Arena Season 7

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  • Suzy

    My board appears to have the same people as well before they disappeared. At the moment I’m the only one with points.


    Board populated, some have points, some do not. Still #1 though so not complaining.


    Seems the issue is somewhat fixed, as we have Boards now. I say “somewhat”, as I also only have two others with points, both far behind, and I have only be completing Objectives. A far cry from the competitive Brackets most of us have experienced in the past (not that I’m complaining).


    This morning I had a full board with only one other opponent with a score. Within 30 min 3rd place had points too.

    I saw the poker chip/ dice set work this morning for the first time. I won the toss and the opponent had blues euipped with the set. The poker chip came flying across the screen to hit the coin and reverse it in the opponents favor.


    My board is populated as well. All with 0 points except one person, who is ahead of me by a couple hundred points.

    Ryogo Kusama

    My board is populated again and every single player has points… now I’m glad I farmed points as usual or I would have failed the promotion playing “blindly”…


    Four of my opponents got their scores… and three of them are before me…

    The Sea Dog objective has thrown me out of competition…

    EDIT: A different player has taken the lead. I’m 5th now…..


    Out of the 15, I’m 1st, with 31k for a “safe” lead over the other 2 with points. Good thing I still did my objectives… :D


    To quote my favorite blonde – ‘They’reeee baaaack!’ :-P

    Stone Board 2016-05-27

    Damn, Yosh, that sucks – HARD. And after you begged Rovio for mercy…


    At the moment there is only me and 2 others who are showing scores. I’m expecting as people log on their scores will then show up. I hope I don’t get any horrible surprises.

    1st. (Me)31600
    2nd. 27715
    3rd. 12450


    Yeah mate, it does :(
    Hope the same won’t happen to you.

    I’ll still do my objectives and hopefully (but doubtfully) someone will be out or I miraculously make it into the top 3… But if I get another of these class objectives I can’t do I’m busted.

    EDIT: AGH. What did I tell you. I got a Thunderbird and Cleric objective. ._.
    That’s it, I’ll stop playing the Arena for this week… Out of protest. This ain’t fair. How am I supposed to promote when I don’t even have the classes?!? You shouldn’t get the objectives when you don’t have the classes!


    @smwforever45 unfortunately that will keep getting that happening. I think it’s to try and make you buy LC’s if you haven’t got enough to buy your missing classes.


    I now have 6 players with scores and have been kicked to second place before completing objectives. ?


    I’ve only recently spent €10 on a ridiculous amount of LC’s (just 220?!?) to get Witch. Hoping for a discount on Sea Dog. However, I’ll need ALL the classes to really be able to clear all the objectives. For the time being, I’d love it if Rovio didn’t give me those premium class objectives until I make it out of the pit called wood/stone league.


    Now I have 7 players with scores but I jumped back to first after completing objectives. Do you think they are assembling the leaderboards by hand and working over the weekend? This is really strange that the scores are slowly getting updated. We might all have full boards with scores after a few more hours. So much for the hopes of free advancement this week.


    If you don’t have those classes, you just need to grind the medals to make up the difference. No biggie. :P


    I now have 12 players with scores. I’m hoping when the last 3 players scores show up they aren’t huge as the top 5 are very close and I don’t need anymore competition. Nail biting stuff, but as long as I finish in the top 3 I will be happy.

    Me 37665
    2. 36500
    3. 34350
    4. 33380
    5. 31600
    6. 22380

    The rest of the players scores are in the mid teens.


    @suzyq @smwforever45 Yosh, I understand your frustration… totally. I don’t have a bunch of the LC purchasable classes… and it makes advancing in the arena an enormously time consuming process. You’ve either got to (a) cough up the cash, or, (b) grind for hours and hours per day to make up for lost objectives.

    Anyway, as you can see, I had no more luck than you did…

    Camp 2016-05-28

    I don’t have Thunderbird, so, it was 2 hours of grinding this morning.

    And now I’m here… from a clear 1st to BARELY holding onto 3rd. It will all come down to tomorrow, if I have luck with my objectives… and IF the guy in 4th is prepared to grind hard or burn through FEs during the final hours…

    Stone Table 2016-05-28

    Ed. Oh, and I was also f’d-over by the Sea Dog objective… earlier this week. :-(


    @angryde hope you manage to hold onto 3rd place.


    It IS quite a biggie to grind 6k medals in STONE league. I don’t have the hours of time to grind like that.
    If I was in higher leagues I’d understand… But like that…?

    Besides… To catch up to #3 I’d need to grind 10k medals by now. The top guy is at 40k medals…….

    Why is it always ME getting this s**t…?


    Good luck mate. D:


    @dallasreds when the week started I had a full leader board which vanished. Now it has appeared the players are the same as in the beginning. Until they restart their game their scores will be hidden. Ten have scores so far.

    sorry you have such bad luck. I have had Qwerty and Timon in my league before. Timon is a grinder I have had to fend him off a couple of times.


    THIS is the reason why the bug should have been fixed AFTER we were promoted to the next league, not during a week. It’s because of this that cases like @angryde and @smwforever45 happens. I am still at #1 with a clear advantage but I wonder how tomorrow will fair.


    I begged Rovio for mercy on the previous page… And they did the exact opposite. Yuck!


    @smwforever45 – I’m sitting at 38k. If I had missed a 3k, I’d be at 35k. If I had somehow missed 2 of them, I’d be at 32k. You’re another 6k back from that. There were leagues when I’ve ground more than that, so I know it’s doable.

    Also, no way Rovio pulls those objectives or limits them – they’re the carrot for getting them playable, and the stick for not doing so.


    @graugeist Yes getting a jump of about 6K is possible but do remember that he (@smwforever45) doesn’t have nearly enough swag you possess, so it’s not possible (or in any case very difficult) for him.

    In a freemium game based off chances and RNG, you have a limited chance of good luck. Since you have Witch and the Chili now, use them as much as possible until you lose 3 times. There’s no harm in playing over and over since you have 3 tries left for the day anyway and you have nothing to lose. Use that to gain as many points as possible.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Arena Season 7

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