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After two impossible DCs I’ve had two easy ones.
There must be some AI algorithm at work for sure.
SB311@sb311The DC was fine but the kpp was a bit more difficult. I had to pay 60 gems and had a lucky hit by Matilda to knock boss pig to fall to his demise. :)
I missed an extra rare chest though and a feather card with 6000 orange feathers. I swear it seems fixed sometime. :|
RawDataSystems@rawdatasystems@sb311, I did not have any feathers in chests for either account. Both got extra Rare Chest, too… and still no feathers! It’s been a long time when I last saw feather rewards better than for 50-200. Looks awfully like I’m not going to reach 60k in time.
Buster@doulgasDC for Monday is another pound-him-to-death setup, where he just keeps passing through tunnels back to where he started. But you can beat him without gems IF you save your KP-killer birds (bomb, terence, silver, matilda) for the last room. Fortunately it was pretty easy to get to that room without using a lot of birds.
Gave up on KPP level 1 pretty quickly. Here again you have to bludgeon him but I didn’t have the arsenal needed and no way am I spending gems or the entire morning on level 1.
angrybirdspoop@angrybirdspoopI have to play 2 times and watch the video for an extra bird to complete KPP level 1, even Terence stopped dead before the KP, only Silver and Matilda could inflict some significant damage. Though level 2 and 3 were easy.
SB311@sb311Last level of my KPP was this gem sucker again and they couldn’t even give us the one with an exit. I think the only way I have been able to beat it is with a lucky shot or something strange happening.
I managed to break the little wooden platform under the pig with debris carried by stella, but he just went over to the other platform beside him and rested in the balloon that never popped. :/
I knew I should have saved my 60 gems. Ugh.
garethw@garethw….. and that’s why I never bother with the KPP.
Buster@doulgasTough DC for me today. Level 1 was no walk in the park if you waste any birds in the first room, like I did. Had to use spells to get through level 2. KP level wasn’t too bad, although I had to lay down 60 gems. Tip: if he lands on the ledge on the upper right, don’t send him back through the slime roller coaster. Use Chuck or something else to knock him straight to the right and off the screen.
KPP was pretty easy up to the last room. Had to use gems there too. It’s one of those trampoline setups where your birds will go down the hole easily but KP just likes to bounce around. If he gets on the middle ledge you can’t reach him with a direct shot to to knock him off so it’s good to have matilda or silver to drop down on him.
SB311@sb311I was able to get both extra chests and get through the DC and KPP without using any gems. I can’t remember the last time that happened.
And I was able to float the KP away with stella on the last level which has never worked for me before today. I was so glad not to have to deal with the trampoline mess.
I received tons of cards with three spells each. Why don’t they have the ice spells available to win, they have the three ME cards every once in a while so why not the three ice spells? :/
I know tomorrow is probably going to be payback, but at least I received my extra apples from the event.
Buster@doulgas@SB311, how were you able to reach KP with Stella on that middle ledge? I tried but the fan just blew it away and I couldn’t find a way to reach it with the trampolines below.
Today’s (Thursday) DC was much the same. Really had to pay attention on level 2 and not waste any birds. KP level was pretty straightforward, but I paid some gems to finish him off rather than slog through the whole thing again.
Got hung up on KPP level 2 and ran out of time.
SB311@sb311I had to play the DC a few times before I was able to beat it without spending gems. I kept getting stuck on the second level. Even though I had a 4-4-4 DC it seemed like it took forever to get through all the levels because each one had a minimum of 3 structures. Ugh.
I made it to the last room of the KPP with no birds and spent 60 gems and luckily, I was able to beat it. I wasn’t too hopeful when I first saw the room, but I actually received the birds I needed: bomb, res and terrance.
Buster@doulgasThanks for the explanation. By the time a Stella appeared in my hand, I had already knocked him down to the ledge.
mortenandre@mortenandreAnybody got a tip how to beat this level? I can use 6-7 birds, but still can’t defeat this KP…
Buster@doulgasThe only way I’ve found to pound him to death is if he’s directly beneath the flower on the bottom and you can aim your KP-killer birds into the flower on the left, which sends them to the middle flower. The added power from the flowers can knock him out. Of course, first you have to knock out the structure.
Given the modest reward for victory, I wouldn’t waste gems or time on it. There’s always tomorrow.
RawDataSystems@rawdatasystemsWhy not try to lift the KP away with pink bugger?
It does not always work, of course.
AggieGuy@aggieguyStella can float piggy off the screen.
Buster@doulgasYes, well, unfortunately she was not active at the time. Like to hear if it works though for future reference.
RizDub@rizdubI can confirm, using Stella does work. Of course, you do have to aim her at the right spot – I did it by sending her toward the bottom of KP and activated just before impact. Worked like a charm. The third level wasn’t difficult, so I was able to beat KPP today.
Joe B.@joebMaybe Stella works but for me the KP hit the top right wall (almost made it) and fell back to the bottom. Maybe I should aim higher or lower? I guess it’s possible I didn’t activate Stella at the best time but it was just before the King piggy.
Then i got him in the flower spot but he had a third life remaining and i was done. Tired of seeing this room.
12th Kitty@12thkittyFridays was too hard, waited for midnight for the next one. Was able to do Saturday’s, the king panic was too hard.
AggieGuy@aggieguyThe first boss in the KPP is a room where the usual exit is now blocked off so the only option is to try to pound the pig to death. I tried a couple of times, but even with all the heavy hitters and the extra video bird, it still wasn’t enough.
If it was round three, I would have paid the gems to beat him as all I need was one more bird, maybe two to beat him. Never paying gems for the first round.
Buster@doulgasSame here. I’ll gladly wave the white flag before using gems on level 1.
SB311@sb311Weird DC for me today. It’s a 4-3-6 sequence and I can’t make it to the boss level with more than 1-2 birds. I know I need at least 4 birds in order to clear structures and hit him toward the exit. I’m using stella, but maybe I need one of the other extra birds.
It is pretty much a given that they want you to spend gems when you get six rooms for level 3. The rooms are so cluttered and packed too. I may just have to accept defeat. :(
Buster@doulgasI had one bird left at boss level. It took the video extra and 60 gems to get it done. I decided to use a couple of useless birds to destroy whatever they could and managed to fill up the meter for one more. And it still came down to the last bird.
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