Where to Get Gifts?

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Where to Get Gifts?

  • Thought it would be useful to list the levels where gifts are frequently found, especially if the level is easy.

    WARNING — As of 02/12/16, update 2.5.0, it appears that Rovio has totally nerfed farming for present in at least level 9, and possibly all of the 2-room levels. If anyone finds a good level for gifts, please let everyone know.

    Updated 9/26/15, but as of 02/12/16 may be useless:

    The current table is the number of times a gift appears in the first scene of a 2-scene level. It combines data from everyone who posted up to 9/26/15.

    Level	Attempts  Blue	Red	B+R	%B+R	Comment
    8	89	  6	0	6	6.7%	Others get more gifts
    9	2603	  143	154	297	11.4%	
    10 - KP	61	  1	0	1	1.6%	
    11	170	  9	0	9	5.3%	
    12	72	  2	0	2	2.8%	
    13	488	  28	29	57	11.7%	
    14	321	  26	0	26	8.1%	
    15 - KP	81	  3	0	3	3.7%	
    18	178	  10	0	10	5.6%	
    22 - KP	51	  1	0	1	2.0%	

    I don’t think there are any gifts in the first 7 levels, but I could be wrong. I have not checked to see if the levels with the lower rates in the table above are statistically different than ones with higher rates, and I’m not going to continue collecting data to find out.
    Since the 9/14/15 update, there is a >90% probability that the rates in levels 9 and 13 have decreased (based on my data only), and are now at 10 +/- 1%. They were at 14% and 20%, respectively.
    As pointed out by @wrw01, since the rates are so low, it is common to get long stretches (20 to 70) attempts without any gifts.
    I plan to concentrate statistics on the 2 stage levels; not sure how useful it is to list the rest.
    [8/24/15 Update]:
    First table combines data from @MVnLA2 @triggerfish @viking @dragonofheart73 @Partshade @achimenes-crataegusmenes. Except where noted, all are 2 scenes.
    [Edit 8/29/15]: Table above is for AB2 prior to version 2.1. Frequency of gifts may have changed in update. Table of gifts in other levels deleted.
    I have started farming only the first scene in levels 9, 11, 13 and will provide data later.
    I have never gotten much of anything in level 8, although others get quite a bit.
    [Edit 9/13/15]: Not clear if decline in frequency of gifts is real or just statistical variation. However, I stopped looking in level 11, because I got a really long string of 0 gifts in either scene.
    Frequencies of gifts in first scenes of levels 9 and 13 seem to be ~13%. Gifts in both scenes of level 9 is ~22%, but level 13 for both scenes is only ~13%, so not many gifts in second scene.

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  • Anonymous

    @mvnla2 Could you do me a favor and keep record of level 9? That’s where Mighty Red and I farm so I just wanna know how good it is.


    I do level 9 as well to get gifts.. I dont think there is a level thats good for gifts, its totally random


    @partshade @josm — Will do. Thanks! I need an easy level for gifts.


    Anyone know an easy level for red gifts?
    It would really help if others kept track of the levels where they find gifts; don’t necessarily need statistics.


    Updated main post. So far best level is 9, which has both blue and red gifts. So far seem to get a gift ~40% of the time.

    @partshade @josm — Have you seen any gifts in the boss levels? I’m not looking for them there.


    @mvnla2 i never saw gifts in boss levels not sure of there are any


    Levels 1 through 15 have 2 scenes; after that mostly 3 and higher with these exceptions, which have 2 scenes:
    22 — 22 is a chief pig boss level, and I did see 1 blue present out of 2 attempts
    So far, best 2-scene levels with presents are
    9 with 4 out of 10 (3 B, 1 R)
    13 with 3 out of 4 4 out of 12 (2 B, 2 R)
    both levels have blue and red presents
    Red presents seem to have high probability of containing feathers


    I just read your info and decided to play along. After playing 6 times on level 9, I earned 2 red gifts. No blue yet. Thanks for initiating this. I hate not getting all my daily objectives.


    Level 13 – 0 for 5 – No gifts at all.
    Level 65 – 1 for 1 – Blue gift


    @mvnla2 When you farm level 9 do you play the whole level or just constantly restart until you see a gift in the first stage?

    Also I don’t really farm the boss levels but I can’t say I’ve seen a gift there.


    @partshade — Sometimes the gifts are on the second scene, so I at least play long enough to make sure. Also, there have been times when I get a gift, especially red, and I did not see it, even though I’ve been looking.

    — I would not have continued playing level 13 if I got a string of no gifts, but I started out with 3 gifts in 4 attempts. That was followed by a string of 6 attempts with no gifts.


    I find 8 quite fruitful, I’ve just collected a blue gift there, while 9 was empty. I play these two levels every time I play AB2, just to see if I can pick up gifts for myself or for friends.


    @triggerfish @burbman — As you can see in today’s update, I am having absolutely no luck with level 8. Would help if you would collect statistics when you are playing it.
    I did go through a streak of 7 attempts with no presents on level 9, but am up to 9 on level 8.
    Would like to know:
    Number of times played, # blue and #red presents.


    @mvnla2 – I just followed your order. I played lvl 65 because that is where I was at. I have received gifts on boss levels. I wouldn’t recommend farming there because I earned them by chance and in my experience, I failed more there being a boss level.

    I did play Lvl 66 today and received a blue gift even though I received one on level 65 yesterday. I am sure that was luck considering it was the next day and I didn’t play any other level since the last gift I earned. Funny thing though, after I earned a blue gift on Lvl 66, I wanted to earn myself a red gift, so I tried lvl 9 and sure enough, I received another gift! Although, it wasn’t red, it was a second one in back-to-back levels attempts.

    So to add to the above info:

    Level 66 – 1 for 1 – Blue gift
    Level 9 – 1 for 1 – Blue gift

    @partshade – I play the entire level each attempt because I have seen gifts show up on in the middle stages. For example, the gift I earned on level 65 showed up on stage 3 of 5. Just in case you were wondering about anyone else.


    @viking — Thanks for the data. I wouldn’t recommend farming boss levels for gifts either, but I think it is interesting that there are some.


    @mvnla2 Since I started paying attention to stats – 4 blue out of 9 attempts on 8.
    I don’t play 8 and 9 repeatedly, just one try at a time. I’ll try to remember what happens with 8 and update the above stats.
    I find that red gifts often appear in levels that I’m struggling with and I fail to collect them.
    Thanks for collecting this info for us.


    Thanks for heads up re level 13.
    I’ve just played it 6 times. I found 2 blue and 1 red gift and they appeared in my first 4 attempts.


    And if u dont have that freaking FB?

    Green Whacker

    Played level 9 about 12 times and no gifts at all :-(


    @puttekula — I’m one of those people who have no use for FB; don’t like it; and wouldn’t use it except that Rovio has made it very difficult to play some of its games without it: Epic and now AB2. Many people have created a second e-mail with their ABN name (or some other alias) just to create a FB account that isn’t linked to their personal e-mail.


    @dragonofheart73 — It’s very interesting that some people gets lots of gifts on level 8 (I’ve gotten 0 in 11 attempts), while others get none on level 9 (I’ve gotten 9 in 28 attempts).
    What device and operating system are you playing on? I assume you are playing AB2 and not Pigstruction, correct?


    @Triggerfish — Thanks for the data; will incorporate it into the main post “soon”.
    What device and operating system are you playing on?

    Green Whacker

    @mvnla2 iOS and ab2


    Whats up with those gifts? What do they do?


    @puttekula – Red gifts tend to have feathers for your birds so they can level up. Blue gifts are to send to friends via FB and in those tend to be gems.

    – Playing my daily objectives and although I haven’t found a blue gift yet, I did receive 2 red gifts in 4 attempts on level 9.

    Level 9 – 2 for 4 – (2 Red)

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Where to Get Gifts?

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