Clan Recruitment Thread

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Clan Recruitment Thread

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  • AIdan

    Join Clan ‘We’re old Gregg’ or just search up Gregg and you will find us!! 35/50 players with clan power of 11500!! Help us reach diamond clan rank!! We earn max rewards every event and would love your help! Thanks!



    We’re old Gregg clan will be open tommorrow once we all claim rewards from Mount Pork!! Teamwork makes the dream work!! Thanks and hope to see new faces!!


    Mohammed Adnan Ismail

    @ayuready I sent a request to join your clan and was pending then disappeared! I’m a serious player, plays daily and will get you at least 9 points on any given challenge. My flock power is 388 and I’m gonna win my clan prizes.


    We have 2 openings for serious players. Rewards are achieved 100%

    Clan #10160 – Active Birds

    Clan Power – 15567

    Members 48/50

    Membership – with approval

    Location – USA, primary language English

    All spots claimed.


    Clan ‘We’re old Gregg’ is now open for requests again!! 37/50 players with clan power of 12000!! We have a 100% event rewards rate!! We could use your help! (And you can use our rewards from events for helping out!) REMEMBER:Teamwork makes the dream work! Hope to see new faces! Thanks!


    Mechanic Pig

    Okay, I get it. Stop spamming, this is not a game (except AB2).


    Hi @christian-cosgrove, this is exactly why you created this thread… to consolidate all the recruitment calls. The issue was the multiple threads beating the bushes for birds to join.  It’s not easy to recruit after the initial rush to create the original power clans, so having folks putting out repeated calls following the guidelines many forum members advocated for shouldn’t be told they’re spamming. Otherwise it just becomes a no win situation.

    Mechanic Pig

    Actually @gjs96743, Bird Leader requested it.

    Mechanic Pig

    Never mind, progress is now saved.


    New clan THEBIGBADBIRD needs some active players.  Pleasee join us…Thank you


    SNAKI I CUMIKI Clan wants you and you. Non active, casual players can play recreative challenges. Join us now:)


    Clan ‘We’re Old Gregg’ has 43 members and flock power of 13550! Help us get 1450 more to reach next clan rank and get better rewards for events! Be active and help out on events please! Send a request to join us and we accept it ASAP! Thanks!



    good job Mechanic :) your topic is working you’ve been more helpful to this forum than the non existent moderators lol


    join our clan named “walking dead” all active members are welcome and can become co-leaders :)


    Dear all! We are looking for more strong active players who wish to be part of the best team and can consistently contribute 6 points per event! (0/1 pt is not allowed, 3 pt may be passable, 6 /6+ is what we’re looking for as core members). See below for picture of recent clan battle and event (refer to page 1 for previous events screenshot). Our clan is not full, but won top prizes for all previous events and recent clan battle with our MVPs taken over top 1 to 6 ranking. We have a great leader, co-leaders and team players. If you wish to know the status of our clan for joining, feel free to send an email to me at [email protected] and I will respond to you as soon as possible. If not, simply request to join. We are usually “open” if no event, “closed” if near the end of event. We are very responsive to new applicants.

    Clan name: USA Wins, Clan number: #4994
    Current members: 42/50 members (quality > quantity)
    Current total flock power: 13478
    Clan location: United States of America
    Language preference: English

    Ayuready :)


    Limited time opportunity to join our “Active Birds” clan ( #10160).

    We have 1 opening for an Active player (3+ points per challenge)

    Current Clan Power – 16640

    Location USA/International, Language: English

    Rewards collected – 100%, Clan battle – 1 win

    Current 3 day challenge will be completed today


    Keep up the good work @maxstar. Late stage clans are hard to form nowadays. I really like your format of presenting the clan information. Hopefully folks will pick up on it and make it a standard.


    Help ‘Sacrificial Ham’ get over the winning line in the latest challenge and join the best, upcoming clan on AB2. Legendary chests and bountiful rewards await those who join.

    All you need to do is commit a minimum of 9 points per challenge, thats it !!

    See you soon



    CLAN NAME – TheElites (Netherlands) – amethyst rank

    need 2 active players 240+.


    Sacrificial Ham is temporarily closed ( we have completed the current challenge ) but please feel free to request to join for the next challenge, which starts tomorrow.

    Minimum 9 points required per challenge to stay in the clan. Quality players required for a quality clan…


    My clan is pretty good guys

    we have 100% challenge complete rate and we also won our first clan battle over the weekend.

    Our flock power is 16500 and we are looking for two strong players (250 fp+) who are willing to contribute at least 3 points per challenge and play every clan battle.


    Name: Dream team


    english is the preferred language


    Fabes, I have two players for you. Look out for requests from Buster Takedown and Flappy Flocker…


    @smedders Thanks for joining our clan. We’ve have reserved a spot for Flappy Flocker and will try to get her in as soon as possible.

    Max Eagles

    Want to join a clan who are a fun loving family?  A clan who completes all challenges 100%, earn great rewards?   Then join the Flocker Family on Angry Birds 2! We are a strong active clan 24/7. We are accepting anyone who are serious players and who are dedicated to helping all members. Join the Flocker Family to meet new friends and become a member of the family! Flocker Family will be open so first come first serve.


    Hi Everyone

    We have 3 positions open in our clan. Name “Oink” with the ID 3921. We won all our clan battles, we always get all the points for every event just want the clan to be full. Our clan power is at 16000 and all current players are active.

    We are looking forward to welcome you in our clan.


Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Clan Recruitment Thread

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