nfanteribl Active 2 years, 5 months ago

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  • nfanteribl

    Hi All


    The update did not occur on my iPad until last night/today, and so there are only 3 1/2 days left. Also, like others, I notice some graphics anomalies. A lot of the graphics are missing – the mortar towers suddenly are missing the upper bodies, characters are missing their arms, and the Astroshuttle thingy has no wheels or wings.


    Yes, new update seems to have solved it for me too


    Now .8, and still crashing


    I’m on now and it still crashes – every time


    Just in case anyone is keeping tabs, I notice my game always suits when the Astrotrain takes off at the end. Usually it seems my progress is saved, but I have to restart. It will also quit when not doing anything after about 30 secs. If I switch of the internet, it won’t quit at all.


    They are slightly different status. Strangely my phone will update to match my iPad, but not vice versa. And it is the iPad that is the problem. So if I download  it again, it might not update from the phone Hmmm…


    Thanks GrimLockdown. I have it on 2 devices, so that should help, I presume?


    Mine is now back to normal


    All my tokens have disappeared. I had 3900, finished 3rd, so should have 4400. But now 0 🙁


    For the Daily Quest, you have to use a rare energonicons. Which of them is rare?


    ‘They don’t learn from their mistakes. Exactly like it did last year an event that changes all blocks into ice blocks with the Christmas decorations causes all blocks in the non event runs to change too. So that makes the destroy wood or stone daily missions impossible to complete.’

    True – this very annoying


    “@marcus2014 This has been added to the upcoming 1.48 version :)”

    Excellent, thanks for the info!


    I would like a feature that asks if you really want to spend X gems to get something. I inadvertently hit buy 10 Gold Crates for 1800 gems yesterday, and that was half my gems gone. That happened once before – 600 gems for a fairly useless accessory.

    So a prompt asking whether you are sure would be great


    Just noticed this was mentioned in a different thread


    I see a few people have gold promotion emblems (distinct from the bronze colour). But when I check my characters, it says my Green 210% is the Max


    😄 Of course! Thanks. Don’t know why I thought it was some new feature!


    I’m not sure what a Challenge Run is either…


    All fixed (on iOS) Thanks!


    I posted this immediately after the event, but it was being moderated. So it was released much later and now duplicates the other thread on this issue

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