Daily Challenge – current difficulty

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  • chrispdog

    worked all these levels w/ Stella. DC easy today. 4,4,5. made it through on first try. KPP, used blue and chuck on 1st room, Terrance on 2nd, bomb and blue on 3rd, Terrance on 4th, had 7 birds left for final room. cleared trampoline w/ red, used Matilda to bomb floor w/ a hit on snow ball pig to get rid of him, cleared as much debris from floor by exit as possible,, knocked king off his high perch with chuck then silver and finished level with last bird, a bomb hit to bounce king off round beach ball through exit.


    KPP didn’t work for me at all. The first level final room has a tunnel entrance that is off the screen (on my phone anyway) which keeps sending KP back where he started. I wasted a lot of birds getting to that point. If I had been able to see it, I would have approached it differently. I might have spent gems or replayed it a few times but by then I was too annoyed.


    @doulgas Wasn’t your phone. I play on a 9.7 inch tablet and the tunnel is off screen. Today was a total rip. I came into the king pig in the DC with only 1 bird – the blues and got a perfect shot hitting the flowers to knock him of the perch so I spent the 60 to try to finish. . . hit him with all the debris and every bird head on and I needed another   9 birds – all hit him – to kill. The the impossible KPP level 1 as you described with hardly any debris to help and can’t push him off screen. Very expensive 1000 daily quest feathers today.

    Angry Birds Fan

    DC today was a gem sucker!


    @angrybirdsdu So glad I wasn’t the only one!


    Make it 3 of us.


    Can’t even get to the boss pig in the DC today. Each room takes 2-4 birds to clear, IF none of the micro pigs survive direct hits and debris manages to kill the scuba pigs.


    Saw the boss pig with 1 bird left after 9 tries. Debris hit the scuba pigs and a big pig landed on the micro pig. Gave up then and went outside to dig dandelions instead.


    I never even made it to the boss room.


    Another day, another DC which I could beat if I could get to the final room with more than 0-1 birds.

    I’m one more screw job away from deleting this game forever.


    I got to the boss room my last with 4 birds and still could not kick it off the screen and only caused about 1/4 damage on the meter. I won’t quit the game over this but I will have to take the daily quest less seriously when KPP is one of them and I can’t beat DC.


    It took me 3 tries to get the DC and was about to give up. I was going about it wrong. It was a matter of working the flowers to send him off screen, but it took the right birds to clear the debris first and then send him off.

    For those who managed to slug it out, KPP was a snap. One try, no gems.


    For Sunday, DC was an easy 3-3-4. Stella was useful in the KP room to float & drop him into the void.

    KPP was easy too for the second day in a row. Bomb and Terence were about all I needed for final KP room.


    My bad luck continues on both DC and TOF.  Always hit the pig on second floor whether I select or I hit the forward button and DC is always a 4-4-6 or 4-5-6 for me where as looks like for others it is 3-3-4 or 4-4-5.

    Today no different.  I have 4-4-? and I hardly am able to get to the 4 room on second level with no birds left and even playing ad video, unable to progress to KP room.

    Have tried 5 times and now will be giving up.  Rovio is telling me once again, it is summer dummy – go enjoy outdoors.  :-)


    DC was fun, one shot to do.

    KPP was weird . First, I am getting 3,4,? which is obviously different than Wings. I did get to the last KP the first time but could not defeat the second one again.

    Second,  the more I read here, the more differences I am finding. E.G. I do not get any ad videos in a lot of places including DC and KPP. And ToF has a 12 hour wait still this morning. And I am not getting a free try on the current clan challenge like usual.

    Time for some support tickets I think.


    DC today is a 4-5-6 gem sucker.


    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Ridiculous. I’m getting 3,3,4 but if I pass the KP I’ll be surprised. I put a pic in my album.</p>
    UPDATE. Succeeded due only to some fluky bird and pig behaviour and just as time was running out.


    Right, the first 2 levels you can do blindfolded, then you face the immortal KP.

    Joe B.

    Tried it twice, no luck; no Exit for the KP. Looks like it’s rigged for gems.


    Yes, I tried twice myself. Then I left it alone. When you see there’s no exit and no amount of pounding will kill the King, it’s time to walk away unless you have a never ending supply of gems that you don’t mind parting with : ) Is it me or does this seem to happen more when those rainbow feathers are part of the rewards?


    I haven’t noticed a correlation. Maybe it’s payback for relatively easy DCs over the weekend.

    Tuesday’s DC is a bit friendlier.


    Yes, I had an easy run in today’s 4-4-6 DC with no extra birds. The KPP, not so much. Took Bubbles in and KPP rm. 1 was pretty smooth sailing (and only 3 levels) The second rm however, has not gone well.  Doubt I’ll be finishing that, probable gem suckage : )


    4-5-5 DC and a total  gem sucker. Final round is filled with miner pigs, wrench throwers, and so many blocking structures that it means wasting 1-2 extra birds per room. Gave up after never reaching the final room on two attempts.


    Like yesterday I found the DC almost impossible with all the fans and shooters and again at the last minute had a fluke success when the pig bounced out the top of the screen. On prior days I have had KPs that just fell back into play from above the top of the screen. Very confusing.

    KPP – failed.


    Another day, another gem sucker. Not even going to try a second time.

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