Rowdypup Active 4 years, 4 months ago
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  • Rowdypup

    Well at least Terence is correctly sized now :)


    @ixan57 almost every level within the world has that specific Viking helmet – level 1 for example.


    Ragnahog lol


    Could Terence or Stella work in this scenario to bump King Pig off the screen?


    Yes. See how your Hatchling is asleep?


    Another tip for a free Sling Scope, but without the ad:


    Simply enter a level 0-15 (thanks @joseantonio!) of the Tutorial where said Power-Up is available, activate it (don’t worry, as in this area all PUs have infinite value), and presto! For the next 5 minutes, a free Sling Scope will appear in every level for use!

    When the PU’s duration expires, simply repeat the process!


    Try it!


    @drachenbauer The bar, coined the “Destruct-o-Meter” measures the amount of damage done on-screen, be it by birds, pigs, or environmental factors, to grant you another card at random – unless your deck is full – when filled; individual damage amounts (represented by wood chips flying up into the bar) result from the destruction different objects. Experiment and see!


    @optimuspig Hmm. Honestly, to me it has always, geographically and historically, looked like the real world isle, Greater Inagua, but this may just be a coincidence.


    I’m confused


    Only 1 of the three for use, even when all are released? That’s a bummer.


    I wonder how she will affect the Daily Challenge/emphasized bird roulette, as there are seven birds for the seven days of the week…


    Oh I remember this glitch from when Go! was still alive, and with you, it is once again! My favorite race preparation glitch would be when the models spin about in their seats like twirling basketballs! Love you so much for still showing respect to Go!


    (P.S. have you heard of “mutations” in the post-race pictures?)


    Let’s just give them time to see their success in the failure…then, once again, classic flingers will be in the spotlight.


    Every time.


    Finally some good maintenance work being done on this game. I submitted a request 8 months ago for this issue and NOW they receive it. Maybe I am not the high maintenance one around here…


    Hey, at least classic CGI model’s aren’t forgotten…haven’t seen them since AB GO!, back in late 2013.


    Novastar’s weapon – an erraticly nebulous homing missile – has excellent splash damage and firepower, as does Nautica’s electrified water squirter; consider promoting them, first, over Strongarm and Elita One – both of whom have weaker, more concentrated lazer blasts.


    I’m always up for new Transformers…but…Stella-themed bots freak me out a bit with their big, beady eyes. Nevertheless, she looks cool.


    The splash screen – Optimus and Bumblebee exploring the cavern – is back. Whenever a minor update labeled “big fixes” appears, it’s usually not something worth full explaining in the App/Play Store description.


    Oh…about that. The Rovio Account feature is set to be discontinued, if not already; so there’s bound to be trouble with that.


    Just wait until this “Overpower” additive gets out of control…


    @rawdatasystems yes, every time Super Streak week appears. Like you, I am unable to play due to an ongoing bug that has yet to be fixed, or moreover, noticed by Rovio. I feel you pain of not getting the game’s full effect…


    Does anyone have footage? I’m intrigued, despite being forbidden to play the game!


    @rjfg007 if you have enough (or nearly enough to where you may use gems sensibly)tokens, then go for the limited-time Transformers. If not, use the good-enough reward to buy crates or sparks – preferably the latter, unless a new Transformer is offered in the former.


    @optimuspig passing through the deceleration portals in Cobalt Valley reverts the high-speed back to normal. Temporarily, at least.

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