Arena Season 7

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  • RedYoshi45

    Swag? Is that edible? :P

    No really, it’s not about swag or being brave. But I can’t invest four hours a day into grinding. I only do a few matches for my objectives – my day doesn’t give me more time than that.


    Got the “Win 5 with Guardian” today. Obviously I have never had this before, as I was awarded with the “Play them All” Achievement on the first battle. Wasn’t really paying attention to this, but that pitiful Class was the final one. What long, defensive battles those were…


    It’s obviously a grind, but that’s what it takes if you want a top 3 result in a competitive league. And really, the leagues aren’t that competitive. I’m running first with 44k where 2nd is under 35k with lots of guys fighting for 3rd. Whether it’s “easy” or “hard”, it still takes some time and effort to get top 3.

    I don’t think I’m playing 4 hours a day, tho.


    My first place has 50k. You call that not competitive?

    Zack Voyager

    What the heck ? One of my objectives is “Win arena fights and use 12 different classes”… So I should be 4th…


    Well, I just spent almost 2 tedious hours grinding myself 1000 trophies clear of 4th… with 2:37 remaining. I hope it’s enough. I’ve only got 1x arena life left…



    I can’t decide if I’m going crazy or not. I could have sworn I completed all my daily objectives yesterday, when they reset at 4pm. Then I logged in much later in the evening and POOF three fresh objectives? Did this happen to anyone else?


    It doesn’t matter what 1st is. It matters what 3rd is.


    I prefer being in 1st rather than 3rd since it gives me some distance to the relegation ranks. I hate being in 3rd place since anytime someone could appear from nowhere and overtake and I’m 4th. When I’m 2nd and someone overtakes I’m 3rd. When I’m 1st then two people can overtake me without danger.


    Finished in #9. Ah well, I take it as a mistake I can learn from. :P
    At least, with the opponents back in business, I now know what’s to come. Here’s to another week which will hopefully bring me to Silver.


    I finished in 1st. Got 2 Shards!

    I am OK with being 2nd, as I can always grind a bit more if I have to.


    @metztli013 didn’t happen to me thank goodness but I am in a different time zone and don’t get my new objectives until 11pm.


    Well, it didn’t take away my points or anything. In fact, I ended up with almost 8k lead, when we were pretty close. So, some sort of glitch or bug on my end, I guess.


    @metztli013 This thing happened to me once a long time ago. I still have no idea what this thing happens.


    @suikyo Well I’m glad it at least has happened to someone else at one time or another =) Makes me feel a little less crazy. I thought maybe I was imagining those first objectives, or that I had my days mixed up or lost some time… lol.


    @pointless (from several posts up) you mentioned you got an achievement… when I logged in the other day I was bombarded with all these achievements I got… is this something new? Or has it just completely escaped me in the past? I don’t remember seeing any of that before.


    @smwforever45 Hey Yosh, sorry about 9th, eh? I managed to hold onto 3rd. Lucky as hell. Clean – no LC class objectives! – on Day 1.


    Ryogo Kusama


    How the hell did you get 1k Friendship Essences?!
    Also, you have 1k+ Lucky Coins, why didn’t you buy the Thunderbird class, instead of grinding for 3k+ points, to compensate for the objective…?


    @ryogokusama Well it’s because @angryde never uses his LC stash. He always hoards them unless absolutely needed (he recently bought ES during an offer which he later regretted doing). That’s why he has 1K LC. I’m guessing he also never wastes FE on anything and just collects them.


    Congrats mate! :P
    I got a good start too. Grinded a bit so I’m now at 6.4k. Enough to compete against those with me in the Stone league.

    Witch is such an amazing class to have. I know it gets old now but I can’t stop repeating how glad I am about buying that class.


    Well done @smwforever45 for getting such a good score as it’s hard work also if the wheel is against you that doesn’t help either. It will be worth the grind to get to Silver at the end of the week.


    Hi @ryogokusama. @datguygamer is correct, I’m a hoarder. I don’t mind grinding the points at this stage… once I get Illusionist, Witch and Frost Savage up to M:12 I’ll re-consider purchasing the LC classes. Hopefully, there’ll be no more level cap increases and I can Dojo them up M-Levels fairly quickly. We’ll see. Oh, and I never use FE during events… and I have over 300 stamina drinks ‘saved’! ROFL! I know it seems insane, but it’s part of the fun for me… seeing what I can achieve without spending any real world cash. And, hey @datguygamer, I didn’t ‘regret’ – finally! – buying those 50x ECs… I was just annoyed that I bought them three days before the discount kicked-in! :-P But, it was deeply traumatic…


    The wheel has definitely signed a contract with the devil against me. :P


    @angryde Fair enough.


    @smwforever45 I know exactly what you mean. Fortunately the wheel is now being kinder to me in Silver.

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