deft_bonz Active 9 years, 2 months ago

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  • deft_bonz

    I hoped that cheaters were gone for good. I grinded like hell this week so I finally would make it to diamond. With almost 140k points (grinded like 8-12 hours a day, was sick at home) I became finally 4th !!!???!!!

    So I stop playing for a while. Maybe next season I’ll restart again.


    @m-ich: Yes, also in platin, way more points possible. But not when I grind for 2-3 hours for a couple of 1000s, while the other player in the same time more than 15k


    @angryjohnny: alright. didn’t realize that there is a grace period… damn… but at least no one else (until now) below me is cheating. But the week is no yet over ;)

    I hope I can finally make it into diamond, after so many weeks of being “cheated out” :D


    Still have some players that make huge point jumps (like 10k) within a few hours… makes me wonder ?!?

    PS: Was placed second with 2k more points this morning. Third placed has more than 12k more points than me. About 3-4 hours later and I’am grinding at the moment too. Something is fishy, or did I miss something? Is it possible to grind that much?


    Love the update from today. But as you I also wish for new levels (beside the PvP, I love it), maybe even a new isle? That’d be coooool


    The update seems awesome… Now I also understand why there were some huge point differences. Not cheaters, but now you can gain much more points per game.

    Again on number 4!!! Grinding grinding grinding :D :D :D


    Just checked it… cool! Hope that works now against the cheaters. We’ll see! Now let’s grind some more points. Maybe the existing cheaters with a lot of points will be deleted and I get a chance to finally make it into diamond


    There is an update? missed that…


    Cheaters are so annoying, it really frustrates me. In platin league I was until yesterday around second and third place. One cheater had 50k already the first day. But now 2nd and 3rd are also gone. THANK YOU, YOU CHEAP CHEATERS :(

    This way I will never be able to reach diamond… Do I really have to cheat too, to reach diamond? Damn… that’s just no fun



    I really do wonder, why Rovio didn’t program some basic checks since everyone has to be anyway online. I’m not a software coder, but still I think it mustn’t be so hard and difficult to implement such a thing.


    Just had a cheater where the mage had over 5000 health, the flag over 22k, etc. Two attacks and all my birds were gone :(

    Sadly I don’t know how to take screenshots on my Galaxy S3 when playing ABE. Usually I just have to swipe with my hand over the screen, but that doesn’t work with ABE :(


    I guess they realized that cheating is boring. No challenge left, so they went on to the next game where cheats are possible :D


    @raziel29a: Thanks for the hint. Where and how can I write Rovio?


    Seen all those bugs/cheats/exploits too and a single attack from one bird killing all my birds (level 41 and mastery at 9) at once *BAM* … battle lost :(


    And for a long time I really thought I’m just lame because I can’t get 90k in 2-3 days. Glad to know it’s a cheat/exploit/whatever.

    I invested a fairly big amount of money and I leveled fair and played a lot. And all these bugs now in the arena are really killing my love and ‘investements’ for Epic.

    Now at Platin and it’s so freaking hard not to drop down a league. No chance, not slightly, not in any dream, it’s possible to go up to Diamond. Too many players achieving hundreds of thousands of points :(

    What a bummer at the moment…

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