Duiksmurf Active 8 years, 2 months ago

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  • Duiksmurf

    this morning I spun the AGM in the Arena. Despite of the title: diamond league banner it gave me two STONE items!!!

    I am sure I received a couple of red cloths earlier this same week? also the previous week when I was set back to wood?

    Did rovio change the rules again????



    season 7 week 4 and 21 days left???
    what is going on here?


    two crashes this morning in the 5 stamina ring battles … well afther the NINE hour wait for my stamina definitely worth it :-(

    I complained to rovio and asked for reimbursement for both the headgear and the fact that I lost my changes at 6k exp for all

    i wonder if they test this stuff before releasing …



    last night my timer stamina stopped. reinstalled the game which lead to a stamina timer of THREE hours! This morning everything was fine, played several games during the day. Timer just now stopped AGAIN! reinstal …. stamina timer now at NINE and a HALF hours!!!!

    I will contact Rovio, but with their response time over over a week the event will be long over …



    my stamina timer is now at 3:00 HOURS per bottle???
    if this is not fixed I can forget about the new class

    please help


    my stamina timer got stuck at 2 bottles and 6 minutes. i decided to uninstall and rininstall now I get a new bottle every 3 hours??? WTF????

    reintalled again which did not help??

    please advice


    I am stuck with Sonic. Played all levels multiple times
    How do I loose him? He sucks …


    same here … I only get 10+ teams 875 or more
    i am in platinum hoping to go through to diamond



    i only get level 10+ birds in the arena now?
    minimal teamstrenght > 875

    what’s goin on?



    I got only one set item in 48 rolls during the 5x Rainbow Riot, so I am pretty amazed by your results ….


    did uninstall/reinstall fix the problem? since last night epic became totally unstable with me as well. i think I received the update in the background :-(



    out of 48 rolls during 5x Rainbow Riot, i got … yes! exactly ONE set item!!!
    120 LC down the drain and looking at the daily awards list, this will take two months to get them back :-(



    8 spins on the 15 LC got me one set item

    i used to get one out of ten rols in the previous version with 3 times enhanced mode after a week of battling the GP.

    now i got one on 48 rolls … combine that with the fact that we get a lot less LC per week now …



    please add me:


    lev45 with lev9/10 birds
    play daily



    as of this morning, there are several “jumpers” in my leaderboard???

    with a lot of grinding I sort of managed to keep up with a couple of what I think were cheaters. Sunday night they managed to get over 6k points within 6 minutes, monday morning they were at 24k points. Somewhere wednesday another one jumped in between.

    right now, I am suddenly 6th? Besides closing the previous gap of at least 10k points when I was 4th, one is now 20k points ahead of me????

    I thought Rovio had fixed the restting objectives bug? I did not check, but I am contemplating now. this is really silly …


    Last night I finished my objectives, quit the game normally and reset my tablet as I always do. This morning I logged in, noticing I had a complete fresh set of objectives??

    Somehow they got reset overnight, while I did keep my points of last night.

    Did anybody else ever notice this?



    I hated the kill bomb three times before … got even a better one today: kill blues three times with blues … same as before, blues only shows up in level 45/10+ teams, so no chance in that one

    also no 1-3 are already at 25k+ points, within 12 hours of day one

    i wish rovio woul ban these cheaters!!!

    another week in survival mode ….


    kill Bomb three times … and not getting a team with Bomb in there which I could actually beat (only level 10+ teams with full set weapons)

    right after the objective changed last night I get 5 level 7 teams in a row with Bomb being right there

    grmbl …


    so the upgrade to level 45 exp means that I spent 1500+ LC on getting (multiple duplicate) set weapons whoch are now useless again???

    great work again Rovio. after going from diamond to wood in arena, once again they hopelessly failed in keeping this a good game.

    time to uninstall and look forward …



    I wish I spent my time player regular battles than being bothered in the arena

    I would have been rich in snoutlings, as well as high on mastery points
    I ended up being second in Diamnond, for which I got a silly statue and a demotion to wood …

    great work, thank you Rovio …


    I have at least 5 of those eggs … on the other hand, I am still missing the book for Chuck and the remote for Blues

    loads of other duplicates as well

    I wish we could just buy this stuff for lucky coins or set up some sort of trade ..



    Last week Sunday evening 21:00 local time I finished both the Goat Event and my Arena Week. with one resping I got 2k for all. Within the Arena I promoted myself from Gold to Diamond. I played on and finished the three objectives. I noticed I was first, all others were at zero, which was odd already! I quit the game normally…

    When I logged in on monday morning, I was set back to just after 21:00 night before!!! I had to refinish the Goat event, needing a lot more respins to get the 2k for all, and also refinish the Arena, losing my scores from the previous night!!! This resulting in being 15th with zero points and no change anymore to make it through the next level.

    I only play on on device, so how is this possible? I reported to Rovio and got some LC for it, but this totally s*cks!


    ps there is still a cheater now in my league with 1.6 mln points and growing …. :-(


    same thing happened to my over christmas
    I lost “only” two weeks with all mastery points, arena stuff etc

    I contacted Rovio immediately, but never got a reply, other than the generic one which is posted elsewhere in this forum. “we are very sorry and there will be LC in the next update”


    got myself promoted to stone league this week

    i only encounter level 8+ teams with full epic sets and max loaded banners
    i am lev 41 myself with most birds 7, some 8 and partial epic sets

    there is absolutely no point in engaging any match, i get hammered every time

    this really sucks


    I got myself promoted to stone, just because I was curious
    Within an hour some guy was at 6500 points????

    this morning I logged in to see some others at 16k+ points???

    this is silly, I am not going to put to much effort in there
    I might spend some LC to get some good (better) set items

    no point in competing with cheaters

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