ABT Active 3 years ago

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    @deindiaan 😁

    lvl 119! that’s over 600K pigs popped in less than 2 months. You must be playing in your sleep or running some kind of screen tapper/mouse clicker.


    I play on Android and iOS/ipadOS. No issues at all on Android, but on iOS/ipadOS, I see the same issue as others (pigs flickering/disappearing, tops of falling monoliths missing, tons of graphical glitches).


    New event starting today June 3, 2021:

    • Event Name: Volcanicus
    • Number of TFs: 1
    • Energonicon? : No
    • Bonus Squad: Gestalt
      • Volcanicus, Omega Supreme
    • Top Prize: Volcanicus
    • Token Exchange: (see bonus squad TFs above + Optimus Maximus and Devastator)
    • Special feature(s): Elite pigs, special TNT blocks

    This is my FINAL UPDATE. I’m going into semi-retirement for this game. It’s been a pleasure y’all. Good luck!


    @john12345 You’re correct. “Mystery Deceptihog”  = Deadlock (Drift’s previous life as a Deceptihog)



    2000 – Kup

    I’ve reached two of my last few milestone goals for this game. Rank of 2000 and also exceeding level 100 in Warpass. At this point, I’m going into semi-retirement mode for this game. G’luck to y’all who’s still around!



    I think you’re correct.

    Here they are as buddies…

    Maybe Sergeant Drift Private Deadlock:

    and Sergeant Private Mirage:

    The “mystery deceptihog” must be a new non-Prime Pass exclusive/event unlockable TF!! (finally after 6+ months!)

    Edit: I guess the “mystery Deceptihog” is just Drift’s previous life as a Deceptihog, aka Deadlock. I had my hopes up for nothing.


    @millforce2k Were you able to get the Event to show up? I had to re-install to get the game to update to, but I know many may have reservations or concerns on losing data by deleting and re-installing the game. It worked fine without reinstalling on iOS, so it seems to be an Android-only issue.



    The soft-update to v2.11.0.1 gave us the High Octane Bumblebee event for this week.

    There should be a hard-update coming (maybe to v2.12.0.x) that will give us War Season 8 along with the 2 new War Pass TFs. As long as it arrives before 2021-June-01 00:00 UTC, then it will be business as usual for R/E.



    I know some old time players, who collected even 50-70k gems. Ofc most of those gems from a previous “life” of ABTF. But they never bough an Eggspark, not doing recharges at Events and CR, and actually they playing for collecting gems

    Have you asked them how much “fun” they get by playing this way? You do know that sometimes spending 10 gems for a recharge at strategic places can yield MORE than 10 gems in return? For example, if you are at 190K in points (@200K final tier), one recharge can get you 750 in tokens which could be enough to get more in the Token Exchange.

    Other players, who doing 1-2 recharges per hard day to get top places, and get better reward, just don’t have so much gems, and can’t buy Eggspark for 1500 gems

    These players don’t seem very good at what they’re doing as well. If they know what they are doing, they should be able to get a good amount of tokens while spending very little gems for recharges and still save some gems. For example, you can get 2600 tokens a day even if you end the day in 20th place. You earn 2500 tokens from hitting the highest tier and 100 for being in 20th place. So, placing 1st at the expense of 2 or more recharges is a waste of gems.

    From other side, as you said, you typically not spending gems for recharges, most important thing, which realy can increase gems income.

    Also, I’m not sure if you know this, but the higher your TF is promoted, the more points you will get (especially with the 4x bonus multiplier). This means having a higher promoted TF (by spending sparks) = less gems need to be spent for doing daily recharges. So you can actually spend less gems by investing sparks in bonus TFs in each week’s event.

    sometimes, even 3rd TF from a squad just to save few min at SR

    Please reread what I wrote. I never said I promoted 3rd TF in each squad. I even wrote that I do not recommend to do that. The only time that ever happens if they introduce an awesome 3rd or 4th TF in a squad, then I would consider promoting the new TF.

    Although, I’m earning significantly less gems now than when it was available in the Lab and Missions, I’m still averaging about 300-400 gems a week.

    My average week gem earnings:

    • average ~150 gems from 10+ gold crates (0 – 550 gems per weekly event)
    • average ~50 gems from challenge run (0 – 300 gems for Silver/Gold League finish w/ 10 crates)
    • 42 gems from Daily quests (1/day for Spark run + 5/day for completing 8 quests)
    • 40 gems from Daily reward w/ ad-doubler (5 + 5 + 10)
    • about 20 gems from finding them on the map (about 2-4 gems day)

    I’m in the US, so it’s USD$ currency, so I don’t see any “bugged prices” in the Gem shop or in offers. The only thing I heard of is that if you use Amazon devices (ie. Fire tablets), you can get credits at a discounted rate (credited to you from Amazon) that you can apply to the store to get gems at a lower rate. I have not try that yet though.


    New event starting today May 27, 2021 (better late than never!):

    • Event Name: High Octane Bumblebee
    • Number of TFs: 1
    • Energonicon? : Yes
    • Bonus Squad: Variant Versions
    •         Ultimate Megatron, Ultimate Optimus Prime, High Octane Bumblebee, Goldbite Grimlock
    • Top Prize: Energon Bumblebee
    • Token Exchange: (see bonus squad TFs above + Energon Bumblebee)
    • Special feature(s): Speed Runs

    Weird… I had to uninstall and reinstall the game on Android (ABTF showing v2.11.0.1) for the event to show up. The 2 new TFs are still black squares.


    I got 555 gems from yesterday’s event 10 gold crate (8500 tokens). I don’t think I ever got that many gems from Challenge Legendary rewards – see here.

    Spent 8500 tokens (0 gems spent on recharges; 2nd-5th place each day):


    @grimlockdown Thanks for pointing that out. As you guessed, I have all of the accessories unlocked (most at level 1), so I completely forgot they were in the crates. In fact, I previously pointed out that unlocking accessories (but keeping them at lvl 1) is a good idea because it takes them out of the crate pool which increases your chances of getting something better like gems/upgrades.


    Deleting the app and reinstalling on Android fixed it!



    I see in iOS, but not on Android. They’re both showing version

    Deleting the app on Android and re-installing fixed the issue!


    @grimlockdown I see the event now… but only on iOS. v2.11.0.1. On my Android device… nothing!


    @fortressmaximus Nice haul!

    Legendary rewards can be 1 of these 3 rewards: (1) gold crystals, (2) upgrade/overpower, or (3) gems (250 or 275). The probability is definitely skewed towards gold crystals. It’s probably around ~70%, ~25%, ~5% respectively.


    New event starting today May 27, 2021:

    • Event Name: nothing!
    • Number of TFs: 0
    • Energonicon? : that will be a… NO
    • Bonus Squad: nope
    • Top Prize: your free time
    • Token Exchange: (zero, zip, zilch, nada)
    • Special feature(s): You can never lose!

    Move along.. nothing to see here…

    EDIT: Looks like the event is finally live after reinstalling the game (see here)


    @papakarlo It doesn’t make sense to buy Spark Starter bundle because it’s a terrible deal. Eggspark (when offered) is a significantly better deal. Earning sparks through SR is also okay, but is a significant time-sink. I’ve purchased gems with REAL money on this game multiple times before, but I prefer to spend money wisely based on what I’m getting in return.

    I don’t have any issues with the Eggspark bundle offered as a one-time-purchase option. I never bought more than a single Eggspark when offered and typically only get the 75,000 sparks/1,500 gem offer as it gives the most bang for the buck. I don’t even remember that there was a time when you can purchase it repeatedly. (Note: that seems to be the opposite of the Token Exchange because you used to be limited to purchase only a single/10 Gold/Steel crates, but now you can purchase them repeatedly! So, I’m not sure if your ‘crying‘ made R/E do the opposite!)

    I’m not sure why you think I’m sitting on some “big stash of gems.” At one point, I had about 30K gems (see this post here). Then, I spent about 15K gems when the 3 Coneheads TFs came out to quickly accelerate my rank (see this post here). Now, I’m under 10K in gems (and a step closer towards ABTF retirement):

    I actually don’t see the problem you are experiencing in the events on the daily scoreboard. Typically the top 3 are promoted to green-level, and purple is usually outside of the top 6. So, I don’t see any “cheaters” (which is a big assumption as you always seems to err towards a guilty verdict without any evidence) in my scoreboard. Perhaps, it’s possible you were flagged as a cheater and that’s why R/E grouped you with the other cheaters in the “cheater leaderboard” as exientgreg has pointed out before here.

    I spend sparks where I see fit. Promoting the 1st TF in each squad is the highest priority, but promoting the 2nd TF benefits Sparkrun and 2 TF events. I don’t usually promote 3rd TF. So, the sparks I earned by doing SR are being spent (or as you call it, “disappears”), but I do like to keep a buffer of 100-200K sparks in case I need it. For example, this previous 2-TF event, I only had Beachcomber as Red Crown and Smokescreen at Gold Crown (~1200% total SR bonus), so I spent some sparks to get them up to 1570% SR bonus. That saved me many times to finish SR early and or even complete the SR in a single contiguous sitting, which frees up my time for other more fun things.



    @john12345 I’m seeing the same thing. Black squares in the Ground Force squad. When selected as buddies, the game hangs/crashes. I assume update v2.12.0.0 is eminent.


    New event starting today May 20, 2021:

    • Event Name: Smokescreen
    • Number of TFs: 2
    • Energonicon? : Yes
    • Bonus Squad: Brothers in Armor
    •     Prowl, Bluestreak, Smokescreen, Beachcomber
    • Top Prize: Smokescreen
    • Token Exchange: (see bonus squad TFs above)
    • Special feature(s): “Smash the Colored Blocks” = all blocks are in shades of gray!? 👍

    Not my favorite squad, but at least you get 2 TFs + energonicon, so scoring shouldn’t be so bad…



    By saving 10-30% of SR time, you lose 100% Sparks, 100% SR time, some Event tokens, OP, gems etc.

    Actually, I never said I had 0 sparks to promote the 2 TFs in the Ground Force squad. I started the event with about 210K in sparks, but spent them on the 2 TFs to get them to 170% promo each. That allowed me take care of SR (1570%), event (1360%) to earn about 16000 tokens (2x OP) without spending any gems. I’m already restoring my sparks stash now by doing more SR, but it would be nice to have some buffer (ie. via Eggspark) for future events in case I need to promote a 2nd TF in another bonus squad quickly.


    @papakarlo I’m not quite following what you are saying. Whenever a new squad is released, I usually do NOT have the brand-new 1st TF unlocked (my offers are usually 5K gems to unlock a new TF), therefore, I can only use TFs from another squad which I already have promoted to play in that event. Why would I spend sparks when I already have a TF promoted to green crown? (Note: How long has it been since a new non-PrimePass squad was added? Do you know if there will be a new squad added when we have several existing squads that are unfilled?)

    Sparks spent to promote TFs do not disappear after the event is over. As events are recycled, the next time the event returns you will already have a higher total bonus which will save you more time in SR. I see it as an investment of my time (as time = money). Saving 4 minutes per SR = over an hour saved per week. When that the same bonus squad returns next time, the savings will continue add up.

    In SR, I actually had a few times where a few minutes savings can translate into a much bigger savings. I had both of these situations happen to me:

    1. I get 80% through SR, and I had to stop/pause because of various reasons (ie. real life). When I try to resume later, I find the game restarted and I lost the payment (coins/pigs) spent and most importantly the time spent getting through those first 80%. Now I have to start over. If I had a higher promotion, that 80% = completed SR.
    2. I get a bad string of flying pigs, missiles, falling monoliths, and my first TF is killed 60% through the SR. My 2nd and 3rd TF (sponsors) are usually not as capable and/or slow. Now I have to spend 40% of the time slugging it out and occasionally I end up losing all 3 and now I have to watch an ad and start over! I have to go through the whole SR again at the original bonus level which I could have potentially finished the first time if I had a higher bonus level.

    Lastly, I’m not sure if you ever considered the economics of Eggspark.

    A typical Eggspark offer: 75,000 sparks cost 1,500 gems

    Looking at my offers (note: it may vary regionally):

    Spark Starter Offer: 6,500 sparks + 250 gems cost $10.99

    • To get 75,000 sparks, I need to purchase more than 11 of these offers
    • 71,500 sparks + 2,750 gems cost $120.89
      • I do get an extra 2,750 gems, but I cannot use them to buy more sparks.
    • At $19.99/1800 gems (see below), the 2,750 gems is worth $30.54
    • So subtracting that value, it’s: 71,500 sparks for $90.35
      • You get less sparks and need to spend over $100.

    Another offer: 1,800 gems cost $19.99

    • If Eggspark was available, I can purchase 75,000 sparks for the $19.99 with 300 gems leftover
    • 75,000 sparks + 300 gems for under $19.99 (if Eggspark is available)
    • note: Even though Prime Pass is a overall a good deal. You only get 2,500 sparks in 2 months which is less than 1/2 a single SR.

    Therefore having an Eggspark offer will save over $70 in costs to purchase sparks. Also, having an Eggspark offer does not mean you have to spend gems to purchase it. You have a choice to save your hard-earned gems and grind for sparks the old-fashion way. However, I prefer having that choice any day.


    @papakarlo Because of something called Sparkrun, it actually makes sense to promote a 2nd TF in each squad because it will significantly boost your Sparkrun bonus. I prefer to finish each SR as quickly as possible, so I always use this strategy of using: 1. “SR Killer” + 2. “Sponsor” + 3. “Sponsor”

    Assuming you only use all green crown TFs in all cases in SR:

    • SR Killer + 1x Sponsor + 3rd TF = 1260% bonus
    • SR Killer + 2x Sponsors = 1890% bonus

    Having that 2nd promoted TF in the squad will help you finish SR in less than 2/3 of the time. If you’re doing 2x SR a day for a whole week, this can save you HOURS of time! You even have better chances of finishing SR because you can get through the whole run with just your 1st “SR killer” TF.

    To promote 2x TFs in each squad to green crown requires 571.9K sparks. For 5 weeks worth of events, that’s 2.86M sparks! (almost 3 million sparks!) To earn that many sparks if you are doing 2 SR/day + ad bonus (11K), will take 260 days (8.5 months). Even if these are “old timer” events, I doubt you have a 2nd TF in each squad promoted to green crown already (unless a lot of 💲 spent or some cheat was used). Also, maybe you enjoy spending 1 hour every day on 2x SR/day, but not me. Even with judiciously spending sparks, since return-on-investment drops significantly once you get to the red/green tier, I still spent some sparks promoting TFs in the past 5 weeks. The ability to earn 11K sparks/day was not possible less than a year ago (took me 3 months just to go from lvl 300 to 500 in SR v2.0).  Back then, in SR v1.0, I could only earn an average of ~2.5k sparks/day from SR (most of the time, I only get to 4 of 5 segments and not earn max sparks; I also did not spend 100 gems/day to do a 2nd SR). Even with Sparks available in events, Spire, crates, I still earn significantly less sparks than I do now.

    A lot of these “all inclusive” meal vacations include only basic drinks and basic meals. If you want lobster/filet mignon and a bottle of wine, you are still expected to pay extra. I prefer to enjoy myself every once a while rather stick with the bare minimum.



    New event starting today May 13, 2021:

    • Event Name: Energon Optimus Prime
    • Number of TFs: 1
    • Energonicon? : No
    • Bonus Squad: Energon Fueled
    •     Energon Grimlock, Energon Soundwave, Energon Galvatron, Energon Optimus Prine
    • Top Prize: Drag Strip (Support squad)
    • Token Exchange: (see bonus squad TFs above + Drag Strip)
    • Special feature(s): Only Energon TFs can be used in the event; Colorful blocks

    ::yawn:: I think I might sit this one out. Good luck to everyone else.


    @john12345 Lol.. calm down… I’ll post it in a few minutes

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