Robert Batek Active 4 years, 10 months ago

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  • Robert Batek

    Video crashes are killer. It can’t be the device we are using. Wish this could be fixed one of these years, especially during competitions.

    Robert Batek

    Is there any chance this latest challenge could be extended? The sequence of winning Epic Optimus followed by EO’s accessories caught us all by surprise and knowing it earlier would have modified our strategies such as spending extra gems upfront. I do like these challenges quite a bit which added extra passion for the game. Hopefully there is a way to release the stress quite a few of us are currently under.

    Robert Batek

    Great find @OptimusPig. I’ve been wondering myself.

    Robert Batek

    I believe that you need to go to the customization area and ‘select’ the accessories. A yellow highlighted block will show up when you click on it.

    Robert Batek

    @optimus: I agree that we’ll likely not see it again. Kept me interested though. Did not see the shockwave gem # change but you are likely right. Argh.

    Robert Batek

    Early morning due to work travel. Played 5 challenge levels and averaged ~15-20 presents per level. And then I landed on one forest level that had 3 stacks of gifts galore stacked up one one another. Hit them all and ended with 85 presents! Merry Christmas. Unfortunately will be stuck in meetings all day and will get stomped by others. By the way, ABT has been running quite decent since last Saturday’s fix. Thanks for the efforts @gradientturtle7.

    Robert Batek

    With the reloggin every time into FB, the updating progress bug has been worse than ever for me on Android v Lost tons of gems and turkpigs. Multiple crashes kills me especially when trying to play with FB friends. A positive is that I’m pretty caught up on News being that ABT is suffering so much.

    Robert Batek

    I’m playing on Android. Collected nothing and it pops up almost any time I have to restart the game due to video freezes. Even the kids are frustrated.

    Robert Batek

    After close to a month, the stalling stopped and map scrlling seems to be quicker than ever. I may have been a beta tester without knowing. Thankks for the fix Rovio.

    Robert Batek

    @Pampeans I’ve been suffering on Android here too. Hoping for v. 1.9.0 to resolve our challenges. A plus would be a new area to open.

    Robert Batek

    I gave up this round. Continuous video or in game crashing plus having to reconnect into FB after every crash. Friends Activity is also broken. I did just download 1-8-10-0 from the playstore and game loaded fine. It does not seem that the connectivity issue has been fixed though.

    Robert Batek

    US Android V and previous versions for last couple weeks. After skipping initial node video, game freezes up and needs to be restarted. Happens ~90% of the time. Very frustrating today after paying 10 gems for a dome that I could not play as it froze up after the video and dome dissappeared after the restart.

    Robert Batek

    Thanks for your update gradientturtle7. Seems like US Android is working again, at least on my LG4 and Samsung tablet. Version Linked to Facebook successfully and no progress lost. Cheers.

    Robert Batek

    Per new forum it seems that a new version was released for IOS. Gradientturtle said that Rovio servers are having issues which is affecting all AB games. Will sit tight for now.

    Robert Batek

    Having issues starting the game today. Immediate crashing. Android v

    Robert Batek

    Same unplayable issues here on Android. Version

    Robert Batek

    A few crashes at boarding astrotrain but it seems that I did not lose anything with the update. Samsung tablet 2 here. One new feature I saw fro. A horribly played game was that right after dying, it gave me the option to continue playing that node for 27 gems. Logically I did not select the gem pay to continue but if any of you have millions of gems, you could like this. Likely not the case. I definitely am ready for some new areas to open up. It has been too long.

    Robert Batek

    Gold dome crashing is a killer. Happened to me on the last 3 domes – 2 half way playing, one right before the video. I think this is the worst one of all since I get a dome every 3 days or so. And yes, lost all those gems. Much more video crashing this last 5-10 days.

    Robert Batek

    August 26 article on Rovio personnel changes. It could be a while for TF bugs to be fixed if ever. Sad to see that this likely is the reason why we are suffering all these recent changes. I will still not purchase gems and will support Rovio through their advertising motto, especially taking the kids to the movies shown through the videos.

    Rovio Fires Employees Even Though Angry Birds 2 is a Hit

    Robert Batek

    Bug issues have decreased some but the game has become a bit monotonous. Opening the lab was exciting but not as much as when they reopened the forest area. Focus seems to be more revenue by selling gems and I feel pretty bad for the folks that paid real cash for them to then have a change in the game goals. Advertising is where the big bucks are and new missions is where they would regain my interest much more. All these gem focused changes will not make me buy them.

    Robert Batek

    OptimusPig – you called it. Mission material reward #s reduced as well as the # of pig lab gems. As suggested before, Rovio, please add more missions.

    Robert Batek

    Can’t Rovio just add more missions? Seriously, it has been too long. More missions, more interest, more advertiser videos, more $ for Rovio and their advertisers.

    Robert Batek

    Confirmed that pig lab gem rewards that were 35 are now 14. Also mission rewards for materials decreased in amounts by about half. How about introducing new levels? It has been months already. That will inspire us to play missions, whatch videos of Rovio’s advertisers and everyone is happy again. Somehow my previous post did not come through with this same suggestion.

    Robert Batek

    I truly would like Rovio to focus on new transformers and levels/areas for us to play in. That was the original purpose of the game and it was so exciting for new areas to open up. We have not seen one in months. That volcanic crater has been coming soon forever. Regardless of our pain in changes of gems/coins/material hunting, I keep coming back and playing these nodes over and over so that my transformers are ready for when these new areas open up. I’ll just keep going and adapt to the sudden changes while waiting for transformer higher ranks. This silo storage decrease actually seems to not affected the goals of the silo and materials. Just wish I could have my time back from all that pig lab spinning. Got all the 3 star energicons so am not in too bad of a shape.

    Robert Batek

    No kidding @SoloAz. Luckily I have not spent any $s buying gems or accessories. Those folks are surely not happy with sudden game changes like these. What keeps me going is the ‘coming soon’ crater that has been there forever. Just working on upgrades for that day when my son will take over again. It is a bit dangerous for him to mess around in the lab right now and loosing some SRs. Just don’t understand how Rovio does not anticipate how players will adapt to game changes.

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