Joe Wolf Active 7 years, 11 months ago

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  • Joe Wolf

    A brutal fight!

    Joe Wolf

    I’m having some trouble with Epic’s Anniversary Party 6. I think it’s prince pig at the end?

    Any tips?

    I’m using Capt’n to try to remove his boost of damage but it doesn’t seem to work. :/

    Joe Wolf

    I got kicked out of the arena 3 times just before I was about to win and now I can’t compete. What do I do?

    Joe Wolf

    I miss the days where you could have glitched the system and make any roll a guarantee set item. :(

    Joe Wolf

    Oh! Good eye. ;)

    Joe Wolf

    I span 48 times and got 1 set item. I also have the diamond piggy bank.

    I want my money back.


    Joe Wolf


    What is your suggestion for a strong aggro team?

    Joe Wolf

    How do I get myself into a ghost league? Disconnect from Facebook?

    Joe Wolf

    @smwforever45: What’s the main way you are using to grind for snouts? Cave 17-5?

    Thank youi so much for the advice btw. It really helped me out!

    Joe Wolf

    I got a challenge to knock out three birds at once and I’m having a lot of trouble. Any tips?

    Joe Wolf

    What’s the difference between Arena and PVP?

    Joe Wolf

    What does SRC mean?

    Joe Wolf

    what are the best class combos to auto-play SRC?

    Red: -/7/7/7/7/7
    Chuck: -/-/7/8/7/4
    Mag: -/7/8/7/5/5
    Bomb: -/-/7/7/7/4
    Blue: -/7/7/4/7/4

    At level 50. No set items.

    I feel committed to start girding but can only auto-play.

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