Arena Season 8

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  • kolchin

    Curious: When it comes to objectives is everyone’s objective randomly generated daily? Or does everyone in your pool see the same 3 objectives?


    @bhenry43 – Everyone gets their own objectives. In fact, the players who you see in your pool, probably do not even see you in their own. For Example, this week @Angryde is in my pool, but I am not in his.


    Wait really? So all those times I thought I was in a race with another guy in a direct competition, he was probably racing some other dude? This last event was brutal for me, I was really scrounging up everything I had to get in the top-3. It was about a 6 way competition for 3rd place that literally had me crafting sodas from FE’s… and for all I know they all had first in their pool.


    @angryjohnny I get the concept, that as a healer, Matilda’s Rage “supports” your Team, but a Rage is not a support action, so really this should not count.
    I think her Rage is the only one that does nullify the Objective, am I correct? I know Red, Chuck and Bomb can Rage and not count as a support, but maybe Blue’s stun with his Rage does count? I don’t use him very often, so can’t say either way.


    I got one of the worst newer objectives: Win and only kill the banner (and nothing else). I lack nearly most classes that cost lucky coins so I can pretty much say there is no way with my classes (I have Paladin though)


    @bf10 Marksmen blues, samurai red, princess matilda. Make it a race to kill the banner.


    @bf10 that Objective is best completed with the older Classes anyways. Using Rogues, Druid and Samurai/Paladin should work very well. Use DOT effects from the first two (alternating healing with Druid when needed) and use Red for shielding to keep your own Banner up.


    @pointless That did absolutely nothing against Tricksters or Capt’n.

    Cough, if my opponent has more power, I’m dead first before them.

    So technally, without elite or new classes, its impossible to do this without overcoming the weaknesses. I have lost all my banners trying to do this and only have 24 lucky coins. I also cannot use Facebook because I don’t have one. Do not encourage me to make one.


    This objective is not that hard. I use Paladin/Samurai, Bard (Princess will work also) and Tricksters. Critical damage is OK but avoid chain attacks! Keep attacking with Paladin/Samurai and Bard/Princess, buff your birds with Tricksters for some extra damage, and use Tricksters also to dispel helpful effects on the opposing banner.

    EDIT: Definitely don’t spend LC’s on more tries in the Arena. You’ll need the LC’s for other things.

    I am also anti-Facebook, but I made one exclusively for the game and the advantages are outrageous.


    @smwforever45 That only proves that for the best combo (as Princess will allow my opponent to damage my banner quicker) requires lucky coins, and I need to binge play for months.



    You’re probably right that the only way to consistently accomplish that objective (and several other objectives, or to consistently win in arena at all for that martter) is to have premium classes. Not to mention how much it helps to have Legendary set weapons, off-hand items, and banner parts, which also require a fair amount of work to acquire.

    The arena is not much more than a cash cow for Rovio/Chimera. Doing well in the arena doesn’t help you in the rest of the game (with the exception of being able to get Enchantment Shards on the weekly reward wheel, but of course you have to do REALLY well in the arena in order to get more than an occasional handful of shards). Once you accept that fact, then you’ll have to choose whether or not you want to take it seriously (which most of posting here have, because we find it a fun challenge, I think), and do the requisite hours of grinding accordingly. Accepting it for what it is also has the added benefit of making it less frustrating; when you realize the odds are against most participants, then you’ll have lower expectations of winning, and be less disappointed when the game “screws” you by giving you the “win 5 battles with Thunderbird” objective. :)

    That said, I’ll take a stab at suggesting a strategy for you to complete the “only kill the banner” objective:
    – Firstly, if you have the Valiant banner set, use it. Other good sets for this objective are Blazing, Sinister, Mighty, and Angry. If you don’t have any complete banner sets, use a Critical Strike top, and a Might flag.
    – For your emblem, I’m not sure what to suggest. What are your options?
    – As for birds, I’d say to try Samurai, Capt’n, and Rogues. Feed Samurai the chili when you can (or Capt’n if the banner isn’t the highest health opponent). Use Capt’ns buff on Samurai whenever he’s not yet buffed (unless Samurai’s at low health, of course). Rogues is good simply because he only needs to attack once to do three turns’ worth of serious damage (so it doesn’t matter if he gets knocked out a lot).
    – Make sure your weapons are not Chain Attack weapons (Critical Strike is preferable, of course), and off-hand items should be Might if possible.
    – Maybe the most important advice is if you come up against an enemy team that seems like it’ll be problematic for this strategy (for example, an enemy Chuck with a Mana Shell set, or and enemy Tricksters), then don’t worry about the objective and just focus on winning that battle, so you can try to complete the objective later.


    @bf10 I fail to see how Tricksters and Capt’n are especially dangerous in this Objective. Granted, Tricksters can cleanse, but I’ll take that action any day, as it means a turn not attacking my Team, and the DOT can easily be reapplied (I will note to avoid Mana Shell here). The main thing you want to accomplish is target specific damage, so little or none AoE (as has been said). You will not 3-Star these battles (unless you have Witch, but I assume you do not based in your comments). There are more difficult Objectives to complete than this particular one, so accept the challenge or opt out of Arena.


    @bf10 you may try Paladin, Rain Bird and Princess. Princess forces all enemies to attack your banner. Paladin uses his second ability on Banner. These two attack enemies’ banner or heal if necessary. Rain Bird heals every turn. This is possible to get three stars without knocking any enemies. But take a long time.


    @bf10 I’ve done that objective with Samurai, Cannoneer, and Marksmen. The additional damage from Marksman with the multi attacks from the other two make short work of most banners. The only thing to watch out for is Chuck with the mana set, then getting the additional damage from marksmen to stick gets harder.


    @bf10 I just use the „Blessed” set, along with „Resurrection,” supported by Rogues (using „Save Me!”), Druid/Witch (using „Sweet”) and Pirate… but I realize that this strategy is level dependent. Totally doable.


    @poptimus @bubbley @pointless
    I wrote some questions to Rovio and got answers:
    1) I tried to play with Last Will set in Arena. I had Chuck (with Last Will set), Paladin and Spies in my team. When my Chuck was KOed, my Paladin sometimes did not make his “Last Will” attack (my paladin was standing and doing nothing, he was not stunned/frozen). Can you investigate this issue?
    2) If Chuck (with Last Will set) is KOed and instantly resurrected due to Resurrection Emblem, the Last Will effect is triggered. Is this a bug or it should be like that?
    3) Lets have team with Chuck (with Last Will set), Seadog and Paladin. Seadog uses his Gang Up ability on Paladin. Chuck is KOed. What should happen now? Paladin attack + Gang Up Seadog attack + Seadog attack? Or only Paladin attack + Seadog attack?
    1) All birds should get a bonus attack, so this sounds like a bug. Have you seen it again in the current version of the game? If so, please try to grab a screenshot, or let us know which bird didn’t get the bonus attack so we can investigate further. If it happens repeatedly, is it only Paladin that doesn’t get the bonus attack? Please let us know only if this is an issue on a supported device, as we can’t guarantee the game’s functionality when using emulators.
    2) The resurrection of Chuck and the Set Bonus of Last Will are independent from one another. If Chuck dies, the set bonus is triggered. Chuck being resurrected and also triggering the set bonus is totally fine.
    3) Gang Up should not work on top of Last Will.

    ad 1) Can anyone explain me how to make a screenshot of such situation :D? Ok, I will try to make a video :) This thing happened to me rarely (not so often), but hard to say why it happened. I am not sure if the reason is KOing the Bird that KOed Chuck. I am almost sure that using of Bluestacks is not the right reason :D


    @kennymcc If you’re on a PC just press the screen grab button, on a Mac Press Command-Shift-4, on an iDevice press and hold the “Sleep/Wake” button and then press the “Home” button. Just Google your device using the phrase “screen grab.”


    I know how to make a screenshot :) But thats useless in that situation :)


    @angryde Sorry, I just skimmed your post… I didn’t fully appreciate the context. My mistake!


    @kennymcc @pointless @poptimus as you say a screen shot of a bird doing nothing is useless. Perhaps we should all send a ticket to Rovio who think that two birds, if standing, should attack.

    Certainly it is not just Paladin that does not attack but from my observation the first attack comes from the bird standing at the bottom of the row. In my case usually Captain. The remaining bird frequently is Paladin but also Witch and both fail to attack.

    If the enemy chuck KO himself on my TB Sheild then no attack follows. This would fit with the observation that if you KO the enemy bird which KO your chuck the second attack doesn’t occur. However my reading Rovio’s reply to you suggests that this is a bug.

    I play on an iPad so it’s not limited to Bluestacks.

    Sorry I have no clue how to make a video.

    Edit: I just played a game in which my Chuck resurrected but my birds did not attack. During the same enemy attack he was then KO my birds still did not attack. Last Will has to be bugged.


    @bubbley @pointless @poptimus
    Its ok, I know how to make a video and upload it to youtube :) U didnt watch any of my posts with videos here :)

    I always use Paladin, Wizard, Spies. When Last Will is triggered, always or usually (not sure right now) Spies make their attack first and Paladin is the second. I will make some more testing and will record it all to catch any strange situation. Then I will post it here and send to Rovio.

    Ofcourse, send your “Last Will” experiences to Rovio. We can connect our tickets together if we share our ticket numbers to each other and write these numbers in our tickets :) but it is not necessary :) If u want, send me your ticket number when u make your ticket. U can write about my ticket there, this is the number: #1321342


    I just recieved that “EPIC” message :) It seems that Rovio changed something :)


    @kennymcc Me too. It just happened at 00.00 GMT 0.
    Totally strange. Rovio never give us surprises at 00.00 GMT 0.
    Totally strange. AND seems SHADY.


    I would like to know, if there is any useful message, what was really changed :)

    Angry Johnny

    I would like to know, if there is any useful message, what was really changed :)

    Calling @datguygamer

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