Clan Recruitment Thread

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  • RedSignals


    If you are willing and able to spend money on gems to help complete daily challenges, on every challenge, then my Diamond clan might welcome you. We have members ranging from 350-850, and members contribute in their own ways. A player with low flock plower can still be a big help to the clan by putting 6-12 points on challenges. Note: we have minimum requirements, and repeatedly missing them will get you kicked, so be warned.

    For you, the prizes in Diamond challenges will help you build that flock power faster. We never fail to complete the regular clan challenges, and those Legendary Chest prizes will do a lot for a player at your level.


    @mscreant :

    How many players are you now? My Diamond clan has 11 spots open, and we still have our share of coasters who never play more than our minimum requirement and which, personally, I am getting tired of propping up by putting 20-30 points on every challenge. Our clan is the product of a merger, so I know our leaders are open to doing that again.


    I am down to 24 players about 15 to 17 wold be worth keeping. In all honesty, I am not requiring them to meet minimums – because I cannot guarantee I can/will each battle – but I get many who simply never, ever play….those I kick as I can.



    We might be able to work something out. Please accept my friend request and we can explore it.

    Inigo Montoya

    Breaking Beaks is looking for a high-powered sharpshooter who likes to play hard and laugh harder; if you’re looking for a change of scene or are tired of playing alone visit our 300-800FP #57 Ranked Clan before tonight’s CvC Battle at or at our Breaking Beaks Facebook Page.


    And tell them S’all Goodman sent you!



    Inigo Montoya

    Our current CvC Battle & we finish every Challenge days early with 100% participation. Interested?

    Phoenix Sparrow

    Room for 2 skilled 600+ fp players! Join our Victories!

    Falcon Falcon

    < nm >

    Heather Bird

    Sometimes even Rovio surprises us by BANNING 9 players from this cheaters team we have played 2xs out of last 3 battles!!!!


    and they were not happy

    ‘Report cheaters!!!


    Win Battles with honest players

    Looking for a couple 600 plus FP Players to slay some pigs and have a blast!!


    Renegades #143223

    Inigo Montoya

    Wanna win with a top 100 Clan? Then come and play with us at!


    GC Elite / #171534

    Hi AB2 gamers,

    We have a refreshing new clan concept. Winning CVC’s as a main goal. A group of 20 skilled and motivated players created a clan called GC Elite. If your clan is losing to much and you put effort in CVC’s, GC Elite is the clan for you!

    We have no FP requirements.

    We have skilled high FP players important for CVC’s.

    We finish all events.

    Active and fun clan chat and FB page.

    We won’t accept players who do not put in effort in CVC’s.


    Please message me if you have any questions.



    Angry Turd

    Adamantium #70701 is looking for 800 FP players and above. 0.90-0.1+ of 100K/FP is our general target for CvC. Please see our main recruiting thread.


    Eggy Schnitzel

    I started my own clan a few months back. I quickly began dealing with a few players that I suspected were cheaters and players that refused to play or communicate. Without thinking it through, I kicked all but the six players that played daily. Had I done some research, I would have kick them in small groups and allowed time to replace them. I suspect players won’t join our clan now because we look weak but we’re actually all really strong players.

    I’m hoping to recruit some players for my clan, Sqwauk!!, clan ID #107303. The seven current clan members are strong and most importantly, active players. Our one rule is that you play daily. We don’t require you to play clan events multiple times, but we do want everyone to play in clan battles. We’re hoping for players that will want to grow the clan power.

    I hope you’ll consider joining. I will be springing for clan chests periodically to reward clan performance.

    Phoenix Sparrow

    @eggyschnitzel if it didn’t work out, we’re seeking skilled, high star rank and high ratio 600+ and 700+ players


    Eggy Schnitzel…..if it don’t work out, sounds like you and your 6 members would fit perfect with SLAYER #7974.



    Eggy….i am in the process of kicking in batches in my clan. We have the same minimum, i have plenty of room in Killer Rabbits.

    Eggy Schnitzel

    Thank you both. Sqwauk!! is my clan so I’m trying my best to bring our numbers back up and I am hoping some daily players will join. I’m not ready to give up just yet but it’s nice to know there are so many active clans I could look at. I should have checked out the forums sooner and now I’m trying to regrow my clan while learning how to be a better clan leader. Any advice is appreciated.

    Inigo Montoya

    @EggySchnitzel, in my experience the key to growing a Clan is communication; the limitations of AB2 Chat are legend, so we have our own page on Discord at that you’re welcome to look at (just accept the Invite button and you’ll be brought into our Welcome Chat where you can look around at the public rooms.) Facebook AB2Gamers is another strong site for Clan Growth and game info; it was started by @RyanKochie (who also founded AB2Gamers 01-05 Clans.) Post screenshots of your CvC victories and Challenge completions, describe what makes your Clan different, and reach out to the many players who post here and in FB AB2Gamers to cultivate the type that fit the Clan you want to grow. Best of luck and don’t hesitate to DM me here with any questions I might be able to answer!


    Inigo Montoya aka S’all Goodman, Breaking Beaks Co-Leader


    i tried to play clan recruitment today but it keeps shows ‘connection error’. in fact, there is no problem with my connection, does anyone knows how to solve this?

    Bad News

    Looking for a few good birds to join our clan. Check us out siren call #172252

    Heather Bird

    Are you tired of showing up to battle only to find out, it is another cheating Russian team?? We are too and that is why we are fighting back with honesty!!


    Looking for 550FP To help kick cheaters off AB2

    11 cheaters removed during battle…again THANK YOU ROVIO!!!!!!


    Go Renegades!!



    I’m recruiting for a new clan “RATAB2” #152546.    We are active and participate in all clan battles.  Participation is the only requirement we are looking for with new members, whether you are a novice or a hardened bird, all are welcome!

    Cheers, RandalThor


    Heather bird,

    It is nice to hear Rovio is doing something. We just finished our clan battle with a big win also. Our opponents had a ‘cheater’ among them also. A player with a FP of 931 and SR of over 50 put up a score of over 100 million.

    He was reported to Rovio and within an hour or so, Removed from the roster, along with his 300 points!

    Good luck with future battles,

    Gary, Co-leader SOUR KUSH #8624 diamond clan


    Hi all!

    Join my clan Fat Birds! We just kicked half of the clan because we need some active players to take part in clan battles!


    Clan Name: Fat Birds

    Clan Number: 21467

    Clan Power: 7220

    Clan Rank: Azure

    Members: 25/50



Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Clan Recruitment Thread

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