scruffydork Active 9 years, 1 month ago

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  • scruffydork

    I wonder if the Mini Map event leader board will do the same thing. I’ve not really been playing now that I have the new class so I started grinding again today. I want that spin off the wheel.


    @mvnla2 That was my exact feeling about it, too. Good ol freemium games.


    @mvnla2 You have to buy the purity potion in the store with LCs.


    @sylverwing You need to make sure you kill the zombies at the same time so they dont regenerate while you’re killing the others. You need to use birds than hit multiple birds in one attack. Spies works well for this. And Wizard on level 9 (not allowed on level 8). Paladin or Pirates (esp with chili rage power) are good to finish off the stragglers.


    My pirate is level 10. If I switch to Corsair, do I have to stay at level 1 and grind back up to 10?


    The description of the trophy states that it also gives points for heroic arena deeds so I’m thinking this explains how some are being awarded trophies above their highest level.
    I wonder what constitutes a heroic arena deed.


    I always thought each tournament would reset to the wood level. That’s what a tournament is.
    But I do wish they waited to start the second tournament. I’m definitely feeling arena fatigue.


    I’m definitely ready for new levels to play. I agree that the PVP is boring.

    Like a lot of players, I’ve gotten three stars in every level and my experience is 41. All my birds are levels nine and ten. I see no point in getting level ten for all of there are no new levels to play.

    I’m really hoping for new caves at least after this first PVP tournament ends. It’s gone on way too long.


    I really hope to see some new caves. The PVP is really getting boring.


    The Daily Dungeon has the fireworks too. Is this just for fun or do the dungeons give medal rewards or benefit the event in any way?
    I hate fighting the samurai pigs so I’m curious if it’s worth the effort.


    Ten weeks into PVP and I have to say I’m so bored. I’m glad to see we will have an event starting soon but what I’d really love is for more cavern levels.
    Between the cheats, defective banners and everything else listed in this post, PVP has really lost my attention. I hope going forward Epic focuses on new levels and not on the PVP feature.
    I guess I just really enjoy building up my characters’ levels and mastery and getting three stars in each level.


    I knew it impacted each of the birds. I was just using Red as an example. But it’s good to know why now. Thanks for the info.


    I’ve been really patient with the event resets. I’ve just worked my way back up to the top of the leader board, but I woke this morning to find the event over and no chance to spin the wheel. My birds are all level 8 and 9 so it takes a lot of mastery points to level up. I think Rovio will try to make up for the big mess of an event, but I seriously don’t think they’ll give every bird 6000 mastery points (which I was going to spin that wheel until I won that, plus 6000 points on either side.

    I guess we’ll find out more next week. All I wanted for christmas was a level 10 Paladin. Lol.

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