clan battle old scoreing back

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum clan battle old scoreing back

  • so with todays clan battle i we have noticed that the old scoring system has return of a set amount of points per position rather than being than your high score being used for the points anyone else notice this?

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  • dtmt

    The current event apparently uses this method. There also seems to be only limited amount of levels you can play. When the match ended I still had 2 birds left. I hate both changes.


    i prefer the old/current method as it is more about participation then having a few players who can score a load more points that make it difficult to over take them


    * deleted, posted in wrong topic *


    we are battling a team with a guy with FP of 723 Star level 12..
    makes ya wonder if a hack was used… hes not even in the top 5 players of the clan battle, with several 600+ people with higher scores than him.

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum clan battle old scoreing back

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