Ambfouch Active 3 years, 7 months ago

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  • Ambfouch

    A friend of mine is looking for a new clan hes an active daily player his FP is around 515 and growing every day he would like a clan that finishes events as well as wins battles anyone know any good clans for him?


    I’m having the same issue it also reset my Adventure as well as the fly Chuck fly count smh


    Hmm never woulda figured that out lol


    Yeah mine always does dumb stuff like that i hate posting in that thing figured they would make it easier


    Thinking mu hatching needs ti quit being such a fat kid who needs 25 apples a day c’mon now lol


    Yeah finally got mine was 2 pigs short of 1st place :(


    ive never made it past level 30on tbe TOF :(


    Im glad to know it isn’t just me lol


    @Dear, Yeah i gathered that my sarcasm never comes across well in posts lol


    Im still in the lame clan i been in ive been asking for better communication in it and the owner just ignores any and all comments made by me so im still looking.. I just want some obsessed ab2 friends lol


    yep this event is not at all fantastic ive already threw my phone 3 times grrr


    Awesome I tried looking y’all up but couldn’t find either one



    I’m currently looking to join a new Clan the one I’m in only has a few active players like 4 or five and one of them being my boyfriend so I’m looking for a clan the both of us can join I don’t have a very high flock power only like 300 something but im active daily

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