Fluffy Active 7 years, 2 months ago

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    @vyse12012 Sorry mate, you just get a fraction of it back, not even a third.

    It takes 55 shards to get a t10 enchantment, of which only 17 would be returned to you on scrapping.
    Scrapping t10 weapon


    a sizable portion of the ABE players do not play with FB friends. I, for one cannot be bothered to add strange players to my personal FB.

    If I make a throwaway for ABE, it’s likely that I would have to verify it with my irl identity as I travel to another country a few times a year for study, and FB would flag the account for strange login behaviour.

    Edit: spelling


    Just to clarify then. Will FE now be exclusive to Piggy McCool, FB friends and the calendar?

    If so, then that would be rather difficult to work with.


    @labinlim wouldnt have been the full 20, the chests would have offset some. Plus, people do stockpile a lot of stamina from previous events. Combine with a few FE and bingo.

    Less than 60 stamina potions and maybe 30FE tops


    @graugeist I believe I do have data to support your claim.

    Since week 6 of the fourth season, I’ve been collecting the results of the coin flip and the wheel spin at the beginning and end of every arena battle I’ve played. So far, I have a minimum of 20 battles per day (min 140 per arena week) to now, making it a little in excess of 1k+ flip and spin results.

    My primary objective was to see if the wheel spin for a 3 star battle really imparts the grand prize at its 37.5% theoretical rate (and it roughly adheres to this figure so far). While with the coin toss, sometimes I use the reconnect method to face a relatively weaker arena team. While I haven’t tabulated and treated the data for this section yet, an overwhelming majority of the time I do win the toss (somewhere in the region of 70%+ if I had to hazard a guess).

    If your theory is somewhat true, it may possibly weight your weakest bird’s power against the strongest bird’s power of the opponent.


    the first cave is all level 17, even at level 21 it’s going to be very difficult

    you need to raise your level and mastery, start grinding levels on autoplay over and over again until you level up.

    It doesnt take long, you can easily reach level 40 in a couple days, and then to level 50 in a week or so. Point is, dont do caves until you are level 40+, too frustrating

    as for the set items, you have to either get lucky with the GPM or buy LC for them, which we do not suggest until you reach level 50 and feel the need to do so


    Noticed this as well. Every emblem I owned (or the majority I think) was rated at 2 stars after the update, regardless of whether I earned them at the top of the diamond league or near the bottom of the Platinum.

    Kinda sucks because I want to enchant my time jump to level 6, and i would hate to have to wait at least another 3-4 weeks to get it from the diamond.


    @kennymcc I also play on a Samsung S4mini. It crashes extremely rarely, maybe twice in a week, and only when I’m in the middle of an arena battle.

    Bluestacks freezes often lately, and I have no clue why.


    The update has completely changed PvP for sure. It seems like in addition to the pay to win shifting of the game, it also turns into a huge luck based match.

    Not gonna lie, during the black friday sale, i did buy the 750LC offer, and I had a total of a little over 1k on release of the update. It allowed me to completely upgrade my ballista, living lightning and golden pistol. I usually use 50/12 tricksters, wizard and a 50/10 seadog. If i win the toss, i can easily knock out all three birds and most of the banner in one turn with the chili followed by gang up. Even better, if my tricksters hit a critical for 5.9k, i can easily finish a match in a single turn.

    Same goes for if my enemy wins the toss. My total power level is ~1350 in the arena, and sometimes i face enemies at 1510+ power.

    Arena PvP is just turning into a toss match, whoever goes first wins, and it’s all because of the modal 2k+ damage that any bird is capable of hitting in a single turn.


    So, i upgraded my ballista bow and living lightning weapons to enchantment level 10 following the update.

    It goes up to level 10 enchantment.
    With each increasing level it requires more resources.
    You can upgrade from level 0 to 10 in one sitting, it takes 55 of the shards.
    Each enchantment level takes its equivalent shards to level up (eg level 2 will require 2 shards, level 10 will require 10, for a total of 55).

    The weapons are hella strong, my mastery 12 trickers are hitting 5850s when the crit kicks in (without boosts).
    Enchantment 12 ballista bow


    @killerkea something strange also happened with me.

    I claimed the reward from the calendar, then watched a video. Instead of the game crashing, the riot just reverted back to normal, the pig stopped jumping and the special animations werent there anymore.

    I wasnt going to spend any LC on it anyway since it messed me over on the last riot, but still, thats weird as hell.


    Finally popped up again after disappearing for a week

    Screenshot of Sonic Dash Preview

    Gotta go fast :^)


    Personally i like using the marksmen class a lot. The 25LC to get through the gate is worth it since personally, i have not added a single person to FB to play through the game (i do have all 966 stars, it was not difficult)

    Marksmen works amazingly with multihit attacks such as samurai and canoneer, and is amazing on ninjas. Right now i am farming LRC with samurai, canoneer and marksmen and it is among one of the quicker teams to autoplay though, even without having a chuck on the team for SOL rage


    Despite being an old necro thread, i’d like to put in my few cents’ worth.

    Never get the golden anvil, you get this advice from most players.

    Also, never get the cauldron upgrades, it just isnt worth it, even during the discount, reason being is that you can easily farm cash at SRC at ¬117snouts per run, and after a while you can stock up on potions, rendering the cauldron very useless.

    The chili is definitely worth it before everything else then paladin, bard, skulkers, sea doge. The last two are generally not extremely useful so they can be held off until you get the friendship gates opened.


    Unfortunately that’s the way it works. You can expect up to tens of duplicates of some set items while going completely dry on the other.

    For me, I get obscene amounts of ballista bolts, the sling and plushies while never getting a phoenix egg, paper or a few others.

    It truly sucks doesnt it.



    For Maelstrom it’s simple
    Princess Matilda with Nightmare set
    Wizard Chuck with any set (but twin lightning is best)
    Samurai Red with any set (though grand slam is best)

    note that you need a lot of rage cakes for this, maybe 30-50
    the main objective is to keep the ghost under stun as long as possible so nightmare can whittle him down and you can continuously attack without healing

    put chuck’s support on red, then attack with the other two. he should be stunned as his 5x attack gets him stunned ~60 percent of the time, matilda causes the focus of the attacks to stay on red.

    On the other turns you continuously refill the chili, using speed of light for all the birds to wreck heavy damage. The nightmare set and grand slam should keep him under stun for most of the match unless you have some terrible luck

    coming down to the end you can use a pig juice or two on red to get his health back up so your score can get you 3 stars


    For me and a few others it seemed to drop drastically.

    From 522 LC, 495 using the 15LC rolls giving 198 rolls, plus 9 rolls of the 3 LC variety, coming up to 207 total rolls, i recieved 5 set items, not counting the 2 i got from the filled guaranteed bar.

    came up to a whopping 2.4% chance of set items for my 52 LC run during my 5x rainbow riot.

    i will be complaining to rovio about this


    @bikerdood i feel your pain bro.

    I was waiting for a post to confirm what happened to me tonight. I had a total of 522 LC and had just claimed the x5 rainbow riot. In all the results were absolutely terrible.

    I got the following:
    1x Chronometer
    1x Lightning Tome
    1x Demise (Filled rainbow bar)
    1x Honey Spoon
    1x Golden Bullet
    1x Ballista Bolts (Filled rainbow bar)
    1x The Sling

    So in all I had gotten only 5 set items from 522 LC using rolls, which is such an incredibly far cry from the old rainbow riot, where the multiplier was x3. Before i could easily get 12-15 set items from a x3 rainbow riot and 450 LC.

    What this says to me is that the multiplier was not changed at all from x1 to x5, and the reward was really an empty one.

    Fix your game Rovio, this is unacceptable.


    Just hit midnight here, reloaded the game and the GP didnt appear.

    rip 35 LC/week

    EDIT: @mvnla2 it isnt very noticeable if you have the map zoomed all the way out, you have to zoom in n the map as much as you can and scrutinise the general area they hinted at


    Reporting a small bug; harmless but very annoying.

    I play on android and android tab and it happens on both.
    In the nest or in the PvP battleship, when you open the screen to change bird class, and you hold the progress bar on a mastery 10 class, the eagle coin shows up with no number next to it.

    This makes sense as the class is maxed, but when you switch to an unmaxed class or hold to view coins to next mastery on another bird, it also shows no number. This bug persists until the app is closed and restarted.

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