Gmama Active 9 years, 1 month ago

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  • Gmama

    Running levels against an Eggbot esp with Terence at least a level 7 or higher will oftentimes yield scores higher than 5000. Also the Variant TFS will yield great scores. HAPPY HUNTING!


    I didn’t have all my squads completed at the time I did this run. I still had Ultra Megatron and Thundercracker to unlock. This was also b4 we could chase Eggbots. I have all my squads unlocked now and still don’t get squad bonuses on every run. I did however learn how to take screenshots so if I ever get lucky like this again I will for sure take the pic and share with this forum. HAPPY HUNTING!


    I haven’t seen it mentioned above but have you tried rge Restore Purchases option in the Settings button? I don’t know if it will work but it can’t hurt to try.


    Chests of gems are awarded for upgrading TFs. The longer it takes to do an upgrade the more gems in a box. You can harvest them regularly or wait till your TF is finished. You will get a set amount of gems per upgrade. HAPPY HUNTING!


    My best total was on a gold dome level with Variant Goldbite Grimlock for a total run of 66,000 points which doubled for the Variant and then I doubled with a video for a total of 264,000. This was over 2 mos ago b4 this thread was started. If by some miracle a level anywhere close to this happens again my question is how do you take screenshots?. I play on a Samsung Galaxy S4 so my phone should be able to take a pic if somebody could tell me how to do it please!


    Yes the swirling purple/black mass is the black hole fired by Megatron. The ultimate Megatron fires 2 shots. They look pretty awesome especially if you have both Megatrons working together, although not very effective against missiles or getting coins out of gold blocks. Good idea to get these TFs upgraded ASAP. HAPPY HUNTING!!


    After completing a level and the coins don’t get added just go into your upgrade menu and return to the island and your coins will be there. Also other TFS going missions after levels is probably a bug Rovio needs to work out or a mischievous way of getting players to pick a good level first and not hoping it will still be there when you want it next. Happy Hunting.


    Gems in chest boxes are related to upgrading your TFs. The longer it takes to do an upgrade the more gems you get in a chest but each TF upgrade has an amount of gems awarded in correlation. Sorry about the autocorrect on “green”.


    Gems in chest boxes are related to upgrading your TFs. The longer it takes to do an upgrade the more greens you get in a chest but each TF upgrade has an amount of gems awarded in correlation.


    Walking mortar towers are impossible to miss when they occur in a level. They shoot giant balls of flaming killing fire and in some levels you get 4 or more at a time. Your bot can blow them up but you need to be at least a grade 7 or higher. Believe me you will know them when you see them. When you shoot them they have a green lifeline that runs horizontally along their body that will turn red until it blows up. Happy hunting!


    I only get an event dome every other week or more and I play every day. I’m on a galaxy s4 android. Wish I got it every 2-3 days. That would be awesome.


    TY for the red circle advice. Yes if I don’t hit it there is no road to run on. Appreciate the answer. Happy hunting!

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