FlirtyBanner Active 9 years, 3 months ago

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  • FlirtyBanner

    Same for Seadog.


    Both today and yesterday, they asked me to win with the Thunderbird class, which I don’t have. And they’re worth 3,000 arena points. Wtf


    Yes. Also, when there’s an armed pig that lies on the ground, shocked and unable to shoot anymore, your buddy will just stare at it and do nothing. To get him fighting again you need to kill those pigs directly.


    And now it’s happening to my Soundblaster. Grrr. I might stand a chance if they didn’t come in flocks!


    Thankfully I managed to keep my 300-ish medals to the end and got first prize. I feel sorry for all the players who got nothing :(


    The game is crashing like it’s nuts.

    The event is ending in half an hour. It was a great event, what a shame.


    The resetting just stopped, at around 17:13 GMT, Dec 24. No more resetting leaderboard or farming stamina. Is it just me?


    “Im at level 143 and missing my Bumblebee.. but enjoying High octane Bumblebee.. :D”

    Hey me too :)


    The bug is still there.

    But of course I’ve always upgraded Bumblebee (now at level 7) coz you need a big sum of levels to expand your map. Now my map is full of “Coming soon!” notices. I’m dying for the next ABT update :/


    My guess is some opponents are birds from real players while others are generated by computers. The computer-generated opponents have clear-cut ranks (eg. lvl 6 but with an empty mastery bar) and lavishly decorated banners. This is probably because Rovio wants to give computer opponents an advantage as they have lower intelligence and they can’t choose which bird to move first. Merchant Pig is an obvious example. But it’s pretty obvious that some are real hackers (eg. those with Matilde wearing a fancy black headgear) and I hope Rovio carries out a crackdown ASAP.

    By the way, my game crashed TWICE today while I was playing Arena matches, and since each time you quit the game is considered a lost battle, I can’t play anymore. I feel that hackers are to blame because who knows what they did to their lineup that caused my game to crash. I’m frustrated because I was so close to finishing the final objective, and I’m about to lose my third place on the leaderboard — which means I’m gonna stay in the Wood League for another week. I really look forward to an emergency fix

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