till they bring out new levels)


    By using 3 express tickets and countless number of normal TOF tickets, along with DC/KPP daily, I have got 5 of the hats. I cannot complete level 7, but have got very close to doing it.

    Last time, I could get very far using a normal TOF ticket. This time, I am getting a piggy nearly every time before level 5, often even 2. With one of my express tickets I managed to get 3 piggies between levels 21-25! It’s a joke. I hope they realise that noone is amused with this. The only slight advantage is that I got my fifth bird yesterday, meaning I have 300 special coins to spend on rainbow feathers before the event shop closes.



    Is it a feather frenzy next Sunday?


    I couldn’t believe my luck in the TOF today. I used an express ticket, and got to floor 60 and only had 3 piggies, so only paid out 170 gems. When I got to floor 60 I had received over 400 gems, over 1500 special event coins and a whole bunch of spellsand feathers. Unfortunately I didn’t get the Terence Hat. However, I got the special egg on floor 60 which gave me another 2000 gems and even more feathers.

    I will have enough event coins tomorrow to buy chuck. I have already bought the silver hat. So I shall just be missing Terence, which I doubt I will be able to get.

    I have finished level 7 of the adventure, so got another 2 express tickets doing that. I think I will save them for the next hat set.


    I think Axel McBum is a synonym for Sola Alexa, and as he’s banned his clan mates are saying RIP for him.

    As for Beast….it is very likely he didn’t spend a penny on the game. He was a cheat. He hacked gems, feathers and spells and maybe even his star rank. However, he would have spent many hours getting to the top spots in MEBC, so he has lost all that time. But don’t feel too sorry for him. Feel more sorry for the poor sods who spend their time and money on the game and struggle to get to FP 1000.

    I was sure Solo was a cheat, but maybe he wasn’t. He must just be a very good player.


    Solo was also missing. Is he banned?



    I personally would not do what you said you would do. I know about that glitch, and used it myself after my account got banned after 2 years of playing (I play on 3 devices in total…I’m positive it is something to do with that). If you advertise this glitch, Rovio will just patch it in their next update.

    You still lose your apples, your MEBC frame and any MEBC coins you may have accumulated – over 4000 in my case. I was going to buy a Roman hat I was missing.


    I must admit, the DC was very difficult today. I hated it. I don’t even want to think how many gems I had to spend to finish him off.The first two levels of KPP were dead easy. In both cases I had birds left over. The third one was more tricky as there was no exit, but I think I only had to buy 3 extra cards (60 gems) to finish it off.


    On the first day of this new feature, I completed DC and KPP and had no extra birds. They just didn’t turn up. But it only happened the once, fortunately

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