Veggie Active 7 years ago

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  • Veggie

    Ok, regarding the facts:

    – 1 chance every 12hours
    – no awesome items
    – no gems

    Dont’t get me wrong, the idea is good but Rovio is much too stingy.


    Cool new event. Just finished the 10 levels but unfortunately only received crappy A-item. But hey, at least somethibg new.


    Guess TomT didn’t stop playing this event just because he’s too weak. This game sadly went completely dull at a certain point.


    And exactly thats why all the events and Arenas become useless once you got the “original” items from the slot


    A real ABF for sure needs all of the piggies no matter if they are useful or not. So go for it!


    Just ignore the Top 200 List.
    Just try to play every 90 Minutes and if necessary use some gems if you are ask for help.


    Arena just continued. Prices are not worth playing


    Theres only one big problem: you can’t avoid to combine pigs if you “accidentally” win a second one in slot or monster event. So sooner or later you will have to increase the pigs level sadly.


    Main problem: once your are maxed out and finished all islands and pig lab levels the game offers too less to play as much as you did in before.

    All event prices are weaker then the good items in the slot. So once you got all the good stuff from the slot, theres no need for the events anymore.

    And why I should spend a lot of time and gems in the arena to get all birds equipped with rainbow parts?! To get a useless minion pig after fighting 32 stages in the lab??

    And yes: to have a lvl 15 Paladin Pig is a huuuuuuuuge advantage as you just encounter very weak players. My winning streak is 36 at the moment with him. ;)


    Pretty simple: defeat monster pigs and get points. With around 20.000 points you are usually placed below rank 2000 at the end.

    Extra Tip: usually at friday monster pigs from the previous events will return which will give you massive points. Try to fight as much as you can!


    Hmmm, I really love this game but don’t know how to proceed:

    – finished all 12 islands
    – finished the pigs lab
    – got all 6 piggies
    – every bird equipped with pretty decent SS items

    I will now only play the events till I got all gems to play the slot and hopefully get some more panel increasers


    – more detailed stats like winning in percentage for every bird
    – bringing back exp chances battles
    – Piggy Island for Pigs PvP
    – Pig Dungeon (same as Dr. Pig Lab just for Pigs)
    – Ship Battles against other Players
    – new Birds
    – option to skip all battle animations
    – new events


    Only the Red’s Handoff is kinda interesting for me in the Turtlepig Raid.


    Yep, in the last Matilda Arena it was really annoying and strange how often opponents did sabatage me. Sometimes up to 8-10 times in one battle even without panel increasers. And it didn’t happen only just here and there, it happened a lot!


    Panel increasers help a lot. One main reason why they are true game changers


    Dont wanna open a new thread. I’m so stuck at Lvl 30 as Chuck is not available for this. What Level should I have at least with the Blues to beat it? Atm they are at Lvl 39 and I do not have any chance.


    Hm, for me it looks pretty epic.


    Thanks for your answers. With 377 it is indeed one of Chucks most powerful weapons. Too sad I have missed it! :(


    So you say that the price for completing 32 stages of the lab is only a minion pig?? I don’t need to mention that piggies are given away with nearly every monster event nowadays? ^^


    Sorry for bringing that old thread up again. But what exactly do I get after finishing Stage 32? I’m now at stage 28 and just want know if the Lab is worth all the trouble if I already own 5 of 6 piggies (just missing the reaper pig).


    Check the news section of the app, they’ve already revealed it. ;)


    Men’s and women’s brains work in different ways when it comes to specific tasks. Ever wondered why Tetris is played by mostly women? My girlfriend is a much better ABF Player than myself (what drives me crazy lol). She unfortunately has the ability to forseen panel movements very quick. She knows if she switches Panel A it will cause falling Panel B which will make event C happen. But I’m not sure if its gender-related. Maybe she is simply more intelligent. I only match what I see as quick as possible.


    Well, at a certain point items don’t matter anymore. After reaching Lvl 40 you will mostly encounter birds that have the same items as you. Then it’s all about skill and how fast you can match the panels. You will become better with matching with playing the game a lot, but it also depends on your age, reflexes and maybe also your gender.


    Looking forward to island #12 this friday! What do you guess it will be about?


    Placed 1123. Stella boat is surprisingly better than expected when leveled up with 3 stars.

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