kolchin Active 7 years, 6 months ago

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  • kolchin

    I just noticed the caption on the gif. Ignore it, I google image searched for the gif, didn’t know it was keep the caption.


    Oh man… I wanna know the beneficial bugs! Best one I remember is when the rainbow bar was full, your rolls on other people’s GPM were always set items, but didn’t reset the rainbow bar.


    I’m experiencing one named TWINFA now. I was grinding away arena points, was in first and then suddenly I noticed my rank was #2. I looked and TWINFA went from 0 to 12,XXX points instantly. He’s still on top with the same 12,XXX number now.

    How do I report them? I looked around and didn’t see any in-game support.


    Valiant banner, Resurrection, E-Paladin with Dragon, Wizard with Last Will, Spies with RC bots. Make sure Chuck’s HP is lowest out of the 3. If I had the squire pig set I’d use it instead, I think chance for 2 charge resurrection > 10% power. Golden Chili as well.

    If you win the toss, chili to chuck to clear birds and go for banner.
    If you lose the toss, the AI will always attack chuck first, last will procs (and 30% chance for chuck to survive anyway) and you should be able to clear the birds with Pally and Spies in your turn.

    Then it’s cleanup from there, either way. Chili to pally for banner damage, chili to chuck for bird clearing. I’m 1300ish power (low ranks in birds, took a big hiatus this year) and consistently beat 1600-1700 power teams.


    @elemento93 I don’t crash every time after an event battle, but I think I have it narrowed down to this: Every time the results of my reward change my rank, I crash. So if you’ve got a pretty active board and change rank often after battles, you’ll crash every time.


    I’m crashing too. It always happens after I roll for my prize and then hit the accept button. So I’m not losing anything except time, but still very annoying.

    Other bugs I’ve noticed since I’m here:

    The % odds listed on abilities and coin flips vs the actual results seem WAY off, on the bad side. Resurrect emblem tends feels like it procs WAY more than it should, same with other emblems. That COULD be confirmation bias though. What isn’t confirmation bias is the coin flip. I lose the coin flip a little more than about 8/10 times. Might as well give us a prize wheel with 1 WIN and 7 LOSE and have us spin it. It would more accurately reflect the actual odds of winning.

    In Arena when the opponent has the ability to reset timers (chuck’s set or blue’s class), when my own bird is knocked out, the timer’s can be reset by the opponent, even though they aren’t taking damage (cause they are knocked out). I’ve lost a few games because my birds can’t resurrect after one knock out.

    Chuck’s last will set will sometimes not proc on both remaining birds. Every so often one bird will get a bonus attack and the other won’t. I THINK this might happen when the first bonus attack kills the opponent that killed Chuck.


    Before the update I was grinding like crazy just to stay in the top 3 because my board was a strong one (I was getting suspicious actually), to now being in first place and 6K above 2nd place. New board worked in my favor!


    Does diamond top 3 get me anything other than higher amount of coins and 3 star rolls?


    So I’m kind of new to the arena seasons, so bear with me.

    I’m at Platinum now, and looks likely I’m going to diamond next week (Only one other grinder with me, the others look to be content with objectives). Once I reach diamond, is that it? Do I have to fight to maintain it for the next 4-5 weeks? Is it still bottom 3 go down a level at that point, or is it higher? Does my arena golden pig roll diamond level forever after that point, or does it reset at the end of the season (in other words, should I burn a all of my gold on arena rolls the next time 5x set chance comes around?)


    @smwforever45 What do you mean by “McCool such an opponent away”.

    A couple of general questions:
    1. Are Arena Golden Pig roll odds weighted to banners and emblems? I have just about one of every set banner, but only 3 heads so far. Just seemed odd, but could be bad luck.

    2. How can I get the resurrect emblem? Time turner emblem? Is it rolls from AGP or a reward at a higher level?

    3. How much damage does Vengeance emblem do when a bird dies? I’m getting about 700 per bird when an enemy does it, but 500 is for my own (3-star) emblem.


    I just lost a match in the worst way possible. I was doing a “defeat the banner without defeating any birds” objective, which always produces tough matchups. Opponent was 3 birds still alive, some AoE took their health down but not too much. The Opponent chuck had the bones set. My Red was alive and the others gone, with my chili active, with just enough HP to die to my chili hit. I chili’d Red, he hit the banner and KNOCKED IT DOWN, but also triggered the dragon set and killed the chuck. The bonus attacks from the two other birds knocked down MY banner, and I ended up going from finishing my objective and a win, to getting my second loss.

    So, FYI, if you knock down the enemy banner but a counter attack knocks YOURS down after, you still lose.


    How does the emblem Vengeful (Do damage to enemy birds when one of your own dies) get figured? I swear it does way more damage TO me when the enemy has it than it does FOR me to the enemy. I have one and I put it on to get more damage output, and it really only does around 550 to all targets when a bird is knocked out. Hardly worth it, IMO. Back to rage shield for me.


    @bf10 Marksmen blues, samurai red, princess matilda. Make it a race to kill the banner.


    Wait really? So all those times I thought I was in a race with another guy in a direct competition, he was probably racing some other dude? This last event was brutal for me, I was really scrounging up everything I had to get in the top-3. It was about a 6 way competition for 3rd place that literally had me crafting sodas from FE’s… and for all I know they all had first in their pool.


    Curious: When it comes to objectives is everyone’s objective randomly generated daily? Or does everyone in your pool see the same 3 objectives?



    daily player. Please add, but don’t be offended if/when I put you on a restricted list to my profile :)


    I don’t know if something is bugged, but I’m pretty sure the last 30+ matches I’ve went up against Red, chuck, and matilda. How does the game choose which birds you fight? I’ve always assumed they were random. Is anyone else experiencing this?

    I haven’t seen a bomb or blues in days.


    I’ve been on facebook boards and have added a handful of “Friends” from there. I add them and then put them on my restrictive group. So I get the benefits from them, and you’re right they are great.


    @poptimus @smwforever45 Thanks guys for the quick responses! 13-5 it is! I can autoplay it with the friendly pigs, so I guess that’s the way I’ll go!

    That being said, I wish, now that there are so many mastery levels, there was an easy way to get a brand new class up to a respectable mastery level.


    I’m looking for a way to grind up a new class I bought. I’m buying the snoutling dojo offerings of course, but want another way to get it. I took a look at the guide and saw this:

    3. Caves
    The next best source for Mastery are the Chronicle Caves (given that either your birds are strong enough, or you have a lot of friends you can use). Note that you can only use caves to level up two of your birds, since the third bird has to be an ally.
    Excellent levels are Caves 1-5, 4-5, 11-4 and 13-5, for example, all of them spawning Brutes (1-5 spawns Shamans too).
    1-5 gives ~90 Mastery per run per bird.
    4-5 gives ~120 Mastery per run per bird because of the higher pig level.
    11-4 gives ~120-150 Mastery per run per bird despite having only 7 waves.
    13-5 gives ~210 Mastery per run per bird; however, this level can be troublesome for auto-play to clear, so play with caution.
    These cave levels are also quite good to grind for Snoutlings!

    Looks like the best way to get mastery is to go to the caves and find the brutes. 17-4 is a 10 wave cave level with a brute or two in every wave. Is there a reason it’s not listed in this guide, or is the guide out of date? Should I still grind 13-5, or is 17-4 better?

    Also, is what I’m thinking right? The fastest way to get mastery is to buy dojo points as often as possible and grind 13-5 (or 17.4) as much as possible?


    A new Epic Set that all birds can use where the set bonus is “Double the amount of Mastery Points gained”


    I wish for a way to switch the birds’ class from the pre-level, bird-select screen.


    I, too, would like the replay button back.

    I would like to see a new way to get gear, and I have two suggestions to do so:

    1) I Remember during the dragon event the encounters had a tiered reward system. You get past the first 3 waves, you get a spin board, you get past 6 waves you get a better spin board, and so on. I would like to see this implemented in the daily dungeons, where the first 5 waves are exactly the same as they are now, with the same reward, and then an extra “wave” that is a tough boss battle with a second tier spin board, with rewards:

    100 snoutlings
    Free 3-coin GPM spin
    75 snoutlings
    125 snoutlings
    100 snoutlings
    Free 20-coin GPM spin
    75 snoutlings
    125 snoutlings

    make re-rolls cost, like, 5 FE’s.

    2) A new shop or event rewards or something where you can buy/acquire recipes for the Epic gear. Give the epic gear some crazy amount of resources to build (100-200 pieces of 3 different resources). This would be a great way to create a way to target a specific set piece that you’re missing, instead of relying on the luck of the roll from GPM.


    I’ve got it open in Excel, if you’re just viewing it in a web browser it’s going to be hard to follow. If you download it and then open it with Excel, it should be much better.

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