Farming Gems…

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Farming Gems…

  • Hi,
    I’ve been looking all around and I can’t find any real info on this.
    How to get the most gems out of those boxes???

    I’m sure that there is a time element to it. Do the coins also have to be full to maximize the reap??

    Usually, I was getting about 4-6 gems a box. Then when I started to try to pay attention and farm them, I can’t find any logic to it. I left one box for a few days. When I poped it, I got 1 Gem! It was right after I plucked the coins. Another time I 16…can’t remember how long I left it or if I poped any coins before it. The last box gave 31 gem’s… I actually popped it by accident. It was growing for a few days. I plucked the coins around it right after and they were one in then 230 range. Which is where they should have been based on the time for farming coins.

    Not sure if it matter’s but I’m on Android with the latest version (1.3.13) and I’m at rank 152.

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  • Mad Kat

    Wow! I always pop a gem box as soon as I see it. It never occurred to me to wait for it to grow.

    I am not sure if waiting yields higher total gems. If you pop a box, will a new one materialise with the same number of gems that you would have got additionally by waiting to pop the previous box?

    I am going to wait to pop a box open and see how many gems I get.

    The highest number of gems I have received is under a dozen. But the new boxes seem to materialise at least once per day.


    The amount of gems is kinda random. Once a time, i got even 15 gems in one chest.


    I haven’t noticed any correlation to time. Perhaps I’ll wait a day when I see the next chest come up.


    I thought maybe the gem boxes were the rewards for achieving “quests”. Can anyone confirm or deny this? Or are they random?


    Totally random, both in terms of when they show up, and how many gems you get in each one.


    Great question and great replies. I can learn from just reading.


    My question is, is there an optimal amount of time to wait before collecting coins? It seems like if I collect them frequently, I rarely get treasure chests with gems, and when I do, it is usually only in the morning after the gems have maxed out. Any thoughts on how coin collecting and gem production are related?


    I dunno, the chests seem pretty random to me. Obviously the longer you wait between going back into the game the more there will be, but I haven’t noticed any particular pattern as to when in the day (or night) they are most likely to show up.


    Once I had like 3 gem boxes 3 different times in a day. Total of 9 boxes. Normally I collect my coins when I get the chance but on this day I had coins built up for a while. Maybe gem boxes are like an overflow thing?


    Hi, I have been reading this forum for a few years (regarding all the AB games) and have appreciated all the tips along the way – thanks everyone. Anyway, I just registered so I can reply regarding the gem boxes: I am pretty sure that the gems in the treasure boxes reflect the “Thanks” from other players when they borrow your characters.

    I make a point to always “Thank” players at the end of a mission; I find it weird that one of the Rewards is based on how many times we DON’T thank another player (thereby encouraging us to buy gems from Rovio.) I have only purchased gems once, against my better judgement, and at this point I just rely on the treasure boxes as my source of revenue :)

    Anyway, that’s my two cents, so to speak.


    I have no idea if you are correct about the thanks thing. However, I assume they created a reward telling you to say no because they added a lot of new gestures and actions to that section, and they want people to see them. That said, they should stop wasting time there and fix all the bugs!!!!


    I’m not even on Facebook, but I still have “buddies” to play with. They are simply “virtual” buddies created by the app.

    I still get random gem boxes regardless of whether I thank or not.


    Oh man, if you’re right about the buddies being created by the app, that’s a let down for me. I don’t do FB either, but I thought my “Thanks” was spreading around some goodwill. Oh well.


    @nikki567 But look on the bright side, you avoid any guilty feelings if you decide to not thank your buddy so that you can earn that Achievement “Deceptihogs Thank No One!” ;)


    I know for sure that boxes don’t have anything to do with the thanking because there’s already a different system for that. I do have Facebook and when ever someone uses my birds and thanks me a message pops up in the button below the achievement button. It says “[playername] Thanked You” and I get either a gem or 25 coins.


    @Optimus, so I won’t be racking up bad karma for not Thanking Buddies? ;) (Kidding.)


    Well, now my theory has been thoroughly deconstructed. I wonder how many other AB theories I have that are incorrect!


    To earn that achievement… A player can always turn off FB, play the levels you know that you can beat with your hog and it say No Thanks and nobody will be offended. The game gives you some good bots as friends at times.

    At least, that’s how I earned the achievement.

    As for the the chest & coins…
    They are on different clocks. It’s about 4 hours to max out the coins @400.

    The Chest, I’m still compiling data and learning as we play…
    There is a clock on them… Optimal timing, I still don’t know.
    They are however not tied to the coins at all. Except for the fact that they show up in area’s, near nodes that you have at least beaten once.

    For coins, I let them max out before popping them..
    2 exceptions… It is a node that may be transformed or I’m not going to be around in 4hours to clear them.

    Chest, still under review… Location currently does not seem to be a factor either.
    I do believe that there is a possibility that they max and regress (or are just completely random, however not much really is).
    I’ve waited hours, day’s and almost a week to pop them… With various results… So far instantly popping them is not the best option, in my experience.
    This could be coincidence or just based on my play pattern but there may also be a time of day factor in play as well…

    So far, it seems like my average is 6 gems per… Low as 1(extremely rare) and a high in the 20’s & 30’s(which are even more rare and seems to be luck)…


    Gems in chest boxes are related to upgrading your TFs. The longer it takes to do an upgrade the more greens you get in a chest but each TF upgrade has an amount of gems awarded in correlation.


    Gems in chest boxes are related to upgrading your TFs. The longer it takes to do an upgrade the more gems you get in a chest but each TF upgrade has an amount of gems awarded in correlation. Sorry about the autocorrect on “green”.


    Reading through this was great. Now I understand much more about the chests and gems. And thank you for the “virtual buddy” notes. I wondered who they were and yes, I’ve gotten some high ranking buddies to help out. I never felt guilty not thanking them because of the created accomplishment associated with it. Odd but I’m finished with it, for now.

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