Hecate Active 5 years, 3 months ago

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    The jackpot egg is on level 30. I got it! Had only 4 pigs and used ff button! The ff button also always chose the best hats. Also, had a jackpot egg last year at level 60, also with ff button


    Here´s a new piggy mail and it says , that we have to increase the level of our birds with the featherbonus for keeping them alive 0_0


    Wonder what happens to the hats when they offered all of them? Will they appear completely and they offer new ones or will they stay in the shop and you are still able to buy them for 5k  cos I missed the Mathilda one,too. Though I´m not sure if I save my coins for Mathilda cos I only manage to get between 1000-1250 every season(no matter how much my FP increased but that isn´t a new problem…).  And saving only 250 or 500 every season would take me ages to get the missing hat.


    Yes, it’s working again:-) Thanks @maria-cilento for the hint with the new Update! I know I would lose everything but I don’t have an account and don’t really want to create one just for the game.


    Don’t have a FB account


    Apparently is this a common problem. Lot of complaints in the Google Store. Hope they fix it soon. Wanna see my lil hatchling :)))


    Was wondering the same. When I started playing they rotated weekly but since I bought that package for Terence last year, it stopped rotating and I’ve never seen the other offers again :-(


    That´s after finishing the legendary league. Normal league is less feathers/tickets  but same price.



    That´s what you get for 22€. Hardly worth the money



    What about the clan chests? Now I wonder if there are differences as well. I would have to pay

    20€ / 50€ and 100€


    What?!? Only 1$?!? I only get packages at cost at least 21€ (after winning DC) or 56€ (after a winning streak at the arena) Sure you get more fetahers for that price but still not worth it. I´m sure more user would be tempted to buy these  packages if they would make them much cheaper (and with this they would make more money, instead of waiting for someone who buys one expensive package). Would definitely buy some for 1€.


    Hope we can buy the hats this time afterwards

    And the rewards in the rare chests increased (slightly) Hope that´s not only temporarily like the other stuff


    Ah, thanks for the clarification :-)

    Very generous from Rovio to give these hats some bonus since you can´t buy them


    from the Rovio site

    Within Angry Birds 2, mobile gamers and football fans can outfit their flocks with a choice of any of the 32 official NFL jerseys and helmets to compete in brand new Super Bowl-themed game levels as well as in-game competitions.

    The Super Bowl LII in-game events begin across both Angry Birds 2 and Angry Birds Evolution on Wednesday 24 and run until Super Bowl Sunday on February 4.



    It’s Hecate



    Did send a request (same name as here). I usually play 12 points,often much more when it’s going really well. Would like to be part of the clan:)))


    @mandy-morelock-mitchell how many members do you have and how active are they?


    That´s true and despite not really knowing if someone is cheating, is it not our job to keep this game “cheat free”. Rovio knows, that this huge problem exist and should work on a solution. Like a programme, that scans  automatically every profile now and then and reports suspecious profiles or whatever.

    Bet the Viking hats will be exclusive at the Eagle Shop for an absurd high amount of coins, which no REAL player can afford !!!



    Same here accept that the leader had over 82mio in the end with a star rang of 26 (!!!) and of course he had all the fancy heads as well…

    And paying 300 gems for another try would only make sense(tho,it´s still too expansive), when they add up the points but I guess cheaters would come out with  billions of points then…


    Really hope the new hats are not legendary but I have a bad feeling about this.

    Why not having hat sets  for 2000,3000 bp etc ?


    What´s the point of competing with cheaters at the boot camp?!? Sucks all the joy out of it :-((((

    Please, fix that. Can´t be that difficult :-((((

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