Clan Recruitment Thread

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  • Heather Bird


    ‼️‼️‼️ LOOKING FOR DAILY ACTIVE PLAYERS 700 plus FP‼️‼️‼️

    Come Fly with us!!!



    Renegades is Full!


    Request to join and please check in on discord PRIVATE CHAT

    We are fun, active, happy and strong bird family.

    Communication is Everything for good teamwork.

    Come join our winning Streak!! In the next battle…


    Hi guys 450 FP .. looking forward to join an active clan which has 3 pt minimum and active players..


    Hello everyone!!


    Down To Flock! Clan #183032


    A 3 point minimum on 200 Point events and a 6 point minimum on a 400 + 600pt events. We finish them all well ahead of time including the 600 point events. Must be active in Clan battles & Mighty Eagle boot camp as well as team events.

    If you can’t handle this send the request and we will admit you.

    Gary, leader


    Ashh, I forgot to ask what your name is so I will know it’s you and accept you.

    We are looking for 3 layers of 750 plus FP to complete our team. We lost three players recently due to family illness and real life problems.


    Boomstick Squad (Clan #35134) might be the clan for you.

    As of 10/25/2018, our FP is 19,000. We are looking for several FP 400+ players.

    We have no minimum requirements for the daily Clan Events. However, we expect you to play. We also expect you to play a high percentage of Clan Battles and to use as many of the free plays as is reasonably possible for you. Our atmosphere is relaxed and friendly and we help each other when help is requested.

    Contact us by sending a private message to BuzzRD at this website.

    Thanks for thinking about us!




    Have been accepted into abn3. Thanks for consideration


    Looking for active players to join the PhantomSmashers #209947 Clan! Recently left a poorly performing clan to start my own. All we ask is that you participate regularly and play in all clan battles. Come join us and beat the competition!!

    Corvus Rex

    Looking to join a flock.  In an absentee flock now.

    Star Rank 53

    FP 381

    I’ve been a daily player for 151 days (since I began), as well as doing the Eagle and Clan challenges.


    Hi Corvus Rex.  I’m the leader of Pigs on a Plane.  Our clan is very active, friendly, and full of loyal birds.  We’re teetering between Amethyst and Diamond with Stella in the mix.  No minimum rules, but you must remain active.  If we sound like a good fit for you, please visit us! :) #179837.

    Swine flu

    Swine flu crew looking for 1 400 plus fp player to fill our last spot.

    Diamond clan. Complete all events. Fun family friendly chat.  Win most battles and have lots of fun. Join us and grow

    Flying Eagle

    Looking to join an active and fun clan.  I play daily and participated in all CvC battles, etc with my last clan.

    430 FP

    SR 37


    Hey everyone,

    FP 442  looking for a fun and active clan that participates in all CvC battles.  No problem with 3/6 minimums


    Flying Eagle and Raptor,

    We would be happy to have you in the PhantomSmashers Clan #209947! It is a newly created clan, so we are trying to build our numbers. But we are very active and love to win!!


    @raptors @tailfeathers

    Come join PickleRickSquad! Clan #98278

    We’re looking for a couple new members to get into Diamond League (we currently have 19350 FP)

    We’re a more laid back clan, no point minimums and everyone plays what they can! 

    Swine flu

    Swine flu crew looking for 2 active players. People willing to check in daily and play.  We are an amazing diamond clan.

    We complete all events and win most battles. Great fun and friendly chat.

    Join us and win.


    450+ FP daily players are invited to bring their sling and fling wings with our Diamond Rank Clan. Redleaf Raiders #182023.


    Are you Down To Flock! We are clan #183032

    A little about us: Diamond level 23,000+ team FP with 43 currently on team. We ask that you score 3pts on 200pt events & 6pts on the 400 & 600pt events- play ALL CvC Battles, MEBC daily and check the clan chat daily for messages.

    Recently, due to RL situations we lost a few teammates. We are looking to replace them. If you have skills, FP ≥500, SR ≥50 and can handle our point guidelines (listed above) then you need to send us a request so your skills can earn you the most rewards.  *** If you have a FP ≥750, you will receive priority entry (come to the front of the line). ***

    We look forward to talking & flinging with you.

    Gary, Down To Flock! #183032

    Twombles Jones

    Hoppin Hooter clan ID #151799 is looking for daily active members. Clan power is 26.5k and regular participation is required for events and clan battles.
    Co-Leaders are decided through a nomination/election process.
    All the clan info you need can be found on clan spreadsheet at:
    Clan facebook can be found at:


    Very new to this game, but not clans. Played actively in last game ab.evolution till I was bored. I would like to be an active member in a clan but I know how my ‘credentials’ sound. Not sure if I could fit in your clan, but I like playing, play daily, and I’d like to learn. Was in a top 20 clan in other game. Show me what this game can do!




    SOY UN PERDEDOR is a great clan—we win almost every battle, and participate actively and  daily: JOIN US! You’ll be happy in our community. = D


    Clan power 12470

    Lola Glider

    New clan #213873, X-Ravenclaws —— first new members will be named as co- leaders to give us a better chance not to miss any clan battles. Rank not important… just need active players!

    Lil Zebra

    New Clan #212504 – Lethal Demise – FREE chest gifts from clan to you join us :) all levels welcome

    Swine flu

    Swine flu crew looking for 3 players. Clan power over 26k. Diamond crew. Complete all events. Just won the last cvc. Fun and family friendly.
    <p style=”text-align: right;”>We need 3 daily players willing to at least put up minimums. 1 pointers don’t apply please. Fp over 400</p>


    SOY UN PERDEDOR couldn’t be bothered wasting a breath on a new member so if you’re looking for a clan, look elsewhere.

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Clan Recruitment Thread

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