Paladin Active 7 years, 5 months ago

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    They really upped the challenge on the Caves. I went in to fight the boss of 18 with 2 birds just to scope it out, and managed to randomly beat him with just Paladin and the Witch (Level 65, Mastery 61, Level 10 Weapons). Only got 2 stars, so I will give it a shot with another full set.

    BTW, anyone out there that is level 60+ and want to add me, please send me a DM. I play every day and have pretty awesome birds.


    I think they might have fixed the level 61 bug. Yesterday the birds that hit level 61 were majorly nerfed, but today their health and damage was back to normal. Did you guys notice this also?


    I have been able to autoplay the event with Berserker, Bard, and Tricksters (all Mastery 14, gear is level 7-10). I’m not using my A-team since they are level 15 already and I want the mastery from the event. If it wasn’t for that, I would use Paladin, Wizard, Seadog.


    I’m also stuck at load balancing :/ Tried two devices, did a clean install and I got an error when trying to sync my data with my Rovio account.


    Hmm, doesn’t look like I can log in after the update.


    This is turning into a psychological social experiment =)


    I guess that is what you get for getting to Diamond so soon ;)

    But seriously, that is total BS. Come on Rovio, we love you but it’s been a month already. Please fix the game so everyone has a fair chance.


    I just received an update today (v1.2.3), so hopefully this will address the pvp cheaters!


    I was in Silver last week and nobody cheated until the last 24 hours and even then it was just a couple people and the scores were not too ridiculous. I still made it to gold (thanks to maybe 30 total hours of grinding over the past week) and it looks like there are no cheaters yet in my group. I hope that Rovio fixes this issue this week so there isn’t a mad dash the last day again. We should be due for a version update in the next week or two.


    I’m up to 36k and am first in my Silver league, I’m pretty happy to play in a league with no cheaters. I hope it will be the same in gold next week.


    I was super stoked to get the Blessed Idol a few days ago, but it does not work :/


    I’m sure they’ll fix it as soon as they can. We are due for a major update in the next 1-2 weeks. I’m guessing it will be bug fixes and more chronicles caves levels with the level cap increased to 45.


    @mvnla2 – Hmm, not sure how that would be possible. That would be really strange if the other 14 people could have different leaderboards. Also, after I changed my name, someone else changed their name to something similar =)


    Came in 4th this week in Silver, would have been 3rd if Krat wasn’t in the league. He was 20-30k above everyone else by day 2, I even changed my name to Kratcheats to call him out on it =). I’m actually glad that I got held back in Silver. I got super lucky with my group and there don’t appear to be any cheaters. Playing PVP is way more fun now and it looks like it will be a close competition.


    That was my first emblem and I was never able to get it to work. At first I thought you might be able to activate it by tapping on your banner during your turn (that would be pretty sweet actually).


    Having the same issue with the Sinister Set (which is the only set I have). There is absolutely no 10% increase in attack power. In fact I downgraded to a banner that offers 50% healing instead of using the set since it actually does something.

    How did they launch this with so many huge bugs?


    The Sling and Plushies for Blues has the same effect as well, something to watch out for. If you are up against Chuck with the Phoenix Egg/Feather set, you might be better off trying to take out another bird first.


    I saw a new emblem today, but can’t remember the name. I have probably done over 1,000 battles and this was the first time I’ve seen it. It looks like a ball of spikes and reflects 15% of damage done to the banner to ALL birds (45% damage if all birds are alive). Thorns does 35% damage to only the attacking bird. If I get my hands on it, that would be my emblem of choice.

    Another great one (called Resurrection I think) gives a 30% chance of reviving with 50% HP to all birds.

    As for Underdog, haven’t thought of any good use cases for it. Maybe Paladin + Lightning Bird or Paladin + Tricksters?


    I’m assuming it will not reset your quests but just give you 3 fresh lives… could be wrong but that seems logical.


    You can still ignore all the PVP and event stuff and just enjoy to single player campaign. There does not appear to be any benefit to the PVP items in the main game. The events give you tons of mastery, but they are really easy to get 2 or 3 stars.


    I’m positive the future updates will be more than just PvP. Rovio has been pretty good about updating the game regularly with new content. Over the last 5 months they added 100 new levels and multiple events in addition to the PvP. I’m hoping for a new storyline within the next 6 months (or battles with pigs leveraging the banners from PvP).


    @Derelict are you kidding me? I must have drew a super-bad batch of players to be in. I had almost 20,000 trophies and came in 4th :/ 1st place in my set had over 80,000 trophies (wtf???). 7th place had over 10,000 trophies.

    All I’ve got to say is for the people that made it to stone, brace yourself its going to get a lot harder. I think for me getting 4th was a blessing in disguise. The challenge level dropped to a much more reasonable level and hopefully beating the daily challenges will be enough to get me to stone next week (I don’t want to play 24×7, plus I still have mastery to get).

    As for bugs, so far I have ran into 0 in gameplay. There are a HUGE number of items that you can get for you banner, so I would always check your opponents banner to see what you are in for. These include items that let birds go multiple times, that can steal healing, etc. Also, like the other golden pig machine you can get set/rainbow items even at Wood. There are some people that already have all the rainbow items after spending some serious coin.


    It’s crazy how much mastery makes a difference in Star Reef Castle. I finally got a second bird to Level 10, and was able to beat it on autoplay with 2 birds and three stars: Paladin and Lightningbird, both Level 10. I’m pretty sure that two months ago at the maximum level I could not have autoplayed it consistently with any combination of three birds.


    Darn :/ Build lots of friends and try doing Chronicle Caverns Cave 2 – Level 8. This is a good “set-it-and-forget-it” 10 wave level for farming snoutlings. I was doing it with 2 decked out birds before I found this thread and moved to SRC. Plus, your friends will love you since they will get bonus FE when you use their birds.

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