Angry Birds Epic Bugs

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  • VitorAknot

    Did anyone already went furtehr level 41?


    I found some bug on the southern sea 3. After you finish the boss and he swim to a second egg tower, the screen don’t show you recieve a yellow key and blue bird just like I see in walkthrough video.
    Who have ever found this bug before ??? Right now I can’t go further and don’t know how to reset the game.


    @jackky886 Have you tried restarting your device, or re-defeating the level? Also, out of curiosity, did you update your app to v1.0.2 or are you still on v1.0.0 (so we can peg down when this bug occurred if we can’t manage to fix it).


    I try both restart my device (ipad mini retina) and re-enter this level so many times. Also my current app ver. now is already 1.0.2.


    And if you check your “Nest” you don’t see a Yellow Key? Nor can you enter either Eastern Cobalt Plateaus or Desert Island through the Yellow Gate?


    No key and blue bird on the nest screen. And the new area still lock.







    OK I’ll add it to the list.


    Two more bugs in v1.0.2:

    • Even if an ally has full health, you can “heal” them. I preferred when it would say “0” since they couldn’t add health. It was easier to recognize when a bird was fully healed.

    • In Cave 4, if you use Pigianer’s “Counter” ability on a bird that is not yet stunned but is going to be the randomly chosen bird to be stunned at the start of the next round, he won’t counter if attacked.

    Will killers

    Yep, I restarted the app. Can’t do nothing without deleting the app. .All I can do I zoom out and in. I somehow managed to move the birds.


    Sorry but your screenshots don’t establish anything. It certainly looks like you can proceed forward.

    Will killers

    Can someone who has reached the part where some birds are kidnapped play a level with a cutscene. I think A bird is suppose to do something


    @amslimfordy, here is an epic bug. I don’t understand why that only happens to me, but here it is:


    As you see, i got to finish Chronicle Cave 1, got to Cave 2, and then, when i tried to enter it that happened. Can’t get back, can only restart app. also battled the boss from cave 1 a second time, but that did not help. Also contacted Rovio’s Zendesk team.

    Will killers

    I think you can delete the app and redownload it then sync it with your rovio account


    @will-killers, yes my Rovio account. Already got to 4th egg in my guest version, when i noticed it. and then, i registered and all my progress was gone. So, i logged out and played in my guest version. Rovio said that they could transfer my guest progress into my account, but how would they be able to do it? There are thousands of “Guests” out there.

    Will killers

    Copy the data dom your device?


    You’re right <(^<>^)>

    Will killers

    The pole I was on should have a flag.


    I have a weird bug that I don’t know if anyone else has seen: I get to the 3rd level of Southern Sea, and it’s not a wave level, like in the video. It’s a single villain level and when I defeat him, he takes off in his boat, then the 3 blues hop on the boat with the key, and then… Nothing happens. I have no new levels to move to, and the “key” is not actually usable on the desert island. I’m on an ipad mini and I successfully replicated this issue twice.


    i too have the southern sea 3 bug. i defeated that level with 3 stars, but didnt get they key and now i am stuck,

    i did the reinstall, the reboot ipad, and i have version 7.0.2

    anything else to try. i dropped 10$ for gold coins and this is annoying.


    @poodlescoot @redsoxfred We’ve forwarded this bug to Rovio and hope they’ll have a fix soon.


    It crashes and closes more often again after the update.


    Friendship Essence.
    No matter what I do, I cannot send / receive essence.
    Also note that on my Friends screen, it shows Piggy Mc’cool and my wife.
    However it shows the friends tally as 1/1

    This is on both our iPad Air devices. Running current release v1.0.2
    Have not had this working for several weeks now.
    Have closed app, restarted iPad, etc. Nothing works.


    @ozmica Showing a tally as “Friends 1/1” is accurate. Computer “Friends” are not included in the tally.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Angry Birds Epic Bugs

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