• @cognitive

    I only care about pig distribution but 1 in 4 seems about right. I had 3-in-a-row pig on 2nd floor last week. That’s a 1.6% chance. Unlucky, but not unreasonable. And yesterday i made it to round 66 with the strategy i posted earlier with a profit of 1k gems, 15k feathers and a bunch of other stuff. Lucky, but not unreasonable.

  • If we all think like that, casino will be closed down in no time.

    Yes, but 99% of the player base wont go to a forum to read up on strategy. :)

    There is no real pattern to it. If you think the pig cannot be in the same spot more than 2 times,

    I don’t think Rovio is doing anything with pig placement outside the obvious random(4). Randomise alone…[Read more]

  • I see people having a lot of trouble with the tower so here’s some advice:

    1) For every level, assume the your next card will be a pig and calculate your cost (20+100+200 etc)

    2) Compare the cost (including the next pig!) to what you currently have

    3) If what you already have is worth the cost you calculated, continue. If not, exit…[Read more]

  • Cleared all the levels, 0 money spent.

    If there were some decent ways to spend money in AB2, like a one-time fee to get rid of ads and life restrictions, I would probably have went with that but the way they do it now there’s no way I’m gonna buy anything.

  • I have come to the same conclusion. I also use this to game the system a bit by focusing on leveling the black bird (he’s currently about five levels about my other birds). I then use him on rooms where he can blow up the entire room for massive score boosts.

  • “On the boss level of today’s DC, let’s say you have Red, blue and Terence. First, red will topple the building above onto Chef Pig’s head. Second, blue will clear the structures to the right of the pig. With Terence, you need to aim correctly in a way that he will send Chef Pig flying. Good luck.”

    I didn’t have much luck with topple the build…[Read more]

  • “I’ll have to study up on the water level coming up tomorrow.”

    How do you know which level will come up tomorrow?

    Also do you have any advice on today’s water level, I’m having a hard time with that one. Only thing I figured out so far is to make sure not getting any debris in the water, since you have to send a bird through the water to kick t…[Read more]

  • My success with these pigs is luck-based rather than skill-based. For example the teleporter pig is sometimes positioned so you can’t get to him with the first bird. So you have to fling your second bird to force out his first teleport, your third bird to force his second teleport and then your fourth bird to kill him. Other times I’ll just do a…[Read more]

  • “Where can I do that, folks?”

    Just enter your credit card number into the Play Store and click Purchase every time there’s an option to buy something. You’ll be max level in no time (until the max level is raised anyway).

    Its called ‘pay to win’ – you win the game and Rovio wins a chunk of your money, so everyone wins.

  • “Where can I do that, folks?”

    Just enter your credit card number into the Play Store and click Purchase every time there’s an option to buy something. You’ll be max level in no time (until the max level is raised anyway).

    Its called ‘pay to win’ – you win the game and Rovio wins a chunk of your money.

  • 1) Having a 10% higher score than you opponent means you win, right? Well appearantly having a higher score sometimes means you lose. (yes I do know how to read numbers and I do have this screenshotted)

    2) Now I’m at a 5-6 win streak, I already spent a number of spells/gems to get there, I’m about to beat my opponent for another win and… the…[Read more]

  • @kedik22
    Specific question:
    Is Rovio´s intent to maintain arena gameplay in this unfair manner?

    Of course it is. The purpose of the game is to make you spend money, remember?
    Currently the arena is tuned so you can get a 2-win streak fairly easy to get a taste of what’s to come, but you no matter how good you are you will lose most fights after…[Read more]

  • Cheaters or just something Rovio made up? As I posted before, not everyone you encounter in arena is a real person playing and arena is designed to give you harder fights the longer your win streak is.

    Blocking bird with > 9 levels would be super easy, so imho its more likely they are doing it on purpose.

  • bigbadaboom replied to the topic . in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 8 years, 2 months ago

    “I’d love to call myself RedYoshi45 in AB2 too…”

    Just change you Facebook character’s name to RedYoshi45 and it will show up in AB2.

  • “I can never seem to do the second level”

    In that case just forget about daily challenge until you level up your birds. The third level is much harder than the second level.

  • I’ve noticed that it’s sometimes possible to fling a bird from one room into the next room and have it hit stuff there. Just wondering if anyone has worked out a way of doing that consistently? Striking two rooms with one bird would be awesome.

  • I’ve notices that it’s sometimes possible to fling a bird from one room into the next room and have it hit stuff there. Just wondering if anyone has worked out a way of doing that consistently? Striking two rooms with one bird would be awesome.

  • This might be different depending on what platform you’re on, but on my Android phone I don’t need to exit the application to do this. I just quit before I fire off the first bird, press arena again and there’ll be a new opponent. I use this all the time because there’s little point for me of battling an opponent with a full lineup of lvl 8 birds…[Read more]

  • I can’t even play DC during weekdays. I open up AB2 to do a round of arena in the morning and though I don’t touch the DC icon the timer starts ticking and when I get home from work DC has expired.

  • Teleporter is the hardest by far. Yes sometimes you get lucky and he teleports himself into death, but other times you cant event get to him with the first bird, then he teleports on bird #2, teleports again on bird #3 and finally you kill him with bird #4.

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