Where to Get Gifts?

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  • Proteus

    Looks like the red gifts has been replaced by a treasure chest. It appears twice when i played today. Has anybody know what the rewards from a treasure chest ? Because i fail the level so i don’t get that treasure chest ?



    I have not seen any treasure chests in the new levels just released — what level did you see a chest on?

    The only chests I see are the ones on the main page, and for me, the small chest refreshes every 30 minutes. Crazy.



    @proteus — I believe the large red treasure chests that occasionally appear in levels are the same as the premium treasure chests that cost 80 gems to open. So they should also contain the same types and probabilities of gifts. There may be a list in the previous few pages. I can’t say for certain, because I’ve never gotten one in a level, and stopped buying the premium chest after a few times of paying 80 gems to get a spell that costs 20.
    Maybe @bankler can confirm the list of items in the treasure chest available on the levels.


    @proteus, @sutekh137, @abeggertoo @anyone else — OK, we can all contribute to data on the red (premium) treasure chests.
    I just bought 6 red chests, and did pretty well:
    2 ducks
    100 black feathers
    250 blue
    100 red
    150 white
    2 ducks
    Unless things have changed, it is also possible to get 1 duck, or 1 of any other spell. I don’t think you can get more than one ME, but I’m not sure.
    So my guess at a list of possible awards is:
    1 of any spell (5 choices)
    2 of some spells (3??? choices; really don’t know)
    100 feathers (7 choices)
    150 feathers (7)
    250 feathers (7)
    So there are about 29 +/1 a couple of possible awards.
    If they all have equal probability, you should have a ~72% chance of getting at least 100 feathers.
    ABeggerToo has gotten 9 feathers out of 10 tries, and one 2-duck gift
    Also got 1 feather out of 6 tries, and 5 spells (didn’t say if 1 or 2).
    That gives 63% feathers, a little low, but not statistically significant.


    @mvnla2, @proteus, @sutekh137, @abeggertoo, @whoeverislooking. I stopped buying gems long, long ago, only use the gems from daily rewards. Last 5 chests i bought were:
    1 blizzard
    1 duck
    2 blizzards
    1 pepper
    1 blizzard

    It has actually been over two weeks since I have gotten any feathers from a premium chest. The small daily chest (plus its video double up) occasionally gives me 10 feathers, but mostly 3 gems or spells.


    How the hell is my opponent greying out and leading, then getting the extra video bird and then filling his/her bar, getting another extra bird, then another pops out and I’ve still got 2 birds left to use?

    Jokio, do you actually have testers to run these games for faults before you roll them out or just have us so it whilst paying you and competing with hackers?


    We’re just pressing play on a cartoon and depending on how you play, depends on what Rovio will do for your opponents VT. Also I can’t believe there is an option in the shop to spend £79.99!!! On a phone game, twice as much as a PS4 game!!! And to think when people are doing that and Rovio not only don’t guarantee them a hacker free site, but encourage hackers. I have an email from Rovio saying they won’t target hackers and remove them, after I emailed them a hacker with a like a trillion points in one game! It’s a mugs game and Angry birds nest are feeding them the glitches to stop for the good guys such as the red box farming! Is Angrybirdsnest sponsored or funded by Rovio?


    @furious — ABN is not sponsored or funded by Rovio. I am at least as upset as you that Rovio has recently been using ABN to fix the glitches that we have worked so hard to understand. I actually wouldn’t call the red gift boxes a glitch. The red and blue boxes were working as they intended, I think. It’s just that they didn’t seem to realize that we would spend the effort to figure out how to take advantage of them. Well, Rovio seems to think most of it’s fans are pretty dumb.
    Would love it if you could copy the e-mail where they said they won’t target hackers. Perviously they have worked to get rid of them.
    [Edit]: I should add that Rovio’s using this site to thwart serious players has already had a noticeable effect in keeping people from sharing information in these forums. That’s a real pity, since the greatest thing about ABN is (was?) the willingness of everyone to share.


    I did finally get a red treasure chest in level 469, and it contained 100 feathers. I never saw it, and it cost 140 gems to get 2 sets of 3 birds to finish the level. Not money well spent, but it did satisfy a curiosity itch.


    Says ‘We’re concentrating on cheating rather than going after individual players’

    I think this says it all IMO they love cheating, costs innocents many gems


    They can surely remove accounts of cheaters, eventually the cheaters would get bored.

    I’ve also spotted another flaw in the game, when you hit a scientist type pig and the timber turns to stone, they haven’t changed the coding for it so the stone sinks in water, it floats.


    @bankler — Please see post from @furious above. You may have made some forms of cheating impossible or harder to do in the most recent update, but there are still plenty of cheaters. It’s time to go after individuals while you figure out how to eliminate the cheating.


    @furious — If you think Rovio should fix the wood turned to stone error, you should report it to Rovio support. I could say something very cynical here, but will save my caustic comments for something more important.


    The timber – stone thing doesn’t bother me. Just something I spotted. The cheats that have wasted hours that could be added up to days of my life, they bother me!!


    @furious @mvnla2 anyone who has played rpg type games knows that fortune favors the guy who is willing to take time building his levels and stats, maybe fighting lower level monsters again and again for experience, to make sure you have the levels or weapons or skills to fight higher level opponents. So “farming” is a normal rpg phenomenon. In this game your star level doesn’t even mean as much as the level of your birds when playing in the arena or even in the levels, so really, its a step backward to make it this ridiculously difficult to get feathers. @bankler it would be better if you had chests in lower levels give less feathers, say 10 or 20, and as you progress, chests in higher levels give more, akin to more reward for more difficulty, than to remove chests altogether. Just a thought


    @mvnla2 I understand that curiosity that made u pay that. pity tho that we have to pay for these relatively less important things


    @bankler at least at level up the reward should be good. I can’t see a scenario where leveling up from 27 to 28 should net you a blizzard. In the very least, for star levels you should be guaranteed a proper reward towards your birds being more “powerful”


    @pilotxaq — Yes I agree with you on need to farm completely. Until recently we were able to farm some of the 2 room levels (9 especially) to get friend’s gifts and red gifts (feathers).
    I don’t agree with the chests in lower levels giving fewer feathers. Even before the update, there were way too feathers available, IMO.
    cc @bankler


    @mvnla2 I had been using your guides and started occasional farming for a few mins now and then, was thinking when i got some time to get enough stats I would compile my lvl 8, 9, 13 stats, and check other levels, to post on here. But before I got to it…. My preference also would be to go back to the original red chest setup, maybe even better, but I was just saying i prefer a little compared to none at all.



    You said: “I can’t see a scenario where leveling up from 27 to 28 should net you a blizzard.”

    You are my hero. I could not have said it better.

    And, oh yeah, the treasure chests along the non-Arena path…20 feathers? @bankler, you have said before rewards try to stay in sync with where you think a player would be at. What player defeating level 469 would ever think 20 feathers is a boon? I need 1600 feathers to level up my birds. Twenty feathers? Come on.

    Sorry, but I think I’m shooing the messenger now (for reasonable reasons).



    Just leveled up and get a chest reward for that today. After i opened that chest, i only get 10 black feathers. Only 10 feathers. Seriously ? It’s so hard to leveled up, especially when a player like me stop playing arena to get a star. At least, please bring back red gifts or how about the daily feathers rewards on arena based on 2x our levels ?


    and i also agree with @sutekh137, maybe increase the feathers rewards from campaign level ?


    @sutekh137 most welcome. I totally am on the same page. Overall feathers should be obtainable anywhere, but even with what i suggested as a minimum, having it graded, by time you reach levels over 200 you would expect to be getting like 250 feathers in a chest, as these are relatively harder to obtain. By lvl 400 you should be getting say 500…

    I just got 10 feathers from a chest, and with the low frequency of getting feathers, my flock will remain at levels 5 and 6 for quite some time


    @proteus see, that’s the ridiculousness I’m talking about. After working hard, spending many hours, sometimes days, to level up, you get 10 feathers, I get a blizzard. Its like an insult for your time and energy.

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