• First of all, if you are in a good clan which do and win all clan events, it’s fair to share not only the rewards but also the work to get them. That means the rule 3-6-9 or 3-6-12.

    3 points in 200-point-events,

    6 points in 400-point-events and

    9 or 12 points in 600-point-events.

    Every member has to reach this minimum. In case of a full clan…[Read more]

  • Haha, that would be nice! I only would edit easy levels for me in my favorite snow blaster and spitting flowers game and would be winning every time!

  • @max1, it’s too bad that you won’t use Hal! He’s a nice bird for very special structures to use for. When Hal is in the daily flock I’m often winning even against Mr. Collins!  ;-)

  • @toatx1, I had the same experience with Mr. Collins this week. It’s impossible to win against him. I’m in the lead, but towards the end of the round he is getting one extra bird after another until he wins! Odd thing!

  • I know nothing is random in this game. I figured out that the less I play the more I win. If I play several levels in a row I will find me at the bottom of the field and it’s wasted time and tix to come up again.

  • Is it that bad to stay in a league that suits your abilities? If it’s not enough for the Master league, you can stay in the Legendary til you’re good enough for rising up. The rewards are good for increasing FP.

  • Bravo on doing something with the boring map! Why on earth do I have to play boss levels 25x until the mercy regulation takes effect ?!

  • Thanks for the tip, @lando-calrissian.

    Here is the text:


    Hello everyone!

    We’re very excited for you all to finally experience the new Arena. We have worked very hard on this one and so far we have over 1 million players competing. It’s truly amazing!

    As with everything new, it always comes with some growing pains. You have a lot of feedback…[Read more]

  • @guava564, it doesn’t have to be bots. It is well known that you don’t play live against a person, but against a video. Rovio has always said that the bird order that is displayed does not correspond to the real opponent’s gameplay.

  • Oh very strange! My FP is 1004.

  • Okay, @guava564, I understand the pairings based on arena points, but I don’t understand why my opponent’s birdpower always is far below mine. So it’s very easy to beat them all.

  • To be honest, I don’t understand the pairing of opponents and the scoring system yet. All my opponents don’t have a MEBC frame. Why?

  • I like
    – the idea of ​​making the arena competitive
    – no spells to play with
    – no video option
    – no selection of the opponent on basis of FP
    – extra birds, given if you play well
    – flock of the day with changing birds
    – winning streak with only 5 levels
    – great rewards

    I don’t like
    – the opportunity to continue the streak with 60 gems. Those who…[Read more]

  • Update Version 2.48 has arrived. Fortunately, as previously announced, we don’t have to start over in the Vanilla League. Where do you see the advantages and the disadvantages in the new arena?

  • @aggieguy, take a screenshot from that guy and report him to Rovio. If his FP is not similar to the whole group Rovio will remove him from the group. I did so in another case of manipulation in my MEBC group. Don’t know how those guys get managed to be in a group with lower FP.

  • @ snow7501, it’s equal to the arena. When you start MEBC for the first time after the end of the season, you will automatically be placed in a group. So it’s important to get your FP as low as possible beforehand. As the others have said, don’t upgrade birds, don’t complete a hat set, let your hatchling fly and choose your extra bird with the…[Read more]

  • I’ve had this issue too. Lost all extra birds and progress and got keys to start over. :-(

  • @diamondjim Hello Crash! I have a big problem. My old account on iPad has been mixed up with my little new account on iPhone today. I made the mistake of logging in both accounts with my Apple ID. Now I only have My little account on both devices! The Oink Boink account has disappeared! What a crap! I’ve sent a message to Rovio. I hope they can…[Read more]

    • Oh wow, what a mess. I just let everyone know. Hope Rovio steps up, but as you know they’re pretty slow. Did you have the game connected to a Facebook on your main account?

    • Another thought: if you had two AB2 profiles both on Apple devices you must have had two different Apple Game Center profiles. Each would be tied to a different Apple ID I think. Try signing out of Game Center and reconnecting with your other Apple ID.

      • Hi Crash! I have one AB2 profile on iPhone and the Oink profile on iPad. Both without signing in anywhere. Both with my Apple ID. All went well. 3 days ago I had the idea to save my progress with Apple and signed in both devices with 1 Apple ID!!! Bampot!!! The little account now is on both devices while Oink is gone into nirvana. I tried to…[Read more]

        • Ouch. I’m not sure there’s anything they can do. I don’t think Rovio stores your progress. It’s either stored in Apple Game Center or in Facebook. It sounds like you might have overwritten your Oink profile in Game Center with your other profile.

          I think if you want to have two AB2 profiles in the Apple universe you have to set up 2 Apple I…[Read more]

          • Hello Crash, meanwhile I’ve been to the Apple Store and contacted Apple via email and chat. There is nothing they can do and tell me to contact the app developer. I sent Rovio 6 tix. So far all without an answer. I’m afraid I’ll have to say goodbye to Oink. I’m so sorry for harming the Turbo Birds and the clan in this way!

            • That really sucks Oink. I hope Rovio can do something, though I fear they may not be able to. And there’s no harm to the clan, everyone is hoping for your return.

              Meanwhile, Turbo will be booting you before tonight’s battle starts. He’s hilding a spot for you if a Rovio can fix your account.

              If not, I know sucks to start over, but we’d…[Read more]

              • Crash, that’s okay. I’ll wait this week to see if I get an answer from Rovio. At the moment it doesn’t look like. It’s really nice of the Turbo Birds to invite me again, thanks for that! But you’ve to keep in mind that my FP is only half as high as Oink’s has been. I don’t know if I can keep up.

                • Don’t worry about that! Turbo has reserved a spot for you and wants you back regardless of FP. If you end up having to use your new account, let me know the name so I can relay it to Turbo to approve since the clan is closed.

                  • Thanks to all and especially to you for staying in touch with me! Awesome team! I’ll check in next weekend. Till then I’ll know my name, old or new created.

                  • Crash, waiting for an answer from Rovio has been without sense. I’ve to continue with my second account now. My new name is Oink2go. I’ll send a request to the clan. Thanks for your support!

    • That sucks, but we’re looking forward to your return. I’ve let Turbo know to look for your request.

  • @Doombaby, I answered your question and said where to find the solution in case of blocking. If it’s too much affort, just think about your diction before writing, lol.

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