Ang Ryone Not recently active

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  • Ang Ryone

    Yeah. I don’t know exactly how it’s calculated but something like this:

    Any stage has a cap on ~100 000 points. Say a certain stage consist of 4 pieces of wood and one pig. You send out level 80 Chuck and get 3 pieces of wood and the pig. You get 80000*80= 6.4 M points because you got 80% of all pieces (pig incl). Had you gotten all 4 pieces of wood and the pig you’d get 8 M points.


    This is why you don’t get super high scores when you blast through 3 structures with Terrence. There’s a lot of left over pieces. Every piece is a % of 100 000.

    Ang Ryone

    Last night I had my opponent score 13 million with Bomb. He was at FP 620. That’s impossible. Cap is scored at around 8 million.

    Ang Ryone

    If you fail enough on a level you will get a handicap in the form of one golden pig per stage.

    Ang Ryone

    Hehe, it took 8 birds to kill. Should’ve hit it mid air and forced it out instead.

    Ang Ryone

    Do you really think they have an opponent playing while you’re playing and you are playing the same room?

    It’s fictional. In practicality, the only thing you can assume is that your opponent has the score that is shown and the number of cards left that is shown. I don’t know how any given throw is calculated, but probably it’s just picking scores from some distribution based on the mean value of whatever FP the opponent has.

    Ang Ryone

    Well, I’ve been picking up a lot of common chests and using tons of free vid options to get a lot of free stuff but for the first or second time in 150 days I didn’t get the ToF video option. Clearly it’s linked. Anyone knows how?

    Ang Ryone

    I’ve crashed three times today. It’s not a coincidence as I’ve never crashed more than twice over 150 days.

    Ang Ryone

    @jo-ha I dont cheat, I don’t buy gems and I have at most had 3500 gems, but mostly around 1000, and can tell you that you do need some insane luck to get to level 60 without spending way more gems than you earn. I’ve made it to 60 twice and both times spent 1570 gems and pretty much broke even on gems. I’ve played ToF ~200 times and I’m pretty conservative with my strategy: don’t lose a lot of gems on every run because I will need gems the one time I get lucky. I do take the occasional shot that isn’t motivated by gems when I’m close to 30 because I want legendary hats. So if a piggie turns up on floor 26 and I have to pay 200 gems, then I’ll go for it. 400 gems though is really stretching it if you don’t have a lot of gems left after that.


    What really took some burden of me was when I realized that it doesn’t matter which card you press. It’s not coded in the way that a pig is behind a certain card. For any card you pick there is a probability distribution of loot so you might as well just pick one card and click that every round.


    Best of luck.

    Ang Ryone

    Today I played arena and at stage 2 (!) I faced an opponent with 70 FP over me (I’m 500ish) and 4 spells :D.


    Arena is way too hard.

    Ang Ryone

    Daily Challenge is a waste of time, gems and enjoyment. Start playing it, quit and take gems rewarded.

    Ang Ryone

    Like today: I have 200 gems and I want to win one arena battle. Unfortunately I get paired up with an opponent who is 100 skill points higher than me. So when I end up with a 14 million score that doesn’t matter, because he has 28. So I burn through 7 more birds and reach 25 million and it’s just not enough. FUN GAME. Win streak ended.



    Ang Ryone

    It’s the second time I’m punished for doing the DC too early.

    Ang Ryone

    The game definitely got more money-grabby. There are more commercials and more ways to let money speak.

    And yeah, I’m beating every high score out there because I’m the only one in Diamond League.

    Ang Ryone

    If you lose the ability to see the bird cards then try slinging backwards once. I have found that that solves the problem for me nowadays.

    Ang Ryone

    I don’t understand the 20 feathers per chest either. It feels like a bug because I got 100+ feathers plenty of times at earlier levels, but nowadays it’s just 20, 20, 20 and it’s weird because I have 3star:ed everything.

    Ang Ryone


    First I shouldn’t be in this forum if I didn’t want to teach. Now I should drop the game and start weightlifting.

    Drop the satire, stop sucking, stop playing the martyr and go away. K thanks bye.

    Ang Ryone

    I had the problem that I was stuck on the logging in phase of the loading screen. That was before that I found out I had disbled some stuff so I had to enter game center and manually click update angry birds 2.

    Ang Ryone

    At some levels you’re supposed to manipulate the room so that the boss gets pushed off the screen. Like 326.

    Ang Ryone


    I am not sure how saying I understand and agree with the OP is “whining”, but you’ve made a very clear example of why the OP found your commentary elitist (I did not, but understand where slinger was coming from).

    Yeah I understood slinger too. I had 3 lives on a one hour refresh and no gems or spells and had to wait a few reloads before beating the whole content and I even thought a few levels posed me some difficulty. The horror.

    In my opinion, the forums are a place (especially AB Nest) where people help each other. If you aren’t here to teach, then why post at all? What purpose does that serve? Why did you feel compelled to answer slinger at all? It was very clear that he was simply frustrated, and instead of taking the lid off the boiling water, you chose to turn up the heat. Was that helpful to anyone? Or do I just see these forums differently?

    I’m here because I want to make the game better because I enjoy the game. I felt compelled to answer slinger because he seemed like a whiner that wants easy mode content. I hate whiners that wants easy mode content because they always end up getting their way through and I always end up leaving the game because of it.

    I have no idea why you choose to lead the discussion into “why are you here” but it fits pretty well with how clueless I perceive you to be. Why are you here and not in a teaching forum for teachers who likes to teach?

    I never said the variety of buildings was infinite. Variety does not have to be infinite for something to be “random”, so I am not sure why you are conflating the two.

    I agree. A COIN IS COMPLETELY RANDOM. No it isn’t. It’s 50 % tails 50 % heads. It’s just a distribution. It’s not random anymore than you calling your mom on her birthday eventhough the distribution probably is 99% will call and 1% won’t call.

    In summary, I am glad you have great skill at the game and consider yourself good at it — I truly am. But that doesn’t make AB2 any less randomized and luck-based. Just for the record, I don’t care about getting high scores — never have.

    So you don’t care about measuring to see if you can get a higher score than others but YOU ARE DEAD CERTAIN THE GAME IS ALL LUCK. That is like saying you have no idea what you are talking about but we should listen to you anyways.

    Ang Ryone

    You are saying that once you reach a very easy-to-reach level there is no skill. I disagree because I know you are wrong. Some of the shots I make not a lot of people would be able to do. They require strategizing, timing, knowledge and precision. How is that not equal to skill? And if there is skill and the skill is such that I score higher than you if I’m better than you over a large enough sample, ie the skill can be measured, then luck is only temporary and non existant in the long run. So away goes your luck.

    You talk about randomness, but it isn’t very random. There are a variety of structures, but they are by no means infinite. So out goes your randomness.

    I have showed you that “random and luck” matters very little in the long run and that skill will be a determinant factor in deciding who gets the highest score. There’s really not much more to add except for stop whining, l2p etc.

    I’m not here to teach.

    Ang Ryone

    There is a give up button to the top left and it looks like a power off button. You will reach it by pressing pause just like always.

    Ang Ryone


    The levels are random but only an experienced and skillfull player knows which structures works best with which birds. A skillfull player understand how to create maximum damage with one bird or how to make a good setup for his second bird. He uses the bird that gets the job done and doesn’t waste stronger birds at all times.

    There is clearly players who play better than others. I.e skill exists. In my experience only bad players attribute success to dumb luck.

    Ang Ryone

    Sweeping through these levels :(

    Ang Ryone

    You’ll learn how to get better. A lot lies in deciding whether you got a good first setup of cards and if the version of the level suits that setup. Otherwise you can restart. There aren’t a lot of levels I can’t 3 star whenever I want to.

    Everything in AB2 is possible to beat and 3star without any money being put in, so I don’t think it’s a money grab. I just think it’s smart. Lazy people and kids will pay to advance faster than their skill allows them to. The rest of us have a 5 lives with 30 min refresh which is extremely generous (I had 3 lives on 1 hour refresh).

    Ang Ryone

    Matilda can oneshot bosses at times. Silver’s loop makes good damage too.

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