iPad Active 8 years, 9 months ago

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    These are mine(not complete):

    -cuore di ghiaccio (heart of ice)
    -ali possenti (mighty whings)


    Which is the best team? I’m using paladin with dragon set, wizard with cronos set and spies with beep. What do you think?


    game crashes!!! mmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!
    problem with ads (can’t skip them)
    incredible hard battles…
    so confusing

    i don’t like this update


    Probably because it is not original, YOU should install epic from the store. I think you used the apk.


    Thanks, i fixed it:


    Hope this helps… Best reward is E=250+20+1stamina M=500+40+2stamina H=750+60+3stamina


    Interesting informations, but he forgot to add that every battle (Easy(E), Mid (M), Hard (H)) requires power, and things change a little. Assuming what our friend has written is correct (i’ve checked), every battle brings to the same prizes. But…

    -(E) requires 3 power bins on a max of 15: 1350 points is the max you can obtain (270*5)
    -(M) requires 5 power bins on a max of 15: 1620 points is the max you can obtain (540*3)
    -(H) requires 7 power bins on a max of 15: 1620 points is the max you can obtain (810*2)

    So… M and H battles are the best but H is better because you still have 1 power.

    Really sorry for my bad english, i tried to do my best.


    Instead of sea dog i’m going to use paladin with dragon set. Not everyone has (or can afford) sea dog


    It’s a really nice idea! Hope rovio adds something new


    I’m from Italy. A notification appeared a few minutes ago…

    I’m not able to post a picture with tinypic… What should i do? I’d like to share a screenshot of the event



    i’m lvl 41, i’m looking for every complete set with max lvl… it’s really hard and time spending, i know.


    You are right, i’m sorry. I did not check if the video worked… This is the same video, let’s see

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