Arena Season 8

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  • KennyMcC

    @datguygamer @smwforever45 @all
    My coinflip results in last week (0-coinflip lost, 1-coinflip won): 00100000010001111101000000001100010101110100000111
    10101010001001011110111010010101110110001 (141 battles, 78 coinflips lost, 63 coinflips won). It is not far from 50/50 but I do lose coinflips more often than winning them since last update.


    You had a lot more losses at the beginning of the week and increasingly more wins near the end of the week. I’d say they changed it somewhere in between.


    Ok :) we will see this week :) I made 8 battles today: 01000001 ;)


    @bubbley @poptimus yes, that generally holds true, I have noticed that if the enemy Bird that causes the Chuck KO is also KOd on the retaliation, then it ends there. Problem is, I have also seen just one retaliation resulting in no enemy KOs at all. Why???
    Part of my problem is also the fact that SeaDog and his Gang Up is truly a wild card (and I use him all the time, barring Objectives). The unique nature of his supportive attack seems to be ignored by the programming. He seems to be able to damage a Chuck/Bones with apparent immunity, regardless if the damage is direct or an indirect AoE effect.


    I have @shapokomanbeast on my board this week.

    Edit : chucks Bones set seemed to always work perfectly. If the oppo wins, they always defeat chuck and the two attack and leave me in good shape for my first turn.

    Edit me and you have been bouncing between 1st and 3rd on my board. Same for you?

    When I don’t get a CG team it cycles through the same real teams. I have seen one 3x in two days.


    Opposite for me, I had a lot more wins than losses so far :)


    @kennymcc @smwforever45 the toss is wheird again, isn’t it? As our Yoda has previously mentioned, it really is not “random” in the sense that a true coin toss would be. I see incredible streaks both ways, but as a general pattern, it seems that you are “lucky” at the beginning (enabling a fair shot at Objective completion), then “unlucky” for extended stretches, mixed with intermittent winning streaks of three or four. I guess this is to separate the cream from the milk, as grinding becomes more difficult (not that iy really is right now, given the CG Red/Chuck/Matilda Teams we are seeing…and the Bones Set).


    @napoleongl ouch that’s tough 12 grinders!


    There may be a change of “Win X arena battles without using any support ability”

    I used rage chili on Chuck once at the beginning of the arena battle during some battles. That objective increased by one after each battle. Is this a new bug or a real change? Can anyone confirm that? Thanks.


    I had the objective last week but didn’t try raging with Chuck because of this exact reason.
    It used to not count.
    If it now counts, that is good because it’s supposed to do that IMO (Chuck’s rage is basically an attack after all!).


    Rage attacks have never counted as a “support ability” for the purpose of that objective, as far as I know. I’ve only been playing since October though, so maybe it was different before then?


    “Why should that happen?”
    LOL. I wouldn’t presume to know the mind of Rovio/Chimera! I agree with you and @pointless that it works pretty darn strangely!


    @smwforever45 @suikyo there has never been an issue with the “Win without support” regarding a Chuck Rage, only a Matilda Rage, as this is a mass healing effect. Has something changed?



    Wow there is a lot of doubling up this week. I hope I’m not grinding too much, I am trying to draw out a person who is playing a lot or is cheating?


    @pointless @poptimus perhaps SD gang up is treated in the same way as a venomous attack or TB shield which can damage Bones with impunity.


    When I last got the objective and tried it it was an issue. Chuck’s rage wouldn’t count either. Guess they changed it somewhere in between…

    Angry Johnny

    @pointless @smwforever45 yes when those objectives were first introduced there was a bug where Chuck’s Rage would count as support. It has since then been fixed.


    @kennymcc Whenever I see you writing these results, at the back of my head I always tend to think Binary numbers. :P


    Ugh. Two cheaters in one week:


    @shapokomanbeast I hope your score is still ok. Seems like we are in the same position now, ghosting on other peoples board and having to grind. Unfortunately I too have had to do a lot of grinding because of people on my board who excel at grinding. I was grinding virtually all morning, you may have noticed!

    Hopefully I will come 3rd which is good enough for me, I’ve given up on first place.



    Yeah I’ve noticed your scores in previous posts and figured you’d be ok?

    I also get that same “real” team but since I’ve been grinding quick sometimes it catches me by surprise(they’ve beaten me once) since I’ve been playing primarily with ETbird,Sea Dog,&Skulkers.


    I live in Canada so I didn’t notice until this morning. You are now a close 2nd to me? It’s too bad you are not actually on my board because we are in different time zones and seem to play at different times(I believe in previous posts that you mentioned you lived in Turkey) and would between the two of us determine if Zizu is cheating or grinding.



    Yes, I live in Turkey. It is a shame as we could have had some fun sorting out that person’s true intentions :):)



    Haha for sure?


    @angryjohnny I do remember the issue with “Win without Support” when it was first introduced, but never had a problem with a Chuck Rage, as it is a pure attack. I remember only Matilda’s Rage being problematic, as this was considered a Support (rather murky definition, though).
    Has her Rage been fixed to not count as a Support? I will admit I have not tried since the original problem.

    Angry Johnny

    @pointless no Matilda’s Rage still counts as support because… well it IS support. It heals the whole team of birds :-)


    @pointless @angryjohnny I had that objective last week. Chucks rage does not count as support even though he has help. I have never tried Matilda since her rage is all about healing which is definitely support. Providing all you do is attack you can use any bird.

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