• Den replied to the topic mebc glitch? in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 2 years, 11 months ago

    Same here, nothing the last 2 days.

  • Don’t bother with mighty hats.  You’ll get more for your MEBC coins if you get feathers, particularly during a feather frenzy when you can get 100K rainbow feathers for 1000 coins.

    Unless all of your cards are fully upgraded (175+), mighty hats aren’t worth it.

  • Den replied to the topic Mighty Hat Upgrade? in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 3 years ago

    I wouldn’t bother getting mighty hats at all.

    Even if you get them at 1500 ME coins when they’re cheap, for the price of 2 hats you can get 3 x 100,000 feathers during a FF. That’s good for 6 bird levels (more if your cards are below epic gold). The mighty hat might give you a boost if that bird’s highest hat is +6 or less, but you’ll eventuall…[Read more]

  • I wouldn’t bother getting mighty hats at all.

    Even if you get them at 1500 ME coins when they’re cheap, for the price of 2 hats you can get 3 x 100,000 feathers during a FF. That’s good for 6 bird levels (more if your cards are below epic gold). The mighty hat might give you a boost if that bird’s highest hat is +6 or less, but you’ll eventua…[Read more]

  • On a side note, don’t bother getting any mighty hats.

    Even if you get them at 1500 ME coins when they’re cheap, for the price of 2 hats you can get 3 x 100,000 feathers during a FF.  That’s good for 6 bird levels (more if your cards are below epic gold).  The mighty hat might give you a boost if that bird’s highest hat is +6 or less, but you’ll e…[Read more]

  • Den replied to the topic New Arena in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 3 years, 7 months ago

    An in-game message was just sent out.  It has 100 arena tickets, and mentions that more clan battles will allow spells to make up for no spells in the arena.

    As for the streak prizes, it looks like they reset each day.

    One thing I do like about the change is that you necessarliy don’t have to play ALL. THE. TIME. to get high up in the weekly…[Read more]

  • Was there a change to the required number of feathers for each bird level?

    I was under the impression that once you hit Epic Gold, that all levels after that cost 50,000 feathers.  However, I just got my first bird up to Mythic Azure and the next level for that one is 70,000.

    Has it always been this way, and if so what are the costs for the…[Read more]

  • ShadowWalkers (#249106) is looking for members.

    High amethyst / low diamond clan with no FP or point minimums.  Only requirement is play in clan vs. clan battles.

  • Den replied to the topic Pool hat adventure in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 4 years ago

    Had a strong run on my free play today.  Made it all the way to 55, using the ad on 54 which would have otherwise cost 800.  Got events hats for matilda and terrance and a legendary hat for matilda.

    Then used a ticket and made it to floor 60 for the first time and got the egg to boot, and the most I paid was 200.  The egg had a legendary hat fo…[Read more]

  • @stedman42 30 – 49 coins is 10 to 13 rooms.  I do fairly well and the most I’ve gotten is 9.  I’d be interested in seeing a video of one of these runs.

  • Started good today, then got bombarded.  First pig was at 17.  Next was at 18, then at 22 and left.  Got 66 gems, so only a net loss of 4.

    17, 18, 22

  • Had a good run today.  Made it up to floor 40 after paying 20, ad, paid 100, paid 200 (forget which floors) and still came out ahead on gems.

    Managed to get event hats for Chuck and Matilda, a legendary wizard hat for Chuck, and about 2400 feathers for silver.

  • ShadowWalkers (#249106) needs members as well.  We currently have 20 members with a FP of ~9835 and would welcome another 7 to put us firmly in emerald or amethyst.

    We require CVC, no minimums on other events, and have a solid record of winning.

  • Today’s did me in.  Was one room away from finishing the streak and getting a legendary chest.

    Couldn’t get that boss pig taken out.  He fell into a loop and I couldn’t get enough damage on him, even after spending gems to get an extra 3 cards twice.