Best rescue Bot?

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Best rescue Bot?

  • I’m planning to overpower somone to help with the space bridge missions and it’s between Optimus and Lockdown.


    They look equally decent enough.

    Are they both good or are others from the rescue bots (bumblebee, ratchet, heatwave)/pure warriors better

    (I’ve got Lockdown, Energon Lockdown and Brawl).


    Thanks as ever for any advice.

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  • Galaxes

    Ratchet is good. But idk how the whole squad will do against unicorn pig. I would overpower Ratchet here tbh.


    For Pure Warriors, Energon Lockdown is best, followed by Ironhide IMO, then Lockdown. Brawl is worst.
    For Rescue Bots, Ratchet is best, followed by Optimus.
    Energon Lockdown would be my top choice out of these.
    Both Lockdowns and Optimus all need Explosive Rounds accessories to be much more effective.



Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Best rescue Bot?

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