• @tubby,

    Down To Flock! Is a very active Diamond level clan with a great leader and 5 co-leaders. We welcome you to stop by, talk with some teammates on our busy clan chat and decide if we are right for you.

    Gary Founder, Co- leader                        (I stepped down from Leader due to a health issue).

  • My advise:


    Finish lower hat sets first beginning with the missing 3x then moving to the 4x’, until you have all the hat sets except for the 10x’s.  You should be able to obtain some samurai hats from the Eagle store which are 11x. It will take some time but it’s worth it. Once you have obtained every pack available then move on to purchasing…[Read more]

  • Corvus rex,

    Appears you were kicked from your previous Clan. You do not receive a warning or a notice, you just are no longer a member. Unfortunately, this is how Rovio chose to handle the kick situation. Generally if someone is kicked they should have some idea that they are not meeting minimum requirements but in your case it sounds like you…[Read more]

  • Gary posted a new activity comment 5 years, 8 months ago

    In reply to: XxQuEEnBirdixX posted an update @gary69 hi gary. Could you tell me if I’m good enough to be in your group? Thx View

    Just request to join anytime you’re ready.


  • Gary posted a new activity comment 5 years, 8 months ago

    In reply to: XxQuEEnBirdixX posted an update @gary69 hi gary. Could you tell me if I’m good enough to be in your group? Thx View

    Don’t worry about it. I just wanted your FP or AB2 name so when you send a request to the clan, we will know its you..


  • I am Expecting  CvC battle to allow spells

  • Saphira,

    I am sorry. I did not mean to insult you by my post. I did explain it way beyond what was necessary.

    I get questions from clanmates & others almost daily about the best level for hatchlings or what affect they have on your score. Maybe the post will help answer questions someone else may have.

    Good luck


  • Saphira,

    I agree with you 100%. I keep mine at level 3 also as an additional 7 FP is not worth 25 more apples.


    Good luck


  • Saphira,

    Level 4 should be 28 FP + your original 500’s (not specific) + Stella. If Stella is ~70 FP, then you have right at a 100 FP boost with the hatchling & Stella together.

    Remember, the promotional +13 hats will be +3 only- very soon! Of course, buying the ones you are missing to complete your set will add 7 FP back.


  • Buster Douglas, I bet you Mike Tyson nightmares to this day. LOL.
    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I know the question was not for me but I will help you out in that leveling up your hatchling is 7 FPS increase for each level</p>
    <p style=”text-align: left;”>”Was the power noticeable”. 7 FP will not increase your scores enough to notice. Personally, I…[Read more]

  • Vniz dlya stai! Klan # 183032

    YA lider klana almaznogo urovnya s 44 tovarishchami po komande – FP ~ 25700. U nas yest’ nekotoryye osnovnyye rekomendatsii otnositel’no komandnykh sobytiy i t. D.

    Rekomendatsii: minimal’nyye komandnyye turniry – 3 ochka na 200-ti i 6 ochkakh na turnirakh 400 i 600 punktov, igrayte vo vsekh boyakh CvC, yezhednevno v…[Read more]

  • Vniz dlya stai! Klan # 183032

    YA lider klana almaznogo urovnya s 44 tovarishchami po komande – FP ~ 25700. U nas yest’ nekotoryye osnovnyye rekomendatsii otnositel’no komandnykh sobytiy i t. D.

    Rekomendatsii: minimal’nyye komandnyye turniry – 3 ochka na 200-ti i 6 ochkakh na turnirakh 400 i 600 punktov, igrayte vo vsekh boyakh CvC, yezhednevno…[Read more]

  • Down To Flock! Clan # 183032

    Sono il leader di un clan di livello diamante con 44 compagni di squadra: FP ~ 25700. Abbiamo alcune linee guida di base per gli eventi di squadra, ecc.

    Linee guida: minimi dell’evento di squadra: 3 punti su 200pt eventi e 6 punti su eventi 400 e 600pt, gioca in tutte le battaglie CvC, quotidiano MEBC e legge la chat…[Read more]

  • Hi,

    The hatchling eventually becomes a “parasite” that starts eating your RL $$$.

    Apples per level:
    Level 1 – 5 apples/day. Level 2 – 10 apples/day. Level 3 is 25 apples/day (this is the max for most players). Level 4 – 50 apples/day. Level 5 – 100 apples/day (only Russian clans make it to this level).

    Some have a misunderstanding of how…[Read more]

  • Jet,

    I on line playing Angry Birds right now. Put a request in and I will accept you as soon as I see it. By the way, what is your gamer name and what is your SP? That way I will know if you.

    Down To Flock! Clan $183032

  • ¡Hasta el rebaño! clan # 183032

    Tambiénaceptamos jugadores que hablan español, o cualquier otro idioma.Tenemos mínimos de 3 y 6 puntos en eventos de equipo. Estamos en nivel Diamante con más de 25,000 FP y 43 compañeros de equipo actualmente. Si juegas a diario y quieres ganar muchos premios, únete a nosotros.

    Preferencia a jugadores con ≥75…[Read more]

  • Down To Flock! Clan #183032

    I am the leader of a diamond level clan with 44 teammates- FP ~25700 . We have some basic guidelines as to team events, etc.

    Guidelines: team event minimums- 3 points on 200pt events & 6 pts on 400 & 600pt events, play in all CvC battles, MEBC daily & read the clan chat board daily. We finish ALL team events well…[Read more]

  • Are you Down To Flock! We are clan #183032

    A little about us: Diamond level 23,000+ team FP with 43 currently on team. We ask that you score 3pts on 200pt events & 6pts on the 400 & 600pt events- play ALL CvC Battles, MEBC daily and check the clan chat daily for messages.

    Recently, due to RL situations we lost a few teammates. We are looking to…[Read more]

  • Gary posted a new activity comment 5 years, 9 months ago

    In reply to: Lithor3x posted an update @gary69 – Hi, I saw you guys were looking for members. I’m at 488 FP and SR 43. Active and reach limits on events. Send me a pm if you are interested in having me aboard View


  • Gary posted a new activity comment 5 years, 9 months ago

    In reply to: Lithor3x posted an update @gary69 – Hi, I saw you guys were looking for members. I’m at 488 FP and SR 43. Active and reach limits on events. Send me a pm if you are interested in having me aboard View

    Hi, glad to see you found your way into our clan. I as well as several clanmates posted welcome messages to you. Last time I looked, you had not posted on the clan chat. Please post when you get a chance to let me know you have read our clan info (guidelines). We use “line” to chat in addition to the AB2 clan chat- this allows us to post video,…[Read more]

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