Daily Challenge – current difficulty

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  • Buster

    4-4-6 DC for me Monday.



    Yep, gem sucker.


    I was lucky to complete it, but the KPP was no better than the DC. The second level was a waterfall stage with a blackhole, it’s hard even if you have the full flock. Yet another gem sucker!


    I was able to get through the DC after paying 60 gems and the KPP worked out okay and I didn’t have to pay gems. :)

    I received an extra rare chest but missed the one in the DC. :/


    4-4-5 DC on Wednesday for me. Not too tough, although I spent 60 gems to make up for a couple of really bad decisions earlier in the round.

    KPP seemed really simple, but in the last room he camped out on a ledge that I couldn’t reach with 6 birds (counting 1 vid and 3 for gems).

    Joe B.

    Yeah @douglas, My last KPP got stuck on a far right ledge out there for that reason by rovio. Don’t spend 60 gems like I did…teaches me to go back to being a cheap skate and to never go for that risk. The room was full of gravity machines. Chaos.Very lame with 5 rooms and even when playing well, u hardly have birds left for the boss room. Total gem grab.


    @joeb, I hear that about reverting to my cheapskate ways. My rule was never to spend any gems on DC/KPP unless I had a virtually certain path. Usually that meant a badly damaged KP or one just in need of a little nudge to push him into oblivion.

    I accumulated a lot of gems that way and figured I could win every time if I spent enough of them. Oops, wrong. No more buying gems just to hope for some miracle — the rewards just aren’t that great.


    I was able to get through the DC and KPP without having to pay any gems. :)

    Luckily, I had Matilda to finish off the KPP because he got stuck on the far right ledge right above the pink portal, after I hit it first with silver and then bomb, I think. I was able to send Matilda over and drop her bomb, ending him and I received an extra rare chest. :)


    Don’t bother with the KPP. Round 2 pig is a level with no exit and no bird inflicts any real damage.


    Same experience as @aggieguy. DC was really no problem once you figure out how the tunnels all connect together. You need birds that will push KP along rather than just beat him up.

    I almost walked away from KPP on level 1, which was just a bunch of fans and your only real strategy is to send as much debris as you can into the mix and wait for enough of it to knock him out. Not difficult so much as tedious. Then level 2 promised to be a gem sucker so I threw in the towel.


    I only play the KPP challenge to get the gems IF it is a feat, otherwise I ignore it. It is nothing but a time waste to go through two rooms, get to the King pig, and find there is no out, and no way to beat it other than hitting it with multiple birds, and usually having to spend gems.


    Hmmm…  I’ve had the exact same DC two days in a row… never seen that before.

    And it’s an absolute garbage gem-suck, 4-5-5 and micro-unpoppable-pig city, even on level 2.  The first screen on level 3 is ridiculous, designed to take all your birds.

    Not giving Rovio any gems on this cheating trash.  Wow, they really do get worse and worse, greedier and greedier.


    Another ridiculous 6 rooms DC for Thursday.


    Was just coming to post the same thing.


    I never managed to even make it to that screen. Thankfully there was no gem reward for playing KPP.


    Friday’s DC 4-4-5 is pretty easy. There’s a flower you may not even notice on a ledge below the KP protected by a structure. It can be used to clear the pathway to doom on the right.

    Didn’t play KPP.


    KPP is a pain. Last pig tends to get jammed into a spot where no bird can hit or move him.


    I was able to get through the DC with two birds: chuck and blues. I was very surprised but so happy that I didn’t have to spend gems.

    KPP was okay. I did end up spending 60 gems even though I received a free extra bird, which has never happened before and it was Bomb. Luckily, there was an exit and Terrence cleared the way. :)



    I walked away from Saturday’s DC after one try. Another no-escape set-up. Once KP landed on the lower ledge I could see spending too many gems trying to pummel him to death, which you could only do with birds since there isn’t much debris available.


    To add to what Buster said, the KP also has very high health and birds, even Bomb and Terrance, do almost no damage. It is the exact same room I mentioned being in the KPP 3 days ago.


    For DC, you need bubble to push pig to the left side…….or use stella, and soon use silver to kick pig up..both way could finish this room.


    Those strategies didn’t work for me. Most of the birds fired just went up to the top perch – there didn’t seem to be a way to hit the lower perch directly from the slingshot. I did not have the balloon available however. I didn’t feel like throwing hundreds of gems away with the KP just laughing at me.


    To add to what Buster and AggieGuy are saying, I’m getting that same room suspiciously often lately.  It’s one of Rovio’s default gem sucks so the second I saw it I stopped playing.  Gonna do the same thing every time this room comes up:  it’s pointless.  KP’s health is set at “ridiculous” and it’s way too obviously set up to always position him so most of your birds can do nothing to move him.  Why spend gems on this kind of garbage?


    3-4-5 today, but can’t get to the final room with more than a few birds so no way to beat it. The first room in the final round takes 3-5 birds to clear, and the king pig ends up in a spot where he is unreachable by whatever bird I have left.


    I had some extra time today and gave the DC a few more tries, to see if pity mode might kick in, if nothing else. Nope. Utter waste of time. It’s still that first room, as @aggieguy says.

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