cbya Active 3 years, 5 months ago

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  • cbya

    Had this happen too…but game is so dead anyways oh well. Kinda glad there’s been nothing new as got me to stop playing for months and not missing it at all.

    My guess is it has something to do with iOS not having update yet while android does…JARSU



    Interesting it’s Optimus Maximus – thought we might get Defensor, Bruticus, or Predaking…


    Out of curiosity, anyone know what the piles of blue and red things are in the pic? (the 850 blue on left and 2500 red on right)

    war pass


    It all makes sense now, it’s a bird flu update in honor of COVID-19.

    All accessories and energonicons were infected and reset; now that there’s more extra time on a lot of people’s hands, they want massive playing of nodes and subsequent videos for ad revenue. Brilliant!


    So are there very few ways to get gems now? Been waiting for a good reason to stop and sounds like this update may be it!


    Thanks @exientgreg

       similar to @asen I have not bought anything except I may have paid $2.99 for hot rod or something years ago and have consistently been offered 1k gems offers, then last event I think was 2k which I went ahead and got and now offered 5k for Menasor; so beware, your limit may be tested in the near future!

    maybe better not buy the 2k or else your next offer may be 5k!



    @exientgreg @EllieExient  Can we get an explanation for why players get different offers – 750, 1000, 2000, 5000 for new characters? Of course there’s different amounts of spark etc. with it but inquiring minds want to know…



    @lewie4  how about a warning when time changing for challenge runs / events?

    At least make a bulletin / announcement flag – I don’t need to look at every new game that Rovio puts out but I would like a message if event times are gonna change by 8 hours, as my challenge run time did.


    @grimlockdown how do you upgrade epic and legendary accessories? Only by buying those crates that cost gems?


    yes it’s a boosted / buffed bot, changes every day or so.

    Can I ask for spark run. The first character that is shown in the selection page, is it a buff up character? or recommended character?

    What is the advantage of using that character?



    @datguygamer  spill the beans! :) what did you discover?


    @optimuspig  @millforce2k

    what happens to plasma when you’ve accumulated the 10k needed to open the gate?

    As in, do you still acquire more plasma for something else they might use it for in future or does it just disappear from game? (ex. daily challenges no longer give plasma; plasma no longer in event token exchange etc.)


    @doctorpiggy  Thx; my game said unknown like @millforce2k so I thought it was regular nautica and not energon; I also thought that both nauticas might be available in that new map area…oh well


    I guess I shoulda also looked more carefully as there are always differences in shadow profile/shape between duplicate characters



    I may be considerably out of the loop but I’m confused:

    Nautica is prize for 10k tokens for event but can be obtained pretty easily for free with plasma then bat pigs? Am I correct about this?



    LOL JARSU squared or JARSU of the JARSU or JARSU on top of JARSU whatever you wanna call it:

    In addition under token exchange the newly offered crown which I supposedly already own for grey slam grimlock calls it unknown and it gives +5% damage.

    But in greyslam Grimlock’s profile, it’s named a crown and gives +10% defense





    Curious – what happens when you upgrade TFs that high in terms of bonuses?

    And any noticeable differences in using them?


    LOL I tried him as an ally once and I still couldn’t tell what kind of weapon he used … cuz he spent the whole time roaring!



    interesting: clear pattern price of 50 per transformer helped

    also – if you purchased any from previous year’s event it’s discounted by how many you have – for example my landlord cap is priced at 600 instead of 700 cuz I already have it for 2 characters…


    Roviotron: gets progressively weaker and weaker and makes enemies stronger and stronger the longer you are using him.

    Trumpbot: insults all the female bots and seems to be at death’s door but somehow manages to survive the battle.


    LOL Day 2 – another day, another leaderboard bug…

    Instead of using an old leaderboard, now there’s just no leaderboard :)

    Did everyone get a 1000 tokens from Day 1 payout?

    If they can’t fix this and do it again tomorrow, this event will go down as the “Self-Esteem Event” – everybody wins! Trophies and ribbons for everyone, we’re all winners and are all in first place :)


    But the silhouette at hotrods squads it’s definitely another version of Lockdown.

    My money is on Foreman Pig (same pig as lockdown) as Dead End – this would be the last of the previously datamined characters, which was spot on in terms of ratchet, drift, ricochet and others.

    All The Upcoming Characters listed in the game file (android)

    Only other character mentioned is Superion.


    You, sir, deserve a medal.

    If there was a way to do it I’d be donating some gems to you.

    thanks for taking your time to save many others’ time!!!



    He already posted a picture above: 350 tokens so 175 gems

    Alternatively you could log in to the game and it should show up since you already own nemesis prime? …


    LOL according to the newsfeed it’s supposed to be active now :)

    I’m on iOS so same error / bug on both android and iOS.


    by the way the post you are looking for is the very first stickied post list and pics of energonicons recipes are in there

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