
  • I set Red as Optimus Prime to upgrade from lvl 7 to 8 and it was in the middle of doing so when I realized my new battery for the tablet had arrived. I had been having issues with the tablet I play on as for battery life. My new battery arrived and I changed it out without backing anything up. Just whaaaaam, go do it. Scared to death when I hit the on button, it did in fact turn on and load up faster than normal. I forgot the clock would not be right and immediately opened another game and received an error message. So I next hit ABT and received a transport error message. I did not screen cap it but minus 75000 coins and no upgrade and possibly a downgrade on a few of my bots. Not quite sure as I did not capture this info prior to the battery swap. So I did change the time and date properly and here I am.

    Did I experience this “time travel” thing you all have posted about? And if so what should I do as I was not illegally trying to steal from the game. Thanks for your imput.

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  • Replies
  • Mad Kat

    That really sucks. The only suggestion that I can think of is to write to Rovio technical support. I am not hopeful they will help but it does not hurt to try.


    And you know what else @vrinda-rajkumar? Check as Bumblebee did not have the upgrade arrow next to it when all of this happened. I will take your advice and see what happens. I will post any replies from them. Thank you.

    Mad Kat

    I really hope Rovio helps you, @ladydi102.


    Hopefully they will be able to help, but I doubt it.

    Now you know that you should backup this game, and do it frequently. Sounds like you are on Android (I don’t think any iOS device has a removable battery), so install Helium if you don’t already have it installed and start backing up.

    But now that you have suffered the time travel penalty on accident, you may want to start time travelling to get back to where you were.


    *Chuck as Bumblebee – that should read

    nothing beats a failure but a try. Will keep this thread posted. Thank you!!!!!

    I think I might have taken the battery out in the middle of the upgrade but I still will contact Rovio to see why there was no green arrow next to that one bot.

    Thank you @sal9 for the link as I will submit it right now.

    thank you for the Helium info. I downloaded it but I am still reading through the reviews on it. I’ll have to save some Google Opinion Rewards money up to pay for the Pro version. Can you explain “start time traveling back to where you were”?


    @ladydi102 You don’t need the Pro version. The free version works fine. The Pro version adds some nice features, primarily not needing to connect to your computer first and saving to the cloud. I have the Google Opinion Rewards to get the Pro version, but I haven’t.

    What I mean by time travelling to get back to where you were is that since you’ve already been penalized for time travelling, you might as well continue time travelling to get back to your previous rank. Time travelling is useful for cutting down on your wait time for promotions and for farming coins. But you do run the risk of being penalized for it if the game detects it, as you already know. Your penalty was for an accidental time travel rather than an intentional time travel, but the game doesn’t differentiate between the two because there is no way to tell the difference.

    Mad Kat

    Here is a link to a post about how to time travel safely. Seems like it not as feasible to time travel for higher level upgrades.

    Levelling a little faster


    @h82loze I will delve more into it when time permits and thank you again for the suggestion. I am appreciative of the reply to the time travel. Very interesting.

    – Thank you for the link. Will read it later on tonight.

    FYI – Rovio has made contact and it seems I am SoL. (sigh) Will explain more later. Gotta run!!

    Have fun BOTting around!!


    I haven’t seen it mentioned above but have you tried rge Restore Purchases option in the Settings button? I don’t know if it will work but it can’t hurt to try.


    @gmama I have actually used it on a real purchase of gems and it did work there. And no, it did not work for this instance. Final word from Rovio is there’s nothing that can be done. My loss and so I earned enough coins to upgrade him to lvl 8. THe other bots are 6 or 5.


    @h82loze – at the present, Helium does not work on my tablet which is where I play ABT> I have sent an email message to ClockWorkMod folks to see if there’s anything they can suggest. Thank you again.

    I did read the link you provided and I think I will just play the game as normal, as I go along… whatever come what piggy may

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