Kochschwein Active 1 year ago

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  • Kochschwein

    If you have a hatchling that only needs 5 apples a day, it seems to be unimportant how much apples you’ve collected a day. But if your hatchling needs more apples it’s important to know wether the contingent for free has been collected or not.


    Don’t mind, it’s all about the big glitch with the new clan battle and MEBC. System is going up and down from time to time. Hatchling will be back soon.


    Seems that the whole world have this problem currently. Nothing else to do as to send tix to Rovio.


    Don’t know how many map levels there are in the meantime. Most of apples are required for the orange hatchling – 350.

    Hatchling Rank

    Multiplier / Hatchling Color / Apple Feed

    x1   white-yellow   5

    x2   brown-beige   10

    x3   lilac   25

    x4   yellow   50

    x5   light blue   100

    x6   sea green   150

    x7   purple lavender  200

    x8   purple magenta   250

    x9   turquoise   300

    x10   orange   350




    It seems not available yet. Wait a bit until it will appear.


    Just like a normal hatset upgrade and slingshot upgrade as usual. A little bit poor.


    Yes, you need the full hat set. First upgrade will cost 25.000 black pearls, second upgrade will take 50.000 black pearls. For every single hat!


    Make sure, there are no apps or windows open in the background.

    Before starting the game clear the browser cache.


    Hi everyone! Fuzzis have open spots for daily active players. Come check us out and join this awesome clan!

    Hallo allerseits! Fuzzis haben offene Plätze für täglich aktive Spieler. Schaut vorbei und schliesst euch diesem tollen Clan an!



    Would be nice if I could follow your tips. But I’ve other boss levels than you each day. :-(


    Hey all!
    Fuzzis are looking to find some new teammates. We’re a clan where you have to play if you want to stay: daily participation, 3/6/12 on events, MEBC, more than one try in clan battles. Fuzzis are currently ranked on #63 MEBC. Communication via FB group, Messanger and clan chat. Come and check us out! We’re awaiting you!

    Fuzzis clan ID  #454468


    Hallo zusammen!

    Fuzzis suchen nach neuen Teamkollegen.  Wir sind ein Clan, in dem du spielen musst, wenn du bleiben willst: tägliche Teilnahme, 3/6/12 in Clanereignissen, Adlerausbildungslager, mehr als ein Versuch in Clankämpfen.  Fuzzis sind derzeit auf Rang #63 der Clan Bestenliste eingestuft.  Kommunikation über Facebook Gruppe, Messanger oder Clan Chat.  Komm und besuche uns! Wir erwarten Dich!

    Fuzzis Clan ID # 454468


    I got the quickest responses through AB2 Nest on this page. Via the ingame support line it sometimes took weeks or I got no answer at all.


    @birdbrained, I don’t mean the game, I mean this page we’re on. Look at the yellow line above. Select the last pull-down menu on the far right, “About”, underneath the item “Contact”.


    @birdbrained, click the pull down menue above



    There you can send a message to Rovio.



    Hallo! Fuzzis, Clan-ID #454468, derzeit auf Platz 92 MEBC, suchen nach aktiven täglichen Spielern, um den Clan zu füllen. Anforderungen sind 3/6/12 in Clan-Events, Teilnahme in MEBC und mehrere Versuche in Clankämpfen. Kommunikation über Clan-Chat, FB-Gruppe oder Messenger. Sprache Deutsch und Englisch. Bitte sendet eine Anfrage und schließt euch den freundlichen Fuzzis an. Die Clanmitglieder freuen sich darauf, euch kennenzulernen!


    Hi there! Fuzzis, clan ID #454468, currently ranked at 92 MEBC, are looking for some active daily players to fill up the clan. Requirements are 3/6/12 in events, MEBC and several attempts in clan battles. Communications via clan chat, FB group or messenger. Language german and english. Please sent a request and join the friendly Fuzzis. The clan members are looking forward to get you know!


    After a few seasons doing so, you’ll find yourself in Vanilla League with 250 feathers and 100 black pearls as reward.


    Haven’t seen that yet. I’m still rewarded for getting apples.


    Good question! Same thing with spells. Don’t know what to do with hundreds of it. I think it’s a bad planning from Rovio about the new arena.


    Congrats, @maverick78! I agree with you, the rewards in the new arena are terrific. I got 100,000 rainbow feathers at the end of the season and I didn’t know what was happening to me. Totally great!


    First of all, if you are in a good clan which do and win all clan events, it’s fair to share not only the rewards but also the work to get them. That means the rule 3-6-9 or 3-6-12.

    3 points in 200-point-events,

    6 points in 400-point-events and

    9 or 12 points in 600-point-events.

    Every member has to reach this minimum. In case of a full clan with 50 members the average score is


    400:50=8 and


    So there are points left to battle for the first rewarded places. Most of the time it’s forbidden to overtake in the rewarded places when the event is done. It’s a good rule to avoid freeloaders and moochers who only do 1 point to get the rewards while other members score much more to get the event done.
    You haven’t to buy gems if you be careful and don’t waste them in TOF or arena. Of course you may not use all your gems for yourself, but the rewards in clan events are worth it. To reach 3 points it will take 20 gems/1 day-event. 6 points will cost 60 gems/2-days-event, 9 points will cost 120 gems/3-days-event.

    Also you are helping the clan to reach a better ranking in MEBC.


    Haha, that would be nice! I only would edit easy levels for me in my favorite snow blaster and spitting flowers game and would be winning every time!


    @max1, it’s too bad that you won’t use Hal! He’s a nice bird for very special structures to use for. When Hal is in the daily flock I’m often winning even against Mr. Collins!  ;-)


    @toatx1, I had the same experience with Mr. Collins this week. It’s impossible to win against him. I’m in the lead, but towards the end of the round he is getting one extra bird after another until he wins! Odd thing!


    I know nothing is random in this game. I figured out that the less I play the more I win. If I play several levels in a row I will find me at the bottom of the field and it’s wasted time and tix to come up again.


    Is it that bad to stay in a league that suits your abilities? If it’s not enough for the Master league, you can stay in the Legendary til you’re good enough for rising up. The rewards are good for increasing FP.

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