What's your rank

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum What's your rank

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  • LadyDi

    @vrinda-rajkumar – yes, I do have an offline life thankfully. And when I look at the leaderboard, there is a number near the pigs @partshade.

    Mad Kat

    @ladydi102, the score on the leaderboard is the total number of pigs you have popped, including those you had to surrender to release characters.

    If you have unlocked all characters, this number should be 29,520 more than the pig tally at the top of the game’s home-screen. (Based on how it works in my game).


    @partshade didn’t get notified you had left a comment because you put an ‘i’ where there should be an ‘y’ in Lady. It’s all good though and thank you for the reply. Well my pig count on the main page is 492 and my score is 30512.


    @ladydi102 Ok that’s kinda strange. I went back to that comment and it’s right so I wonder why your seeing something different?


    *shrugs* dunno @partshade


    I was at 171 rank most of my guys at 6 or 7 and my computer crashed I had to uninstall and re-install that was last Friday in 3 days I’m now at rank 65. Has anyone had this problem?


    I was at 220 a couple of weeks ago before the upgrade to Lolipop finally bricked my phone. Now I’m back at 125. Bummer.


    Level 228, with 45900 pigs and 1800 Gems
    All are on level 9, and some on level 10


    Level 200. No money spent. No jenga. Started in December all players to level 10. 6000000 money. 66000 pigs. Can’t figure out how to open more players. Getting bored going over and over Suggestions?


    Level 413….. 286k pigs……22 mill coins….2700 gems……Have bonus 3 characters…. Completed all 86 achievements….. Need an update….. New areas an new missions….. And yes please get rid of the Christmas stuff….

    Update….. Level 480…. 437k + pigs……44 milillion + coins…. 5135 gems…..

    Waiting for the new areas to open up….. Only been waiting 2 years…..


    level 377, 34k pigs, 8.5mil coins, 1100 gems, got 84/86 achievements.

    I have nemises prime and shockwave, but didn’t ever see rodmius? For sale so couldn’t get him.

    I started about 15 months ago, but had a 5-6 month break during last year. But back into it and love it again, will love it even more when a major update is out.


    428 Circuit Breaker. 21.5 mil.


    Level 480
    120k pigs
    25 mil. coins
    8600 gems

    Waiting for some new characters…


    Aside from introducing new characters, do we know if they’ll be increasing the level cap from L15? I’d hate to think that I’ve been stockpiling coins and gems for nothing.


    293 STRATEGIST. 300 gems 8mil plus. Characters up to that new Electro guy that shoots straight beam.

    Jason Young

    406 “Strongest Emperor” 332 gems, 4.2m coins. I had around 2500 gems after the holiday challenge and blew them all on character accessories. Don’t play nearly as often as I used to….just select a few missions every day to get gems and stuff to do upgrades with, and collect coins. Would be nice if they would open some new levels up or have more challenges that aren’t tied to a holiday.



    “…do we know if they’ll be increasing the level cap from L15? I’d hate to think that I’ve been stockpiling coins and gems for nothing.”

    I don’t mind upgrading new characters, but the thought of having to upgrade my entire barracks again has zero appeal to me. After we made it to level 10, missions/materials became a factor, the lab with the energonicons was introduced, however but for the contests, we’ve been playing these same nodes over a year now (albeit the level of difficulty has significantly increased).



    Yeah, but I can’t really justify continuing to play otherwise.



    Lol, I can barely justify continuing to play now! If I wasn’t in my last series of upgrades to level 15, I wouldn’t play at all. The whole AB franchise, with it’s zero-completion format, feels boring and monotonous to me. I really liked the 1st AB and I still play AB seasons/Rio. I really liked ABT when it first came out, but blah, blah, blech… I wish they hadn’t abandoned the original AB format.


    I no longer run nodes. I just harvest coins and missions. But if I knew for certain they wouldn’t be raising the cap, then I wouldn’t be doing that either.

    Mad Kat

    I wish they would do a real upgrade. High time. Remember when @gradientturtle7 posted a screen shot of a new area many moons ago and said it was coming soon? That looked quite cool. They need to come up with something better/more than just new areas though. Even a new area gets repititive pretty soon.

    If they raise the upgrade max to level 20, I’d be so disgusted, I’d uninstall the game. I think upgrading beyond 10 is a stretch as it is. I don’t want new characters or max character levels. I want new stuff to do with existing characters that I’ve invested so much time to upgrade.

    Tox 101

    419. 14.8 million coins. 46k pigs.


    328. Started playing when the game first came out and play a little every night in the parking lot of my gym before I go in lol.


    Rank 482 through 490 for Combaticon=Levels 2 through 10, did not notice level 1
    Rank 491 through 495 for Contructicon=Levels 11 through 15


    450. Hopefully 465 after this week.

    I declined to buy Nemesis Prime or Rodimus.

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