Sglouk Active 2 hours, 59 minutes ago
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  • Sglouk

    No other way, sorry. Note that if you reset your missions until you are asked to beat your score at some level, it gives you 10 points per mission, that is 30 points per day. So in 12 days, you’ll make it.


    I did not know you well, but I am sad to see you leaving. Farewell, nest friend.



    ABSP Mirror Pig Bang M1-28 is unstable and can lead to a 0-birder, just as Cold Cuts 2-5 or Mirror Cold Cuts M2-5 can. Mechanism is the same: tenssion acculates in the ring till they explode. Here, since there is no friction between rings, instability requires that much more tension accumulates in the ring, thus triggering the instability after much longer time (somewhere around 40 hours maybe). When rings explodes, orbiting pig may survive, but not the other ones. Scores up to 100k are possible:

    Even if Hector did survive, getting rid of him using one bir is more than easy, allowing for a respectable 80k one-birder.


    In the latest version of Angry Birds Space (since the Mirror World update), you have daily missions, which can give you up to 10 mission point rewards. For each 10 reward points, you get 7 space eagle, and therefore a sufficient supply of those if you complete three missions per day (up to 21 eagle) per day, which is enough to complete all classical levels after a few months.

    The most rewarding missions are those where you have to beat your score in some level (reset you mission a few times to get it after 30 minutes of wait), however, the trick is that you can beat your score using power ups, so that beating your score is quite easy: you just need to get at most 10k point less than your best, “use” Wingman without launching it, and wait for the score tally screen. Wingman counts as an unused bird since you did not fling it, and gives you 10k more points. Since every ten mission points you also get an extra Wingman, you also replenish those for each completed mission.

    Note that if you feather all classical levels of one episode, you open the eagle special level which you can play without spending you eagles, which is a good thing since those “sardine can levels” are quite tough (most notably F-2, as far as I remember).


    @hunnybunny Thanks! And thanks as well to @wicket182 for proposing that interpretation of the rules! (I had not reached the SharpShooter Badge threshold in another episode)


    @hunnybunny @karen68 @angrychicken

    Thank you for your comments. This suggestion came to my mind when trying to three-star all Cosmic Crystal levels as fast as possible, and I realized that it was by no mean easy, so that it could possibly do the job for a badge, but I also understand your concerns.


    @hunnybunny @karen68 @sweetp


    Great idea!

    I applied for the badge a few minutes ago. This badge leads me to think to another badge suggestion : the (Ultra) FastShooter Badge, where this time you have to provide a vid of a 3-star run of a whole episode. Since you must be fast, there should be a time limit of, say, 2 (Ultra Fast) or 3-4 (Fast) minutes per level. The fgures needs to be adjusted, but as I could witness on my 3-star run in Cosmic Crystals, there are always a few levels that are likely to make waste a lot of time, so 2 minutes per level may not be that easy. My main concern would be to ensure that one cannot fake such a vid by shortening it; Maybe people like @wicket182 and @angrychicken or other seasoned flingers could give their opinion about this as well.


    One reason is that unlimited PU’s are not supposed to exist (well, they do on some hacked versions of some games), so that PU leaderboards would be highly correlated with the amount of money people would want to spend for it. Moreover, there are some platforms (PC, for example) where PU’s are not present at all.

    Assuming that this is not an issue (i.e. everybody plays with hacked version with unlimited PU’s), my belief is that if you are a good flinger without PU’s, you’ll also be an equally good flinger with PU’s, so that adding this extra leaderboard will not change anything to the picture.

    The only added value I see for PU’s is that for several levels I have investigated, the best strat might be completely different with or without PU’s, so that they are in some sense very different levels. But since almost no one has played all levels of all games in the normal way, I doubt that doubling (roughly) the number of levels by including PU leaderboards will be of interest for most people.



    Ever with older PC versions, you could see feathers and lightning bolts on the level selection screens which showed which levels had been feathered or completed with PU’s (this is stored in the highscores.lua), even though you could not use those from the PC version. I do not think Steam did port anything there. They may just have asked to include the Leaderboard that is connected to their servers. But such feature already exists for iOS versions.


    There is no difference between the free and normal versions of any game I know (I do not play ABSW2, however). If you can freely transfer your highscores.lua files from one to another, then you can safely consider that it is indeed the same game.


    The missions that give the largest number of points are those where you have to beat your score on some level. Those gives you 10 points. However, the odds that such missions are proposed to you are low as long as you do not have completed and three-starred _every_ unlocked level (including mirror world). For example, as soon as you have unlocked but not completed a Brass Hogs level, you are very likely to be asked to complete/three-star/feather this level instead of beating you score somewhere else.


    A new, although no longer existing unstable level in Angry Birds Space

    Tested on PC v1.3.0 and v2.0.0 (last one released on this platform).

    Level: Cold Cuts 2-28

    Instability arises after 10 to 15 minutes, resulting in a sudden destruction of middle left part of level. Repeated 100% of the time (on ~10 attempts) on above entionned versions, leads to 16270 score on v1.3.0, 16310 on v2.0.0. It seems that lower right part of level still evolves after this, resulting in destruction of another pig for 21k in the end (only seen in v2.0.0).

    Instability may affect behaviour of the rest of the level, making the standard, counterclockwise strat harder to make (TBC), but allows clockwise approach. It is unclear whether or not higher scores are achievable this way.

    It seems unlikely that a 0-birder is possible since instability occurs below TNT platform, which remains unaffected.

    A short vid of the instability (10 to 12 minutes after restart):

    I also tested it on latest iOS release, but nothing spectacular occurred. Score slowly increased to 2k after 3 hours, possibly from lower right small instability. I will let it run all night to check if something more happens.



    OK, so here it is.

    Angry Birds Space Cold Cuts level 2-5. Partial (20k-25k) to total (130k+) destruction.

    Instability exists since at least v2.0.0.

    There is a very slow weakening of leftmost wooden block of central circle. It may be due to the fact that from times to times, leftmost and central circle collide at very slow speed, and contact is done at this block.

    No point for 1 or 2 hours, then very slow progress, maybe 100 to 150 points per hour. After 8 to 12 hours, when score reaches around 1150, the wood block finally breaks and the whole circle explodes. Gives around 20k to 25k, but debris from the circle can possibly propagate the explosion to other circles.

    Can lead to a 130k 0-birder (reported by @rat9), or a 120k+ one-birder completion.

    I made a vid of a not very clever 3-bird completion. You will see that explosion of circle happens when leftmost and central circle gently collide for the last time:

    (My first ABN vid)


    As far as I understand, you can be asked to feather a level if:
    * it is already unlocked,
    * it can be finished with Space Eagles (therefore no Mirror World level, for example, nor eggsteroids),
    * you did not complete it yet.

    If you have completed all such levels, then you are no longer asked to feather one.

    In practice, if you had finished all ordinary levels prior to Brass Hogs release, then you could have been asked to feather your unlocked but uncompleted Brass Hogs levels, however, as soon as you completed all those now Brass Hogs levels, then, you could not be asked to feather any level. I presume that this is what happened to you.



    ABSp Cold Cuts Mirror World M2-28

    Partial collapse of main structure, after ~15 minutes, for around 10k. Happened three times in a row, therefore I assume it is quite common. Also confirmed by Romo.



    I gave a look yesterday, and was not able to get above 86% with only one can + one bird. My most promising strat:

    1. Aim at 7:30, activate sardine can on impact with crystal planet on which sling lies.

    2. If you activate very close to planet, you should break it. Initial direction of can does not seem to make a huge difference (although sending it at 4:30 seems to give less interesting results than at 7:30), but activating as close as possible to planet surface does.

    3. A large shard of the planet should slowly drift to the right, and get sucked by small planet gravity field, which should destroy everything there.

    4. In the meantime, a small debris from large blown planet should fly north east toward crane, destroy crane and pig on scaffholding. Timing of sardine can shot is probably crucial to increase odds for this.

    5. The rest is a matter of debris from small planet being able activate TNT explosion, thus allowing to finish the level with one can and no birds. My bet is that should give you 100%, but you would need to waste many cans in order to do it. It is no longer an issue with daily missions, but still, it is a waste.


    Is there any known way to unlock these levels outside the US? Thanks in advance.


    I was not suggesting to use Wingman for ABN leaderboard, I was bringing everyone’s attention that the daily mission accepts a power-up boosted score to beat the non PU one, which makes mission completion far easier.

    A trivial example: I am asked to beat my Pig Bang 1-1 score, which is quite high (28750). If I try it without using Wingman, I may spend hours on it, for a ridiculous gain (no more than 300 points) in the unlikely case I succeed. If I “use” Wingman, then in minute, I will fling a 26k score, which will then be boosted to 36k thanks to the selected but unflung Wingman, and I will succeed the mission. My “normal” non PU score will still be 28750. The only difference is that on the level selection screen, I will have a tiny lightning bolt on 1-1 level planet saying that I (also) completed the level using PU. But when I access the level, the highscore that is shown is still 28750. It is only if I tap one of the PU buttons that I will see the PU highscore.



    A few more explanations in addition to @burpie’s answer:
    You can keep on completing daily missions till at least 2530pts (my current score). Note that once you have unlocked the last Brass Hog level (360pts), every 10 points you get gives you 6 Space Eagles + one power-up bundle (which includes a 7th Space Eagle, actually). So far, I have earned around 1600 Eagles, which is far more than necessary to unlock all sardine can levels. Note also that once you have 3-starred all normal+mirror levels, you are given very often 10 point missions (and you can reset the mission it was not the case), thus allowing you to earn 30 mission points per day, i.e. 3 wingman + 21 Space Eagles + minor power-ups.

    Now, even if you have already good scores, it remains easy to complete those 10 point missions (where you must beat your previous score on some randomly chosen level). The reason is that you have to beat the score you have set without using power-ups, but you can use power ups to do so (actually, this is really done on purpose since you are never asked to beat your score on levels where you cannot use power-ups, i.e. Eggsteroids, boss or egg levels). The simplest way to do it is to redo the level in the normal way, till you are less than 10k below your previous mark. Then, before letting the level complete, just tap on the Wingman button WITHOUT launching it. Wingman is considered as an extra bird (it does not replace the remaining bird(s)), so that when level completes, you are given an extra 10k for Wingman. Now, completing this mission gives you 10 points, and another power-up bundle, and therefore an extra Wingman, which you can then use for your next mission, and so on.

    Now, a suggestion for @admins

    In case you are looking for an idea for a badge, maybe obtaining some large but doable number (1000?) of mission points could be a good idea for a skill-based badge. It would change from glitch-based badges such as Anchor Away, Over the Moon or Ham Dunk. Posting a screenshot of the mission screen would suffice to get the badge.


    As far as I can understand, Rovio did not announce a “Pluto” update, but rather included in their last minor update a petition-thing like “Tap to support Pluto to regain planethood”, which is a rather unscientific move since the definition of what is a planet and what is not is not a matter of petition but of scientific arguments. So maybe they hastily removed the app after some people complained about it, and will take a day or two to correct all this.


    @mighty-red-1 @justpast40
    It is a bit worse: even by watching ads, you have a limited number of levels that you can unlock per day typically around 8. Apart from this, I have the impression that it is the very same game, with only one configuration file that switches the ad thing with respect to the normal game. I would consider scores obtained with the free version as legit.


    Tap on the wingman button.
    Launch it horizontally, between the two four pig rows, activate immediately.
    You should then pop every pig except the top one.
    Finish it with Red.



    This was discussed informally on the BP, but I did not see official notice, so it is good to have opened a thread about it.


    @admins I fear this user claiming for the badge is a reincarnation of another user who was there a few weeks ago to claim skill awarded badges (over the moon, anchors away, slam dunk and PotJ) using fake/borrowed screenshots. The last one he posted two hours ago is an obvious example.

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